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Posts posted by Toddy

  1. Why would you even consider going to them when they charge thousands for mass produced Asian rugs? Advanced Hair will have lots of clients who will be happy to wear a hairpiece but they all have one thing in common. They're paying extortionately for what they could get relatively cheaply.


    I'm a former client as I was deceived into wearing one of their hairpieces. I hated it; I was paranoid about being busted and I often had snide digs made at me. It wasn't all it was cracked up to be as it was restrictive and nothing like having my real hair. The colour faded and was only guaranteed for 3 months. A scum and a stench would build up on my scalp over the month ... yuk!


    They get a good mauling on other forums too. When I was with them I didn't realise how easy it was to find another company. Here's some advice from a consultant that I found and extracted from another forum.


    Use your directory to contact companies listed under wigs, hairpieces or something similar, but avoid the large franchises. See how much they charge for custom-made hairpieces. Prices will vary but should mostly be under $1000. But don't assume a lower price necessarily means a lower quality. Off-the-shelf hairpieces are crap but custom-made ones should all be fairly good.

    See how long they've been in the business. Ask how they compare with the $3000 wig from AHS, and why they're charging so much less if they're not significantly inferior. Check on hair types. Ask about European Virgin hair. It's the sort Matthews, Gooch & AHS consultants have, and your niece should have for $3000 if only they weren't so profit driven. It will cost more but be much softer, and less prone to tangles and colour fade than the chemically treated Asian hair she has now.

    Most custom-made hairpieces are made in Asia and cost not much more than $100. So if you pay $3000 instead of $500 say, the extra is mostly just company profit.

    To keep it looking good, it should ideally be replaced yearly.


    Be aware of this last point that you have to pay out yearly for a new one. This was withheld from me until it was casually mentioned at the fitting.

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