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Posts posted by Taz

  1. Keep on doing the spray for sure, as that helped alot in my case. The rest is just a waiting game, and it will seem like forever but very soon, the hairs will start growing. It is a great feeling to see those little guys growing on your scalp! icon_smile.gif


    Dr. Umar prescribed a PE Minoxidil for me to use while in the early stages. Other than the stuff he gave me to help heal the extraction points, that is all I've used. I just switched from that to the Minoxidil foam for the last month or so.


    Good luck! icon_smile.gif

  2. Originally posted by Bill:



    Thanks for the update buddy. I can definitely see a difference between month 3 and 4. It's good to see those little guys growing isn't it? With 5300 transplanted grafts, you should have a lot more growth...hopefully everything works out for you! Please keep us posted!




    It is a very good feeling to see them growing! It is tough to see a day-to-day difference, but month to month, there is a difference in overall density and length.. My wife has me talked into not trimming the hair anymore, and see how long it grows.. We'll see how long that lasts.. icon_smile.gif


    Thanks for the comments!


  3. Hello All!

    Time for the 4 month update.. I did not trim any of the hair this month, I just let it grow out to get a good feel of the amount of growth just from 1 month. Also, the pics were taken right after my morning shower, but I had dried my hair/chest. I wanted to get some closeups of the chest extraction points to show the current healing process.

    Again, if you have any questions, please let me know.


    Thanks again!










  4. Thanks Bay, but I want to make one clarification.. 1300 of the transplanted graphs were from head hair ( FUE ), and the rest was all BHT.. I've been told that pretty much everything you see is most likely the BHT hair, as it is pretty early for the head hair to be growing to much.. The whole front and hair line for sure is all BHT, and the head hair is inter-mixed a bit further back. icon_smile.gif


    Thanks again!


  5. I believe this will be a discussion that will occur quite a bit for the next few years, with people on both sides of the fence. That is the best way to guard against poor work, no matter if this is BHT or FUE.

    As Cousin_It pointed out, any Dr. is only going to show their 'best work' on their web site so it is up to the recipient to post their story, pictures and continue posting throughout their recovery. If the Dr you are seeing 'forbids' you from posting, that would be a large blinking red light for me. icon_smile.gif This was one of the first things I discussed with my doctor.


    Do your research, ask questions, both on the forum and especially of your Dr. If you are not comfortable, walk away. There is and always will be scammers out there, and we have to guard against this any way we can.


    Once the decision is made, make sure you post and continue to post.

    Time is the only true test of any proceedure, expecially one like BHT that is still new and such a hot topic.

  6. Happy Holidays everyone!


    First off, thanks to everyone for the good wishes toward my recovery. Things are going quite well I believe, and getting better by the day.. icon_smile.gif


    Cousin_It - I very much understand your concerns and I appreciate the tact in which you voiced them. Keeping that balance makes it much easier for all of use to get good information that we can all use. Thank you. icon_smile.gif


    So, on to the updated pictures.. I tried to make them as similar angles as in the first set, so they are close, but not exact..


    My update: Seems that the recepient area has healed very well. The scabbing that was seen in the first pictures was all gone by about 11 days or so post op ( Monday the 18th ), even to the point that I could go out in public without a hat and not feel weird.. Even during the Christmas rush at the mall.. There has been some shedding, probably about half to 2/3 of the grafts so far, and I'm prepared in case ther is more. On the same note though, I've noticed that many grafts have hairs that have been growing already.

    The donor areas are still a bit red, but this is fading each day, and continues to get better.


    Any general questions about my recovery, I'm happy to answer.. icon_smile.gif







    Thanks again!


  7. Suspicion is something I expected, since this was my first post, but I'd hoped the pictures would lend some validity. Neither the post nor the pictures were put here for any other reason than to offer some customer information because it is such a hot topic.


    Yes, this is on 1 other forum also. I did not believe this would be cause for concern, which is why it was not stated to begin with in my post, but I will be happy to add it if it would help?


    I'm not sure how else to validate, other than to keep posting. icon_smile.gif


    Because of the holiday, I will be away from my computer, but I will post pics when I get back right after Christmas.


    Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone..!

  8. Thank you all for the encouragment guys.. I'll post more as the healing process continues.. icon_smile.gif


    All: It seemed to me to be a much less invasive proceedure, so the scabbing/blood is probably just me, and very sensitive skin type.. The doctor did not say I bled excessivly during the proceedure at all, and I do have instructions to help with healing ( mainly distilled water sprayed on the area as often as possible ). It is very labor intensive with the extraction/insersion, so we averaged only 1300 grafts per day.. The price was $5 per graft.


    NervousN: I ( and the dr. ) believe I should not have any scaring from the extraction points.. This is due to my skin type ( lighter ) and the extraction type.


    Cousin_It: 4 days did seem like a long haul ( it 5 days to begin with ), but hopefully the results will be worth it. The donor area is thin, but mainly my choice was because my chest and leg hair was thicker than my donor head hair ( which is very fine ). This led me toward BHT instead of just FIT ( FUE ), because of the possibility of better coverage with less grafts. icon_smile.gif It ( BHT ) is still controversial to discuss, but Dr. Umar has shown some promising results. I had lengthy telephone and email discussions with him so I felt/fell very comfortable with this decision.


    Thnaks again and I will keep updating. icon_smile.gif

  9. This being my first post on this forum, I'll try to be as 'cut and dry' as I can about my proceedure. I will say that I'm optomistic about the outcome and my experience with Dr. Umar was very good. Both he and his staff are professional, hard working and very talented, in my opinion.


    I just finished my HT sessions with Dr. Umar last week. I was a NW6, and it was important to me that BHT was part of the process because I did not want to use all my head hair for possible future sessions.

    I was scheduled for 5000 grafts, which he believed would be done within the alloted 5 days with no issues. It ended up being 4 days and 5316 grafts because of the yield, and Dr. Umar does not and will not charge for any extra grafts that are in each session, so I got 300+ graft for free.. icon_biggrin.gif

    All consent forms and consoltations had been done already via Email/phone contact, so when I arrived on Tuesday morning, there was only the basic exams and paperwork to finish before the Dr. started.

    After a brief exam from the Dr, he noticed that I had psoriasis that was just starting on my scalp ( which was news to me ), but he fully explained what this could mean for the transplant and that it did not jeopardize my proceedure as long as I kept and eye on it after I left his office. Dr. Umar is also a board certified dermatologist, so he was able to perscribe medication to help with the psoriasis also.

    Everything except the graft 'cleaning' is done by Dr. Umar only.

    In the end, I had 1300 grafts from Head hair, and rest was all BHT..


    My overall experience was very good. I was able to watch tv, or DVDs if I wished, and lunch was included each day. I was at the clinic at 8:30am every morning, and don't think I left until after 10pm each night. Very long days, but I believe it will be well worth the outcome. Feel free to contact me with any questions.


    The pics are from 3 days post op. The shin extraction point was from day 1 and the chest from days 2-4. The camera is not great, but I think you can zoom in on the pics to get a better view...







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