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Posts posted by My1stHT

  1. We had our procedures done fairly close together. Mine was done on 06/24/2003. Its been almost 3 monthes now. My barber says he can see improvement in the crown area (Still very thin) but I haven't seen much growth in the temple area. Dr. Charles said I could expect to start seeing growth between 90 - 120 days and continued growth over the next year. I'll keep you posted.


    [This message was edited by My1stHT on September 16, 2003 at 05:46 PM.]

  2. Work has been really hectic here lately and I haven't had time to check this site. I'm sure you know by now the removal of the stiches was a minor discomfort; However, I was told if you don't clean the donor area as instructed by the doc larger scabs can form adding to the discomfort. I did what Dr. Charles said and had no problem. In fact I had to leave mine in a little longer than normal due to vacation.

    In regards to the hair count, I have no idea. What I did is consult with 4 different Doctors in the area and decided on Dr. Charles because he seemed to be honest and straight forward.

    I went to a couple of consultations before Dr. Charles and met with sales people not doctors. They really made me question as to whether to have the procedure done or not. I felt they were in it for the money and not to help me.

    As I said I went with Dr. Charles because he is very up front with you and tells you exactly what to expect and the thought of him misleading me about the amount of transplanted hairs never crossed my mind. He really seemed to care about my results as much as I did. Before this sounds too much like a commercial I better stop.

  3. My head is completely back to normal. No redness, No numbness, shockloss was minimal and a few hairs have sprung up in the transplanted areas. I thought I would see a little more growth than I currently have but I guess I have to give it a couple of more months.


    Sorry, I chose not to do photo's for personal reasons but I'm willing to answer any questions about my surgery.


    Good Luck to everyone and I'll keep you posted!!!

  4. I just got from vacation a few days ago and this is the first time I've had to check the site. First of all, thank you all for the continued support and information given which has been invaluable in my HT experience.

    A quick update on my progress: Now that the entire process is completely done I can honestly say the pain and discomfort was very minimal throughout the entire process. I left my stiches in almost 14 days and they were a little uncomfortable to sleep with but nothing close to needing pain meds. Scabbing and implanted hairs are exactly as everyone describes. Scabbing for me is gone. Now I guess I sit back and wait for the results. Is there a rain dance or chant I might say to hurry things along? I know, patience is a virtue!!!!

  5. Especially if you don't live near the ocean. I used graftcyte for the first 2 days and it worked great. My HT doc told me to take a swim in the ocean 4 days after surgery and the salt water would promote healing. That made sense to me because in the past whenever I had a serious cut or scabbing I let mother nature (The Beach) speed up the healing process. I even went so far as to bottle some ocean water and spray it on occassionally my Ht. It seems to be working great so far and you can't beat the price.

  6. Ok, this will be my last post for a few days because I'm going out of town.

    Everything is great. No pain, no discomfort, most hairs still in place, slight redness, several small scabs have formed and are starting to disappear.


    TWO questions I forgot to ask the doc:


    1) It's been 3 days post op and I don't see hairs everywhere there are scabs. Should I be concerned or do they fall out that quickly?


    2) If the surgery does cause some shedding to occur how soon will I see this occur? Is it gradual or immediate?

  7. All of the discomfort has subsided. The top of my scalp is still extremely numb. Dr. Charles said this would be normal for several weeks and possibly up to a year. I haven't really noticed it unless I touch my scalp. It does feel a little funy but no discomfort.

    I do have scabs all of the donated areas but it is a lot less than I thought it would be. Don't get me wrong, whenever I leave the house or have company I have the baseball cap on but it appears the transplanted site is healing quickly.

    Some Doctors say you can go back to work the next day after a procedure. While I guess it is possible there is no way I would recommend it. It is very obvious work has been done and although I felt little pain I know I wouldn't want to be at work for a couple of days at least. Probably closer to a minimum of a week but I'll keep you updated on that. I took 2 weeks off just to be sure. I needed a vacation anyway. Hope this is helping somebody!!!

  8. Sorry, I forgot to answer some of the questions:


    1) I'm 36 yoa and have been losing my hair for the last 12 years.

    2) I had considerable hair loss in the temple areas and the crown.

    3) This was a lowball estimate:

    450- 1 hair grafts

    607- 2 hair grafts

    343- 3 hair grafts

    250- double fl's in crown


    1650 grafts total


    NOTE: At the initial consultation Dr. Charles discussed the number of grafts he was going to do and gave me a price. During the procedure he gave me substantially MORE grafts at no charge.


    [This message was edited by My1stHT on June 24, 2003 at 02:35 PM.]

  9. Well I had the procedure done yesterday and I couldn't be happier. Obviously I won't see any results for months. Just knowing I finally took the action I needed to get my hair back and now I can stop thinking about my hair loss 24 hours a day is a real relief.

    I did plenty of research and had a number of consultations before I decided on Dr. Charles who made me feel very comfortable from the beginning. I guess that's why I wasn't really nervous about the procedure but I did anticipate quit a bit of pain during the procedure; However, I WAS WRONG.

    I won't go into details about the procedure because Dr. Charles explains each step of the procedure on his web site which was completely accurate. I will tell you, I have had more painful visits at the dentists office than I did with my HT procedure. I had extensive work done in the crown area and the temple area. Dr. Charles and his staff were great. His assistance were very attractive and friendly and kept me completely entertained during my 6 hour procedure. The pain during the procedure and up until now has been minimal. I HAVE NOT TAKEN ANY PAIN MEDICATION and I got a complete nights sleep last night with no problems. The tightness in the donor area is the only part I can feel some tightness and soreness but it is completely bearable and seems to get better by the hour.

    My head looks just like everyone else the day after the procedure (Scabs Scabs Scabs) so I won't post any pics. I'm really looking forward to seeing icon_smile.gif my results over the next year and if anyone has any question please feel free to ask.

    Lastly, Thank you to Dr. Charles and his staff for the work you've done and the genuine care you have given me. I am truly grateful.


    [This message was edited by My1stHT on June 25, 2003 at 04:01 PM.]

  10. After years of research and praying for a cure my hair loss has reached a point where I have to take some action. With help from several members here I have decided to take the plunge. Thankfully I was warned against some of the hair mills we often see on TV and I consulted the Bald Truth web site for the best doctors in the business. I am still very apprehensive about the procedure; However, some of the great results and support from other members I've seen on here really make me excited to start the process. If anyone would like honest updates as I go along please feel free to ask. I'm sure I'll have some of my own after the procedure. Good Luck to everyone.

  11. After years of research and praying for a cure my hair loss has reached a point where I have to take some action. With help from several members here I have decided to take the plunge. Thankfully I was warned against some of the hair mills we often see on TV and I consulted the Bald Truth web site for the best doctors in the business. I am still very apprehensive about the procedure; However, some of the great results and support from other members I've seen on here really make me excited to start the process. If anyone would like honest updates as I go along please feel free to ask. I'm sure I'll have some of my own after the procedure. Good Luck to everyone.

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