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Posts posted by 168baller

  1. Hi everyone, thanks for looking into my post. I've been having hair loss everyday, probably less then 50 a day. I do have thinner hair then before, but i dont think it's very severe. My parents have full head of thick hair. I went to the doctor, they told me my hair is okay and fine but just a bit thinner and suggested me to use rogain. I think what caused me to lose hair is I used hair spray and blowdry my hair everyday. I noticed my hair now looks thin, lifeless, damaged, dried, and flaky. I dont really want to use rogain yet, but i dont know if I have a choice. I've heard that there are shampoos out there that can help to slow down hairloss such as revita, nioxin, progaine, and nizoral. Revita looks pretty good for me, but Im not sure. Can you guys give me some advise on choosing which shampoo to use from your experience? Should I stop using hairspray and blowdryer? What kind of hairstyling products I should use?? I'll very very appreciated if you guys could help!!! Thank you!!!

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