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Posts posted by balderdash

  1. Hey Otterboy,


    I'm nearly 28, started taking finasteride 1.25mg daily when I was 26. I was getting crazy side effects too (couldn't get it up, had sore nuts and a general miserable feeling) and found what was probably the same board you're talking about. I think visiting the propecia side effects board gave me more psychological side effects than the drug was giving me.


    I posted on a few boards and asked some questions, found out that it's quite common to have some side effects at the beginning and I just stopped worrying about it. I did find out that taking the drug every other day is just as effective so you should probably do that.


    Anyway, long story short, my side effects went away very quickly (3 -4 weeks) and 1.5 years later they haven't returned. My advice personally would be to talk to a doctor but I wouldn't give up on propecia too soon. Try not to worry about it, I think a lot of the people who talk about long term side effects from propecia are either scare mongering or have it in their heads that propecia destroyed their lives.


    Hope this helps

  2. Thanks a lot Hairbank and Mrjb,


    I'm actually living in Ireland and believe it or not you can't buy Nioxin in stores here. I've ordered it online from a UK company. I bought system 1 which is for slightly thinning hair.


    On a side note I've been a visitor to this forum for about a year now. I was fortunate enough to stumble across this site while in search for a miracle cure for baldness and it was here I discovered the wonderful world of propecia which I feel has slowed down my hair loss considerably.


    I'd have posted earlier but most of the questions I had were pretty much covered and up until I began to see propecia working for me I had very little to contribute.


    I'm thinking of taking some pictures (should have done this when I started on Propecia) and starting a weblog to document my experience with hair loss. I've noticed most of the people on here are 30 + and I thought it would be helpful to some younger guys (I'm 26) to see a weblog of somebody in their age group who has started on medication, with a view to the possibility of a hair transplant in the future. I'm fairly reluctant to consider it at the moment or any time soon. I'd much prefer to take it slowly and make the best decision possible with the information and technology that's available to me when the time comes that the benefits of a HT outweigh the risks.


    Thanks for taking the time to read this and let me add that I truly appreciate the posts of the regular contributors to this forum and Pat for setting it up. I think it's a fantastic community with no agenda but to help others through their follicular battles.


    I'm fairly certain that without the posts and contribitions here, many people (myself included) would have made some terrible decisions.

  3. Hello everyone,


    I've been looking for some time now for info regarding Nioxin. From what I've read most who use it seem to have positive things to say about it whether it's for DHT inhibiting effects or purely cosmetic.


    I'd like to give it a try but there are so many different Nioxin products that I don't know where to start.


    I was hoping somebody more knowledgeable than myself could point me in the right direction as to which product and which system to use. I have fairly average to thick hair on top, thinning at the front.


    I've been using Nizoral twice weekely and taking Quarter Proscar daily for 6 months. I've noticed increased thinning around the hairline "Norwood 2 (and a bit)" in the last couple of weeks but I'm hoping this is just a shedding phase.


    Any advice would be very much appreciated

  4. Hello everyone,


    I've been looking for some time now for info regarding Nioxin. From what I've read most who use it seem to have positive things to say about it whether it's for DHT inhibiting effects or purely cosmetic.


    I'd like to give it a try but there are so many different Nioxin products that I don't know where to start.


    I was hoping somebody more knowledgeable than myself could point me in the right direction as to which product and which system to use. I have fairly average to thick hair on top, thinning at the front.


    I've been using Nizoral twice weekely and taking Quarter Proscar daily for 6 months. I've noticed increased thinning around the hairline "Norwood 2 (and a bit)" in the last couple of weeks but I'm hoping this is just a shedding phase.


    Any advice would be very much appreciated

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