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Posts posted by rp

  1. hi, i am a 21 year old male with a receding hairline and thinning at the top of my head. after doing research i chose couvre. it is a masking lotion. i was extremely amazed with the results i got from it. it only takes me a minute to apply and instantly my thinning hair is not noticable. i am also able to use rogaine and style my hair as usual. this product can be applied to wet or dry hair and the only way it comes out is when you shampoo. i am on my second tube of it, each tube lasts about 3-4 months. the main reason i chose it is because unlike some of the other products, this one has been around for 30 years. it is not that expensive either. i think i paid about $15 for a tube on www.folica.com they also sell it on www.regrow.com once again, if you are in a similar situation like me- thinning head of hair, this would be perfect. it is confidence in a tube. good luck, and i hope this helps, rp...

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