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Posts posted by otterboy

  1. well i have stopped taking it.. for over a week now. im gradually getting back to normal. my doctor.. who i have to say is the best in the north west of the UK told me its more of a side effect that comes with the drug instead of one that wears off... and from what ive read it seems that is the case as so many people still suffer the same debilitating side effect over a year on. Really i may have continued had i had hope that they way wear off. but im going back to the Nourkrin Man now as i was before... it is highly recommended to men, and it has helped without those gastly side effects.


    i will check out your link.. thanks

  2. My doctor said that some side effects do wear off but others "come with the drug" so its a matter of put up with the side effect or dont take the drug. I know ive been told in some cases the effects have worn off, but all the side effects ive read seem to really vary... Mine is probobly the worst one you can have to be honest.


    Ive been told to ween off as i am, but i dont need to do this beyond tomorrow when i can actually stop.


    side effects should go away within the week.


    Now i just have to ask......


    What else can be recommended to me?


    Apart from the Nourkrin Man...

  3. Firstly i must say i am desperate not to lose my hair. if i lost my hair i would crumble, and probably just go around with a wooly hat on all the time!

    I noticed the start of it happening to me in my late teens and started the male formula of Nourkrin...it doesnt contain any drugs and i never got any side effects from it. I beleive it definitely stopped the hair loss, but it did not make me grow new hair..maybe made the existing hair thicker but thats about it...


    Propecia was reccomended on morning tv here in the UK so i wanted to try it. it is an expensive drug, as was the Nourkrin man.


    Anyway i want to continue if i knew for sure the side effects would go away. But since i went onto those other boards i've been scarred S*%??less by it.


    I have just came up to the 3 weeks now. from week 1 i noticed the frightning side effect where you cannot feel an orgasm. I didnt think much of it... as in the paper that comes with the drug it says the side effects would wear off if you continue, or if you quit.


    But what if it doesnt...? Its the not knowing that really scares me. I will continue for now.


    Anyway i will see what my doctor says about this tomorrow and report back...


    thankyou for the support, it means alot to me!

  4. I've read its best not to go "cold Turkey"...as someone said they suffered after doing so. id rather do that and completely stop but my partner was worried i may suffer in doing so...tonight i have just taken Half of the 1mg dose....


    i really want to talk to my doctor to find out what is officially best for me to do.


    I would do as you say and stop right now, but i have read more people saying to ween off the drug that people saying to just completely stop right now.... as the drug is so powerful i want to do it properly...but i am honestly in 2 minds as to what that is


    thanks for continueing to reply to me about all of this i will sleep better tonight.

  5. am i right in thinking the longer i take the drug (then decide to stop) the longer its going to take to go back to normal?


    So being in it for 3 weeks.. reducing the dose now. to eventually stop in a say a week... if i did that.. i guess it would be a matter of weeks until i noticed i was back to normal.


    Thanks Aaron for telling me about that. I wish i could carry on but im too scared after the horror stories i was reading..


    I'm seriously thinking not to go with such a radical drug, and maybe stick to the Male Nourkrin herbal alternative i have been on for a long time. i think it helps. but it doesnt really make me grow more hair.


    Anyway...thanks for the help, it means alot.

  6. Hi, im 26 from the UK, i've been taking Propecia for almost 3 weeks, within a week of starting the 1mg dose i noticed that as i was reaching sexual climax then nothing happened.


    Im really worried after reading other peoples comments and horror stories. i suffer with despression and my anxiety has rocketted. i cant eat or drink at the moment im so so worried


    I want to know as i have been only taking a 1mg dose for just under 3 weeks, will the castration go away and will i return to normal?


    Mainly....should i Ween off the drug, or stop right now... someone said they went cold turkey and suffered permanently!


    i had a reply on another forum but they wasnt very sympathetic as he told me how his life had been ruined and they didnt care about me. He told me to QUIT cold turkey... but he isnt a doctor and i thought it was bad to do that.


    i cant ask a doctor as its the weekend

  7. Hi, im 26 from the UK, i've been taking Propecia for almost 3 weeks, within a week of starting the 1mg dose i noticed that as i was reaching sexual climax then nothing happened.


    Im really worried after reading other peoples comments and horror stories. i suffer with despression and my anxiety has rocketted. i cant eat or drink at the moment im so so worried


    I want to know as i have been only taking a 1mg dose for just under 3 weeks, will the castration go away and will i return to normal?


    Mainly....should i Ween off the drug, or stop right now... someone said they went cold turkey and suffered permanently!


    i had a reply on another forum but they wasnt very sympathetic as he told me how his life had been ruined and they didnt care about me. He told me to QUIT cold turkey... but he isnt a doctor and i thought it was bad to do that.


    i cant ask a doctor as its the weekend

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