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Posts posted by florida23

  1. my stats: im 24, 6'2, 180lbs, and my dad is a norwood 6. i can tell from the thinning that's what i'll be. my dad is the only person in my family that is that bald. my mom's side has all of their hair. one of my dad's brothers has a full head of hair in his 50s, the other has thinned but started at a much later age. my dad's grandfather on his mom's side was bald, so i guess thats where he got it.


    From searching around here and other sites I've noticed that finasteride (I take 1/4 of the 5mg generic a day) doesn't work on about 15% of those who use it. I've been using it for about 6 months and either it has done nothing, or it slowed at a very slow rate.


    ive heard conflicting things on these websites about rogaine. should i be on it at the same time? i have naturally thin hair, so im afraid if rogaine causes me to shed and get weaker hair back then there was no point. i assume staying on fin wont hurt.


    also, i was reading some stuff about avodart, but havent seen it mentioned that much. are any of you on avodart for hairloss? at 24 and already seeing the norwood 6 on the way i either need to slow the thinning or start shaving because i doubt i will have enough donor hair to cover a 6

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