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Posts posted by clife8

  1. just had my staples pulled today - day 8.


    That was a fun experience icon_eek.gif


    Question about rhogaine use on new grafts. Prior to op..I normally used 5% twice per day. Any negative experiences with anyone using rhogaine on the new grafts 8 days or sooner post op? Ie. inflamation, faster shedding etc.??


    Also.. question about scar. I had about 1200 grafts on the hairline done. However, my scar runs from the top of my right ear down to the left side of the back of my head.. Question: does this seem long to anyone for 1200 grafts and what happens if I need another 2000+ down the road?


    questions for the doc.. i know.. but I thought I'd throw it out there for some additional experienced opinions...

  2. just had my staples pulled today - day 8.


    That was a fun experience icon_eek.gif


    Question about rhogaine use on new grafts. Prior to op..I normally used 5% twice per day. Any negative experiences with anyone using rhogaine on the new grafts 8 days or sooner post op? Ie. inflamation, faster shedding etc.??


    Also.. question about scar. I had about 1200 grafts on the hairline done. However, my scar runs from the top of my right ear down to the left side of the back of my head.. Question: does this seem long to anyone for 1200 grafts and what happens if I need another 2000+ down the road?


    questions for the doc.. i know.. but I thought I'd throw it out there for some additional experienced opinions...

  3. Hi finnari,


    I just received my procedure with Dr. Shapiro and team yesterday.(may 7)


    I think the worst part is the anticipation.


    Next, like Bill mentioned the needles. I had about half a dozen or so in the donor area and the same in the recipient area but they even used a vibrator tool to minimize the discomfort there.


    The only other part worth mentioning is the velcro and crunching sounds made when the donor strip is removed. No pain, just pulling and tugging and crunch sounds,


    I have to comment, Dr. Shaprio and team were very professional and total class acts.


    I would definitely go through the procedure again if needed.


    So, if pain is your concern, (as it was certainly a concern for me) it's no where as bad as your imagination will make it.


    It's day two post operation and as i type this from my hotel room, I am in very little discomfort and that;s without any pain medication.


    all the best..



    p.s will post some before and afters shortly..

  4. Bill...


    it's been awhile on the dating thing...been married a few years now.. but now that I think about it... your right.. it's exactly like that!!! Nervous, excited, curious... who the hell knew "hair" or the potential loss/gain of could play so much havoc on us..


    i actually plan on taking advantage of the meds offered by Dr. Shapiro... should help take the edge off.. and being a light sleeper... i think i may look into some sleeping aids.. thanks for the heads up middleson..


    quick question for everyone..


    prior to the procedure...did you tell all the people around you that you were getting a HT procedure done or did you guys keep it quiet... Other than my wife.. I didn't say anything to anyone.. no particular reason.. just didn't feel it was anyones business... nor would they really understand.. "your doing what.. your paying how much... just for hair" yada yada.. don't want to hear it...


    Most of my staff, friends, family etc. think i am taking a vacation for two weeks...


    What kind of responses have you guys received from people weeks or months after the procedure.. ??


    just curious?

  5. Thanks for everyones input!


    Exactly the type of information I was looking for! Very helpful!


    It's a bit of a paradox.. I'm both nervous and pumped about the whole thing... or at least the results.


    I'll post all the usual info shortly after the procedure.


    And.. I'll definitely be sure to say hi to Janna for everyone.. icon_biggrin.gif


    looking forward to joining the elite HT club...


    thanks again everyone for the encouragement!!!




    icare4myhair - i also use toppik. I really like it.. lasts a long time, seems to do a good job of covering without being noticeable. The only time i have a problem with it, is when it "clumps" in one area when pouring it from the bottle and hits the scalp directly. If i have gel in my hair it's really noticeable.. got to fuss with it to get it to look natural..but overall.. great idea that does a good job at a reasonable price.

  6. thanks for the input Aquarius,


    Actually, I have committed to this now..


    I've been through the consultations with Matt Zupan and I am definitely a good candidate.


    I guess the reason for the post, was mainly to get a better handle on the procedure itself.


    Worst parts, Easiest parts etc and any "been through it experience" tips and suggestions that you don't find in the pre and post op info sheets..




  7. Well, after 3 years or so of watching this site and reading all of the informative posts, I decided to take the plunge with Dr. Ron Shapiro.


    My first HT and I have to admit, I am getting a little nervous about the procedure.


    I booked it two months back and luckily they had an early slot for May 7th instead of June.


    I guess there is no turning back now icon_smile.gif


    I want to thank everyone who takes the time to comment on their HT experiences. Your posts, info, comments etc. have slowly but steadily pushed me in the direction of getting this procedure done.


    I feel very well informed going into this and in terms of who to go with, what realistic outcomes to expect and overall how the process works.


    Even though I've never met any of you, nor have I ever posted before, I still consider you guys friends who have offered guidance for me, every step of the way in making my decision.


    And that leads me to the main reason for this post. Advice...


    Is there anything that you guys can suggest for prep, during and after that you don't find in the pre and post op guides?


    6-8 hours seems like a long procedure.. did it go by quickly or did it seem to drag on?


    What parts seemed to be the worst part of the procedure and which were surprisingly not as bad as anticipated?


    Any specific advice or info that Shapiro patients can throw my way?


    Sorry for the long email guys, but I guess I'm just looking for some pre-op jitter support...




    p.s - quick profile

    I'm 32 Male, with slightly receded and broken hairline. Slight thinning in the crown. Started about 10 years ago.. but at a slow rate of speed. Take Rhogaine 5% and Propecia - faithfully!

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