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Posts posted by Joered78

  1. I stayed 2 additional days after surgery. And to be honest, "wearing" the hat made it more obvious in my opinion than not wearing it. I mean you literally have the hat just resting on top of your head and not pulled down snug like usual.


    This was a huge concern of mine pre-HT and to be honest, after it was all said and done, I just went to the airport hat off and didn't even care. No one even paid attention to me because they were more worried about getting to their flights. And again, the hat made me stand out more than not wearing it. So, I wouldn't worry about it too much. But good luck with it all!

  2. Just an update. I returned back to work today for the first time since the surgery and nobody noticed a thing. (which is awesome). I was paranoid about people knowing I was having a HT and fortunately you can't tell. I kept my hair long enough and surprisingly my temporal points are not red at all (like I was expecting). I'll definitely try to update my site tonight with new pictures. Now its just the waiting game!

  3. Originally posted by Bill - Managing Publisher:

    In the interest of transparency, I wanted to inform the community why there's been so many glowing reviews for Dr. Bauman lately. One of the recent Dr. Bauman patient posters told me that he and several of his patients were asked to post as an attempt to do some damage control on our forum. Frankly, it would have been far better if Dr. Bauman addressed the legitimate concerns by his less than satisfied patients like I invited him to do.


    In the end however, members of this community know that its consistent results and how patient concerns are handled as they arise that ultimately matter.


    Best wishes,





    Just as an FYI, no one has asked me to come here to do any damage control. My topic about my experience was 100% done on my own and without Dr. Baumans knowledge. I've created a hair blog website and I will keep it updated. You can follow my results along and see if he is as bad as you all claim he is.



  4. Hey guys,


    I was just wondering how long it usually takes before you begin getting a full nights sleep after your HT? Ever since the day of my surgery (4/1/2010), I've yet to sleep through the entire night. My head doesn't necessarily hurt, but it just gets uncomfortable and tight feeling around 2-3 am and I usually have to get up for a bit, take some motrin and hang out for an hour or so and then I can go back to bed. Any body have any suggestions or tips for sleeping better? I'm still using the neck pillow at the moment and I'm curious as to when I can switch to my normal pillow since I'm a big on my side sleeper. Thanks in advance!

  5. Thanks for the responses guys. Last time I had my doctor write me a propecia refill prescription he changed it to proscar for me but when I went to the target pharmacy they went ahead and just gave me propecia again and it was $235. I may have to go somewhere else to have them fill it I guess!

  6. Hello,


    I have a few questions regarding these two. First I know that they are the same drug but just different dosages. My question is, what is the advantage of taking proscar over propecia? Is it cheaper? I spend about $235 every 3 months for my prescription of propecia. Do any of you get it cheaper and if so where from? I just have my local dr. prescribe it for me and I pick it up from target pharmacy. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

  7. Haha yes, they gave me a hat the day I left the office and I felt completely ridiculous wearing it considering it was basically just hovering over the top of my head. My concern is I will be going out of town this weekend to watch my brother play a show and I was hoping to be able to wear a hat or something so everyone doesn't know I had a ht. But thank your for the advice. I don't know if I can pull off the bandana but I'll try to figure something out. Thanks Bill.

  8. Well, I apologize if I am coming off with an attitude. I'm not trying to be an ass at all and again, I apologize. It's just one of those things where I've felt helpless for the last 10 years with the way my hairline has steadily gotten worse and now I'm super excited to actually have hope about having it fixed. It just sort of felt like the wind was taken out of me with some of the negative comments but I understand what you are saying. I hope I get great results and as my growth progresses I will keep you all up to date.


    P.S. Im still on my meds so I will blame my moodiness on them. icon_smile.gif

  9. Of course, in my experience, a great many of the people who laud the doctor immediately after the operation wind up either disappearing or getting a lousy result. So instead of throwing bouquets, how about waiting nine months and posting some pics? By that time, we'll all know just how wonderful Dr. X. is----or isn't.


    I have one last commment and then I'm not going to bother anymore.


    You guys wonder why people never come back and just "disappear"? I beginning to see why. I came here, shared my experience, and that is all I wanted to do. You guys come across like I am some criminal or some idiot. How about you treat people with a little respect regardless if you like the doctor or not and maybe people will continue to post here and keep the rest of you updated with their progress?

  10. Well, since I am a recent patient of Dr. Bauman, my only explanation (at least for myself) for Bauman patients posting is that the majority of the topics I have seen here are about how horrible Dr. Bauman is. Mabye people who have had surgery with him and have had nice experiences wanted to share that as well since his reputation here is currently tarnished. I'm sorry to be speaking for everyone else but that was my reasoning at least. To just share my good experience with him.



  11. Thanks a lot Bill. Sorry If I seemed a little defensive but it just felt like I sort of had to jump through hoops to just prove that my experience was legit. And as you can tell, its 2:48 am and I'm up at the moment lol. Sleeping can be a little uncomfortable at times I guess now! :P Take care and thanks for the kind wishes.

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