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Peter Mac

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Posts posted by Peter Mac

  1. Originally posted by Insecure:

    I chose Dr.Giannotto because he is a board certified Surgeon with many years experience along with a legit practice and he has never had any malpractice claims against him.

    Insecure, having been around the Internet hair loss forums for the past 10+ years I find your post quite amusing. I've read many posts about Giannotto. I'm trying to remember if there was a SINGLE positive post about his work from a legitimate poster.


    I met one of Giannotto's patients in DC and saw his results firsthand--and that's all that needs to be said.

  2. Yes, in some cases I even had trouble finding those red suture dots with my 50x microscope, but from several feet away the "scar" looked really nasty. 2-3 weeks is pretty good healing. I noticed that redness took a couple of months to subside in some people.


    You'll have to forgive me as I don't know all of the Emperor's story and what date he had his transplant. How long has it been?

  3. I SURE AS HELL HOPE SO! There is significant shock loss on one side, but the red scar is about the thickness of a magic marker, not a pencil as advertized. Not sure how this will look when it is no longer red.
    I did some research into scar redness a while back. I noticed a few interesting things. In some cases it wasn't actually the scar that was red, but the suture points. For example, from a distance one scar looked like a huge, bright red scar, but up close the only red marks were the suture points. The scar line itself was actually not that bad (white in some cases).


    After a few months they did lighten up--finally. I would be interested in seeing your scar up close.

  4. Bill,


    Thanks for the compliments. I've been asked to post here more often by many people so I will make an effort to do so.


    I am not currently employed by any physicians.

    There are many doctors who are exceptional at what they do. I feel my goal in the hair loss industry has always been to help patients find the best hair transplant options and hair loss treatments for them as individuals. My future plans in the hair loss/transplant world will continue to focus on that mission.


    I will update my signature accordingly as needed.

  5. If you are getting a strip procedure, there is a good chance the doc will NOT be in the room the entire time. During FUE/FIT it's a different story. I've visited quite a few hair transplant clinics around the world. It is rare to find a surgeon who stays in the room the entire time during a strip procedure.


    Many of these technicians are exceptional at what they do. I think the most important consideration is graft growth. If all the grafts grow I don't think it really matters if the doctor was in the room the entire time.


    I've observed quite a few of Dr. Rose's surgeries and met many of his patients. I've only seen exceptional results.


    My opinion is that all of Dr. Rose's surgical technicians are some of the best I've ever seen. I've said this on quite a few occasions over the years.


    A strip hair transplant often requires 5-6 skilled people. Every member of the team has an important job to do--the doctor simply can't do it all. I hope that helps.

  6. I've met quite a few hair piece wearers who love the Robocut. I definitely think it's time for me to buy one.


    Right now I'm using a self made Robocut. I use my blade guards with my Wahl trimmer and my vacuum hose and it works really well. I definitely like the concept as I hate paying for haircuts icon_smile.gif


    I am curious about your scar showing at 2" all around. Do you think with more time for your scar to heal you can cut a little closer?

  7. Originally posted by endoftherope:

    Does anyone know of any financing available for a cosmetic HT procedure? I know comestic surgery is touchy subject for a lot of financial institutes.

    There are companies that specialize in it though and show up at the Hair meetings to promote their services. I saw a booth from Unicorn at the San Diego meeting and of course Capital One is a known player. These companies are very interested in financing your hair transplant and spend some good money to market their services.
  8. Over the years I've written many posts about my views on these hair club marketing tactics. Every year they have some new amazing technique that's out there. They call it Bio-Matrix or something similarly creative.


    I have worn a hairpiece and I was thoroughly disgusted with the large chains. I finally found a piece through Jeffrey at Coolpiece. He is honest and ethical and very affordable.


    Aderans/Bosley makes something called Cyberhair which is the only artificial hair decent enough to pass as human hair. Aderans is supposed to be releasing the next generation of Cyberhair soon.


    In my humble opinion the hair systems sold by places like Apollo and HCM are of lower quality than Coolpiece and they charge you 5 times the price. If you want I can share the experience I had with Apollo with you. My experience, even as awful as it was, is the norm in my opinion. Everyone I've talked to who went to Apollo had a similar experience.

  9. There seems to be some debate about exactly how ketoconazole works. Dr. Lee has written ketconazole inhibits the synthesis of ergosterol, which is the same pharmacological action that inhibits the synthesis of DHT in the scalp.


    Dr. Proctor has written ketconazole benefits may come from its effect on sebhorreic dermatitis and not necessarily in blocking DHT.


    No matter how it works, several studies have shown it offers some benefit, perhaps as much as 2% Minoxidil in Propylene Glycol. However, now that Rogaine 5% foam is available I feel 2% Minox in PPG is a completely obsolete solution.


    I've always felt the best 1-2 punch is Propecia and 5% minox. I have grown 10 new hairs in my hairline after 5 weeks on Rogaine foam. It's not a lot, but it shows it's working. I use Dr. Lee's DHT shampoo. I have for 3 years now. I'm still a Norwood 5V so it's not like it regrew massive amounts of hair for me.


    Ketoconazole (nizoral) has some limited research behind it. I don't feel the same can be said for Nioxin as to its benefits. Even ketoconazole's benefits are fairly minor.

  10. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Peter Mac. I've worked with a few surgeons in the hair transplant industry and I like to conduct my own experiments in hair restoration. I am not a physician, but I attend the annual hair restoration seminars and sometimes work as a surgical assistant in hair restoration. I've been asked by a few people on this website to post here more often and I agreed to do so.


    My girlfriend was playing with my hair today and she noticed a follicle that seemed out of place.

    I took a look with my Proscope and took these pictures. I had a very small number of body hair grafts placed about 2.5 years ago.

    This body hair graft looks even better than some of the donor follicles on my scalp (from the back). Unfortunately, the evidence is mounting that body hair follices keep the same growth cycles after being transplanted.

  11. For those of you who don't know me, my name is Peter Mac. I've worked with a few surgeons in the hair transplant industry and I like to conduct my own experiments in hair restoration. I am not a physician, but I attend the annual hair restoration seminars and sometimes work as a surgical assistant in hair restoration. I've been asked by a few people on this website to post here more often and I agreed to do so.


    My girlfriend was playing with my hair today and she noticed a follicle that seemed out of place.

    I took a look with my Proscope and took these pictures. I had a very small number of body hair grafts placed about 2.5 years ago.

    This body hair graft looks even better than some of the donor follicles on my scalp (from the back). Unfortunately, the evidence is mounting that body hair follices keep the same growth cycles after being transplanted.


  12. I used Mederma on my knee surgery arthroscopy scars. I felt it was worthless. A girlfriend of mine had a breast enlargement and used Neosporin scar solution for the surgery scars. It also seemed to offer no benefit.


    So what works? Got me. I'm still looking for the best scar solution product. I'll keep trying others in the meantime.

  13. PC,


    I believe Farrel said you were banned from HLH because you used an invalid e-mail address. Nothing more, nothing less.


    I worked with some exceptional people at DHI who I believe have a lot of potential. I will always consider them my very close friends. It is a shame that someone tried to damage their reputation by making a post such as the one in question.


    PC, I wish you the best in your growth. I have talked to Dr. Feller on several occasions and he has always provided helpful information.

  14. <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I make it a point to avoid the issue since it's so very distressing to me.

    You repeatedly attack me, but refuse to reveal yourself or your motives for attacking me or why this is distressing to you.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>saying "dhi knows who did this" doesn't mean you didn't do it. I'd like to know...did you post that email or are you involved with it's posting? I clearly stated I did not and I do not know who did. Perhaps you should re-read the threads on this subject.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Ferrel banned me from the site because of my criticism of your behavior in this matter.


    how does that sit with you petermac? this is not true. In order for this statement to be accurate Farrel must have access to the IP addresses of both web sites. Farrel doesn't have access to the database of the hair transplant network. Your arguments are absurd.


    <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>then Ferrel had the NERVE to make believe he didn't ban me...had the GALL to make the comment on his site where I couldn't respond since I was banned, and he had the GALL to call ME the liar. your arguments are ridiculous. You are making a claim that Farrel is omniscient and magically knows your different user names on two different forums along with your unique IP.

  15. <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>I understand, your feelings arfy, but if that's the case, he has to say that that's the case.that's how I feel, but I understand how you and others feel Arfy is correct. In another thread I did state I have no authority to comment on the thread you mentioned. It is my understanding that DHI is aware of who started that thread. If DHI wants to advise me who posted the information in question and give me permission to discuss it then I can make some comments. Until then this is a topic I am not allowed to discuss. My behavior is not deceptive nor unethical. I do not know you and I don't understand why you continue to attack me.

  16. <BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Does anyone think it's possible for your hair to turn gray faster after having a HT? By faster, I mean a month or two after the transplant to notice more gray. I suppose it's possible although I've never seen it. Sometimes transplanted hair changes color. Sometimes we've seen gray hair actually turn a darker color after the transplant. I've seen blonde hair turn brown as well. but like I said I've never seen transplanted hair turn gray. It's most likely just aging. Get youself to the gym and start doing weight training to slow the aging process

  17. Bevrotti said:

    "If their megasessions turn out to be great they will have put a DHI stamp on the industry. On the other side they will get into serious trouble if things turn out bad, which I hope not."


    I fully agree. DHI has completely exposed itself on the Internet. I feel and many agree that DHI's patient documentation of FUE cases is the most complete of any FUE clinic. If any patient has poor results it will be available for everyone in the world to see. It takes a lot of confidence for a clinic to go down this road of full disclosure of all results and DHI needs to be commended for that.




  18. "Akonsta...just curious..since grafts also form in 3 and occasionally 4 hair groupings, do you just leave those 3 and 4 hair grafts alone during the extraction process?"


    The 3 and 4 hair grafts are removed with a .75 or .8 mm extraction tool.


    "Also, you say that with these 1 or 2 hair grafts need no further prep after extraction, and can be immediately placed in the donor site...what is the shape of the base of the graft upon extraction??...(circular, oval, eliptical, other)...and what shape is the recipient cavity as well?...thanks.. "


    Grafts are circular in shape. The recipient sites are made with slits for a snug fit. The slits are opened for insertion with either the DHI Implanter or forceps.


    Recipient sites should be made with a slit blade or high gauge needle. Making recipient sites with large instruments causes pitting usually. A follicle is only 100 microns in width and needs to be held snug after insertion.




  19. "Peter Mac I have always respected you so please take this more of a challenge than an attack. You ar the best thing to happen to DHI."


    thanks lorenzo. I appreciate that.


    "This sort of warranty in my opinion is nothing more than hype and marketing (poor in my opinion)"


    It could be considered hype and marketing if I didn't start out the post with a scientific statement. Patient education was the goal up front. Marketing and hype to me is pulling the wool over a patient's eyes and not educating them about the procedure.


    "1) Your company is calling Dr. Zondos the king of FUE (his before picture look good and clean) yet he as been only doing this since August or September (comments from Dr.Cole). I have yet to see ONE good after picture. If Dr. Woods who in my opinion is the best in FUE has gotten poor results from body hair with little grown from a few patients after 12 years experience what makes you think a doctor with 9 months or less experience will be able to get 80% or more?"


    I believe Dr. Woods has gotten good growth from body hair FUE and DHI has as well in our own small scale studies.


    "2) What do you charge for body hair compared to head hair fue?"


    The price is 20% higher.


    "3) If you recieved a bad results from a doctor would you go back, even if it was free?"


    The growth guarantee is due to body hair anagen cycles, not because of bad results from DHI. Dr. Zontos placement is absolutely exceptional and may be the best in the world.


    "4) If you wanted to make it an amazing guarantee why don't you offer FULL MONEY BACK? Or at least pay the trip?"


    The patient is partially responsible for the growth of the grafts. My brother had stitches once and he went backpacking the next day. All of the stiches tore and he had to go back to the ER. Should the ER be responsible for what happened? Of course not. The same is true with a hair transplant. If a patient puts a bike helmet on his grafts the day after surgery and destroys all of the freshly planted grafts is the clinic responsible? Of course not. The patient has to have some sort of accountability. A partial refund is something that could be the only possibility to ensure the patient perfectly follows post op instructions.


    "5) You said "Now patients interested in using body hair, but worried about their return on investment in terms of visual yield, can undertake the procedure and have peace of mind with the DHI guarantee."


    This statement be correct if people had endless supply of body hair but it is not the case. Even with somebody that has alot of body hair has a limit (unless they don't mind alot of dots all over there body). This is not a car, this is a person body, time and money please don't treat it the same way. How would you feel if you recieved 2500 body grafts and only 500 grew, would you have a smile on your face and say at least I have a guarantee."


    If I had 2500 body hair grafts I would know full well the growth cycles may not be what I expected and I would undergo surgery fully educated.


    "On a second topics how many employees of DHI actually post. You have just added olympia now, its starting to look like a circus."


    Akonsta is the DHI web master who posts photos and I answer technical questions. The only reason Olympia posted was because she was familiar with Costa Rica's case and qualified to comment on what happened. I was not qualified to comment because I wasn't at DHI during Costa Rica's surgery.


    "I don't know the story behind Costarics but will say that I have met 3 patients that have had work from DHI and amongst the worst work that I have ever seen (fue hopefully is different).


    If don't believe me I would be more than happy to ask them to post sine I talk to 2 of them on MSN. They both offered free FUE for there problems (nice gesture) but refused."


    I can't comment on any procedure that took place before I came to DHI because I wasn't there to witness the procedure. However I will say the work I've seen by Dr. Zontos while I was at DHI is some of the best work I've ever seen, if not the best work I've ever seen. These are the only surgeries I am qualified to comment on.


    If any past patients are dissatisfied DHI will do whatever it takes to make them happy including extending offers of free surgery with Dr. Zontos.




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