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Posts posted by Truckie

  1. I'm pretty impressed with the results after 2 weeks. I know there's going to be some shock loss but if it comes in then, the way it's coming in now, I'll be pleased. I should have taken some before pics but I didn't. I didn't expect to be posting them to a site so I'll post the 2 week post op pics and then the same pics showing where my hairline was(thereabouts).


  2. Quite impressive!! I hope mine looks half as good as that when 9 months rolls around. What an inspiration to people toying with the idea of having HT. I'm already thinking about going for another 1000 FU's next year for density. We'll see how it goes.

  3. Who's sugar coating and who asked for your opinion on anything. You obviously troll around making controversy. Don't click on the post if you're not interested. Yes "I" am the only one that should be happy with my results. I only asked for opinions from people that have had procedures to give me a heads up on what to expect in the coming months. That's called "feedback". I told no one to blow smoke up my ass. I admire your honesty and respect your opinion but I don't see an M.D. after your name so I'll take that for what it's worth. Apparently you're a very disgruntled individual if you have nothing better to do than bash M.D.'s and people that have had procedures done by them. I'm sure if I went to another M.D. that wasn't on "YOUR" approval list, the backlash from you would be the same. Don't look if it bothers you. Besides, you didn't write the check, I did, so why should you give a shit!

  4. The procedure cost $3500. From what I've been reading lately, probably a bit more than I should've paid. If I'm happy with the results it won't matter. Besides, what am I gonna do, negotiate the price down like I'm at a flea market? The guy does 8 procedures a week. I don't think he's gonna change his fee's for one person. We'll see what the final outcome is and I'll take it from there. If I feel I need more to make ME happy, then I'll see about getting more done.


    Ok people, here's a question for ya.


    My wife and I are giving a 50th anniversay party for my parents tomorrow. How the hell do I conceal the fact that I had this done to 50 or 60 guests? Would wearing a hat be rude? I could say I got injured at work and had to get staples to close the injury and they look horrible.

  5. Thanks everybody for your well wishes! Like I said, I don't expect it to come in thick and full, but anything will be an improvement. I'll also use the couvre as a backup and when everything is all said and done, I'll take pics with and without the couvre.

  6. Manko,


    Yes I took the pics the following morning. I had the ht done at 1:15pm and was on my way home at 5:00pm. One of the nurses said that since I had a decent base tan on my head and face, the reddening might not be so bad. I'm still wearing a hat constantly because I told no one about this except for my wife. I'm hoping the scabs go soon because I don't like wearing a hat too much. As far as the filling in, I'd like to get another session down the road if it's economically feasible at the time. I had no problems with the doctor I used except for the fact that I wished I had gotten more at this session. I'll have to wait and see the outcome of this procedure and make a choice then. Thanks for the well wishes!

  7. Dr. Ivan Cohen in Fairfield,CT did the procedure. 500 Fu's. Ones in the front and two's and three's beyond the hairline. I've read some good things and some bad things about him on this board but I must tell you, the professionalism he and his staff showed me was more than I expected. There were 4 nurses on hand to assist and all were professional and knowledgable. My only regret is that I didn't have more done at this session. He didn't think it was necessary considering the amount of hairloss. I'll wait it out and see. If I'm happy with the results, and think it looks good with and without the Couvre, then I'll leave it as is. If not, I'll go back for more. Hopefully the Propecia I've been taking for six months will work also.

  8. This is my first post to the forum. I never realized how many people are getting this done until I found this site. Now I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore. A little info about myself, I'm 36, a firefighter in NY and have been married 10 years. I first started getting thin around 25. I started using Couvre masking lotion and still swear by it. The problem is, you can only mask what ya have, right? So I did some research, found a dermatologist that specialized in this field and 4 months later had it done. I hope I get the results that some of you guys are getting. The waiting is gonna suck!! The best part is, I realize that it won't be as thick as it was but I'll use the Couvre as backup.

  9. This is my first post to the forum. I never realized how many people are getting this done until I found this site. Now I don't feel so uncomfortable anymore. A little info about myself, I'm 36, a firefighter in NY and have been married 10 years. I first started getting thin around 25. I started using Couvre masking lotion and still swear by it. The problem is, you can only mask what ya have, right? So I did some research, found a dermatologist that specialized in this field and 4 months later had it done. I hope I get the results that some of you guys are getting. The waiting is gonna suck!! The best part is, I realize that it won't be as thick as it was but I'll use the Couvre as backup.


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