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Posts posted by hairhead

  1. so after feeling better yesterday after taking a day off...i took a pill this am....so i guess im willing to give it a go....there seems to be many with side effects and still using....are there any out there that had sides that went away after a little while....i know there are those on the propeciahelp.com site that claim to have long term damage...are there people here that are having similar experiences?


    honestly, im still a little nervous about doing some lng term damage to myself....thoughts?

  2. so i didnt take a pill this am...the pain in my testies has subsided....interestingly, i went to mass general hostipal today to talk to my doctor...he said i shouldnt be concerned...and i should try to test it again...if i wait a few days/week and then try again and have sides then maybe its just not for me....


    i find it odd that sides would occur so quick then subside after missing 1 morning...any thoughts?

  3. ok...sounds like a good idea.....im just amazed at how fast this has effected my body....i know there are many that think these side effects are in our heads...but i gotta tell ya, these symptoms occured before i even knew they were symtoms.....i know the mind is a powerful thing, but evidently, so is propecia

  4. its been 6 days and right off the bat i started having some side effects....testicular pain, watery sperm, weaker erections, weaker/no morning erection.....i got the absolute crap scared outta me by propeciahelp.com. Have any other propecia users had similar issues?....is this just my system getting used to it and resetting? do these sides subside over time or get worse....?

    Any insight would be helpful...im at a quick cross road as to whether or not to stop (before its too late) or stick it out....Thoughts?

  5. I had a HT scheduled for dec 26...and canceled it. I have written a couple notes here taking about just wanting to keep what i have and maybe propecia was better for me, etc...


    Well, Dr. Robert Leonard's office called back (somewhat trying to sell me..but also wanted to make sure i hade all my questions answered)...


    I researched him on this site and found some negative reviews...talking about him using mini/micro graphs etc....


    He said that they just do follicular....


    One of the things that has scared me away is the pictures...omg the scabs, etc...it looks horrifying......Dr. leonards office said that after 7 days they clean u....and within 10 days, nobody will notice anything.....IS THAT WISHFUL THINKING?.....also, it seems on many procedures, the area is shaved completely.....they dont do that, they just wet down the existing hair....why the difference does it matter......



  6. I had a HT scheduled for dec 26...and canceled it. I have written a couple notes here taking about just wanting to keep what i have and maybe propecia was better for me, etc...


    Well, Dr. Robert Leonard's office called back (somewhat trying to sell me..but also wanted to make sure i hade all my questions answered)...


    I researched him on this site and found some negative reviews...talking about him using mini/micro graphs etc....


    He said that they just do follicular....


    One of the things that has scared me away is the pictures...omg the scabs, etc...it looks horrifying......Dr. leonards office said that after 7 days they clean u....and within 10 days, nobody will notice anything.....IS THAT WISHFUL THINKING?.....also, it seems on many procedures, the area is shaved completely.....they dont do that, they just wet down the existing hair....why the difference does it matter......



  7. I would say I am a 3 to a 4 on the norwood scale right now...I am 36 and am not really concerned with hair regrowth...


    That being said, i would like to keep what I have...I am not on propecia or rogaine..but if thats what it takes then fine...


    I have heard that propecia works well in back but not in front....


    What is the preferred method for keeping what ya got in front and back?


    By the way, yesterday I posted a message concerning a HT appointment on dec 26 with dr. robert leonard and the hesitation i had....I got some very helpful advice and canceled the appointment...So thanx to u all

  8. I would say I am a 3 to a 4 on the norwood scale right now...I am 36 and am not really concerned with hair regrowth...


    That being said, i would like to keep what I have...I am not on propecia or rogaine..but if thats what it takes then fine...


    I have heard that propecia works well in back but not in front....


    What is the preferred method for keeping what ya got in front and back?


    By the way, yesterday I posted a message concerning a HT appointment on dec 26 with dr. robert leonard and the hesitation i had....I got some very helpful advice and canceled the appointment...So thanx to u all

  9. If someone asked me what I'd like out of a HT, it would basically be "to keep what I already have...and maybe a tad thicker would be nice"....


    I havent taken propecia or used rogaine....Perhaps these are better options for me....


    has anyone used rogaine...does it stabilize, regrow, etc....is it a pain in the butt...etc...

  10. If someone asked me what I'd like out of a HT, it would basically be "to keep what I already have...and maybe a tad thicker would be nice"....


    I havent taken propecia or used rogaine....Perhaps these are better options for me....


    has anyone used rogaine...does it stabilize, regrow, etc....is it a pain in the butt...etc...

  11. Posted December 05, 2007 08:21 AM

    I think i may have rushed into this...

    I am scheduled for a HT surgery dec. 26th...I have been thinning for a while but still have a decent head of hair in front and back....

    I thought it would be better to do it sooner rather than later so as to be less obvious....


    I have been looking at pictures on this sight and am freaked out....the scabbing..yikes...ho long does that last....is the post surgical process very noticable if you have exisiting hair to cover it....


    what should one really expect....


    Also, this is scheduled with dr. robert leonard...i searched him on this site and found some pretty tough reviews....


    I think im gonna bag this surgery....ANY HELP HERE WOULD BE GREAT

  12. Posted December 05, 2007 08:21 AM

    I think i may have rushed into this...

    I am scheduled for a HT surgery dec. 26th...I have been thinning for a while but still have a decent head of hair in front and back....

    I thought it would be better to do it sooner rather than later so as to be less obvious....


    I have been looking at pictures on this sight and am freaked out....the scabbing..yikes...ho long does that last....is the post surgical process very noticable if you have exisiting hair to cover it....


    what should one really expect....


    Also, this is scheduled with dr. robert leonard...i searched him on this site and found some pretty tough reviews....


    I think im gonna bag this surgery....ANY HELP HERE WOULD BE GREAT

  13. I think i may have rushed into this...

    I am scheduled for a HT surgery dec. 26th...I have been thinning for a while but still have a decent head of hair in front and back....

    I thought it would be better to do it sooner rather than later so as to be less obvious....


    I have been looking at pictures on this sight and am freaked out....the scabbing..yikes...ho long does that last....is the post surgical process very noticable if you have exisiting hair to cover it....


    what should one really expect....


    Also, this is scheduled with dr. robert leonard...i searched him on this site and found some pretty tough reviews....


    I think im gonna bag this surgery....ANY HELP HERE WOULD BE GREAT

  14. I think i may have rushed into this...

    I am scheduled for a HT surgery dec. 26th...I have been thinning for a while but still have a decent head of hair in front and back....

    I thought it would be better to do it sooner rather than later so as to be less obvious....


    I have been looking at pictures on this sight and am freaked out....the scabbing..yikes...ho long does that last....is the post surgical process very noticable if you have exisiting hair to cover it....


    what should one really expect....


    Also, this is scheduled with dr. robert leonard...i searched him on this site and found some pretty tough reviews....


    I think im gonna bag this surgery....ANY HELP HERE WOULD BE GREAT

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