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Posts posted by hombre

  1. BigT,


    There was a cosmetic surgery programme on sky that followed a gentlemen who went thru' surgery with Dr May. It showed the same gentlemen about 10 months after surgery and his hair didn't look any different. I thought it looked a poor result.


    I also met a Dr May patient at one the DHI seminars. The grafts looked to spaced out over too much of a large area and looked an obvious transplant. He also had a very wide scar, at least 5mm.


    I'm really surprised at Dr Rogers advising you to have strip for less than a thousand grafts. Maybe he hasn't grasped the concept of FUE yet and he has now gone downwards in my estimation!

  2. Greetings to all my "buddies" on this forum (Hugh Jorgan, HBT, hombre, Robert, HairQless....), I've been fairly busy training & checking people these last 2 months, hence my silence! But I'm still around!


    I have to admit that i'm mightily impressed & genuinely happy for ya!


    Did you use Graftyte post-op or just saline to keep the grafts moist & clean?


    Shame Dr Hasson couldn't do anything to revise your old scar but hopefully FUE will help camouflage it.


    Keep an eye out for Crazydiamonds's posts as he had some grafts put into his scar by Dr Zondos about six months ago. He's going back to Zondos in about two weeks & promised to show pics of his update. He says he can defineatly feel some growth in his scars so it looks promising.

  3. Spursman,


    Just a brief answer for you!


    FUE [follicular unit extraction]refers to a method by which hairs are harvested from the donar area. An FUE doctor uses small punches usually between the sizes of .5 & 1mm depending on the size of the graft to be extracted. It does leave some scarring but it is not visible to the naked eye. I have met a patient who had just over 3000 FUE's & I couldn't tell he'd had anything done. His hair had just been shaved with a #1 gaurd.

    Unfortuneatly, this kind of HT is very time consuming for the doctor & this is reflected in the price. Expect to pay anything between $8 to $14 per graft.


    Hope this helps.

  4. Hi Balloonman,

    Thanks for keeping us updated as you promised. Couple of questions for ya!

    Do you think the extraction holes might shrink which in effect would decrease the thinning look. Also, at what amount of grafts do you think strip has benefits over FUE & vice versa? Let's say you were low on the NW scale & maybe only needed 2000 grafts, would you go strip or FUE.

    BTW I think your next update is due 8th September, not August.

    PS. Keep giving those amateur poster boyz over at Hairsite a good whipping. I luv it when ya shoot 'em down. Most of 'em have never even had a transplant yet claim to be experts.

  5. I agree with Parable! DHI aren't hiding. They deserve some credit. Everyone's been asking for FUE megasessions & DHI have delivered. They are putting their necks on the line whilst everyone waits for the final results. Fingers crossed these guys are gonna have great results without the trade off of a scar.

    This Dr Zondos looks a talented guy!

  6. Guys,

    Thanks for the replys! It seems that numbness is a common phenomena but in the majority of cases is only temporary. For those who still have it, it also seems that it isn't a big issue & dosn't impede too much on their lives. I have a freind who is just over a year post- op & he says about 25% is still numb but he says this continues to decrease over time.

  7. We read alot about how happy most patients are with having a fine linear scar, which is great! However, have any of you still got any numbness were the nerves have been damaged? And if yes, how much has this affected your life or do you just get used to it & it really isn't an issue?

    I have a virgin scalp & am just researching as much as possible before deciding on FUE or strip. All honest answers would be appreciated regardless of who your doc was.


  8. We read alot about how happy most patients are with having a fine linear scar, which is great! However, have any of you still got any numbness were the nerves have been damaged? And if yes, how much has this affected your life or do you just get used to it & it really isn't an issue?

    I have a virgin scalp & am just researching as much as possible before deciding on FUE or strip. All honest answers would be appreciated regardless of who your doc was.


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