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Posts posted by NicNitro

  1. Here is what I can say with 100% certainty:


    On their website: Natural Hair Growth and Hair Loss Treatment by Herbal-H


    The bottles contain my picture, without my permission and I have never used their product. My work was done at Hasson and Wong and my handle on all hair loss blogs is NicNitro. I had over 10,000 graphs by Victor Hassson in 2 sessions.


    I have contacted my lawyer and will proceed accordingly to stop this false presentation.

  2. Here is what I can say with 100% certainty:


    On their website: Natural Hair Growth and Hair Loss Treatment by Herbal-H


    The bottles contain my picture, without my permission and I have never used their product. My work was done at Hasson and Wong and my handle on all hair loss blogs is NicNitro. I had over 10,000 graphs by Victor Hassson in 2 sessions.


    I have contacted my lawyer and will proceed accordingly to stop this false presentation.

  3. I find most of the mass produced and advertised products- Muscletech, etc are the least effective products and have quality issues.


    I rather find smaller nutrition company and use their products. One of my favorite companies is Cape Cod Nutrition, they work with smaller shops that customize your whey protiens, etc.

  4. My sister in law has her PhD in Pharmacy from University of RI and is now the managing director of an international pharmaceutical firm that specializes in consulting on drug interactions.


    I asked about the long term effects of Avodart and the hormonal effect on testosterone, etc. Here is her response:


    Since Avodart is also used to treat enlarged prostate, it does have similar side effects as Propecia. Detailed below:



    * Since it is used to treat enlarged prostate it would most likely alter your PSA levels, which is a measurement specific to your prostate. (when your prostate is enlarged, the PSA is higher and results in urinary retention and other symptoms. Also, elevated PSA is often a marker for prostate cancer, so when you use Avodart for enlarged prostate it helps relieve the urinary retention and decreases the PSA).

    * Guidelines recommend that you DO NOT donate blood while taking Avodart or for at least 6 months after discontinuation due to risk of fetal harm (birth defects) for pregnant women who receive transfusions with the blood. Also, I don't think that you're planning on having any more babies () but just in case Avodart is contraindicated due to the risk of fetal harm

    * Possible sexual dysfunction problems and breast enlargement (based on effects on testosterone). (The drug works by inhibiting the enzyme that converts testosterone to DHT). In clinical trials, it did not have a statistically significant effect on estrogen levels, cholesterol levels or bone mineral density (ie. Test for osteoporosis); however, it did have significant effects on testosterone and TSH (a thyroid hormone)- Your doctor could test this with a simple blood test to ensure it is not altered. After discontinuation of Avodart, these blood levels returned to normal.

    * It is heavily metabolized through the liver so could be concerns with long-term use (no data seems alarming and they don't recommend any blood test for monitoring, but it could be of concern- since you were asking for long-term risks). (Also, lots of drug interactions so if you ever take any other medications ask the pharmacist/doctor about possible interactions)


    I couldn't find anything on fluid retention and based on the drug's mechanism of action it shouldn't cause a problem. There are rare reactions that can cause localized edema (swelling) but you would have already experienced that if it were going to happen.


    So far, it seems like you are not experiencing the side effects experienced with Propecia and usually if these side effects are going to happen it occurs in the beginning and resolves by 3-6 months. If you are concerned about your general practitioner monitoring any blood levels, they could test your PSA, TSH, testosterone and liver enzymes to make you feel better about any risks it may potentially have on blood levels.




    So I followed up with this question to which you will see her response:



    "however, it did have significant effects on testosterone and TSH (a thyroid hormone)"


    The effects on testosterone: did it lower the testosterone level ? and what did it do to the TSH ? How will this impact me ? If my testosterone level is lower I think my sense of overall well being is altered and my workouts will be impacted as well ?




    Decreases testosterone thus effects on libido and sexual dysfunction. I would think could effect your stamina/energy for workouts. If you experience a decreases in TSH could make you feel tired and could also make you end up gaining weight but TSH changes are less common.




    As an avid gym rat and outdoor guy I was not thrilled with the decreased testosterone level's -- given that I will be 48 years old at the end of the month and my levels drop each year on their own as it is.

  5. Steroids:


    They have an effective & safe outcome if used correctly.


    As a younger guy under the age of 30: your testosterone level is 500 to 800 nano grams. This age group has no business touching them.


    Using them to slightly increase your levels with doctor monitoring of your levels is an excellent course of HRT.


    The issue we see today in Pro BodyBuilding is these guys are taking 1000mg every 3 days, plus HGH and Insulin. The average person would be dead from all of this - but these guys for the most part have a medical team watching everything. But this an elite few.


    There are no easy short cuts - work out hard, eat properly, sleep 7 to 8 hours a night and drink plenty of water. Your diet has to fit your work out goals as well.


    Taking 200 to 600 mg per week for a 12 week cycle with the proper post cycle therapy is going to work wonders for the average guy. (who's been cleared medically)


    One point of reference: most of the black market stuff is made in un-sanitary conditions and can cause intramuscular infections.

    It is simply like playing russian roulette.


    Europe is 10 years ahead of the USA on HRT for men over 35/40 yrs of age. In the USA they have demonized HRT/Steroids because of professional sports and the money involved in it.


    I personally have no intention of aging gracefully - I will fight it tooth and nail. Once I see my testosterone levels drop below 400NG - I will be asking for HRT to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


    On a separate note: Roid Rage is a myth for the most part. It gives A*Holes an excuse to act up further. There is only one steroid that causes wild mood swings and it is not used by most. (tren)


    Also the gains you are talking about aren't really possible every two months. Nothing beats hard work and dieting properly.

  6. Oh and Nic . I have no beef with you at all.

    I just find it funny that you have probably 2000 helpful posts on hlp and 60 here [all about you} yet you come out of retirement to post openly on here yet privately to your buddy Farrel .

    Why didnt you just sent Bill a pm or post openly on HLP on this particular thread. Maybe you did ,but I didnt see it .

    Or why didnt you let the guys on hlp know they are out of line in the past when a few dogged this site on 4 -7 pages of lies? Maybe you did but I didnt see it .

    At least we have something to go on. Some of which Farrel has no idea has a good chance to smack him upside the head in the near future.


    I guess guys like this have a Phd in Web Blogging Analysis. I didn't come out of retirement, I read each site about once every 2 weeks with hopes of finding something worth reading.


    I posted on HLH a lot before because I found the format easier than this site. Just a personal choice AND I don't have time to keep multiple sites going with photo's and answers. I have a career, family and hobbies that take me away from the inside of my house never mind a computer screen.


    When I voiced my discontent about the content on HLH to Farrel: 1. it was public and 2. I did send him an email because the site was down during his rebuild time.


    Lastly I don't read every thread - the stupidity level rages on most sites now. Vodka workouts on one thread, penis growing exercises, on Hair loss sites mind you. I am interested in results, new advances and keeping current on the industry. I am not going to read the BS that goes on between who is the best doctor, etc. or fraud. None of it for the most part is provable, there for it is speculation and worthless.


    For the guys who want this speculative discussion, God bless you, it's a free country (at least for now), but I suspect some of the older guys will drift away from the sites. (and we are the ones for the most part that have a budget to afford HT's.)

  7. PGP - I am not sure if you meant this for me: "Tell Farrel Hi" ?


    However if you did: I have no allegiance to any site owner and speak my mind politely with thought. The only goal I have ever had is to give back as once upon a time there was a group of HT men that guided me into taking my first step.


    I have voiced similar thoughts on HLH as well and directly to Farrel via PM.


    The focus needs to be on results, safety, procedural improvements, research & development and a community working together for its betterment.


    I left jr high bickering 35 years ago and I don't want to go back to it.


    I spoke up one final time with hopes that this nonsense will stop and the members on ALL sites get back on track with the real issues.

  8. Frankly I don't post much on either site anymore:


    1. The world has bigger issues than grown men fighting over hair transplants and HT Doctors results.


    2. It seems to me we are all intelligent enough to asked informed questions and see through BS.


    3. I guess I have come to the conclusion that those who continue in this mindless banter must have emotional issues that will not be helped on any website.


    4. We are all guests on this site or HLH and the moderators can do what they want - if we don't like it we can leave or not post (like I have done). To get all wound up and post endless arguements is foolish.


    Nothing beats visiting HT patients in person, googling the doctors name for complaints and doing a lot of research before going under the knife.



  9. I will be in Las Vegas staying at New York New York Casino - Monday evening on March 10, 2008 thru Tuesday, March 11, 2008. Then I am heading to Hasson & Wong on the morning of the 12th of March.


    If anyone wants to meet up*:


    Send me a PM or email me at: Nic@NicNitro.com



    * it seems when I post these messages I get a few who ask weird questions about why, etc.

    Coffee or a drink and talk HT - of course at the same time the person(s) would get to view my 2 HT's in person.

  10. NotGoing2GoBald: I have not called H & W or emailed them about this issue. It seems petty given the results - plus I think I need to wait till I am 15 to 18 months out before worrying about it.


    At the end of the day I can cover it with a concealer or get a little work done with Dr. Feller one day when I visit NYC. I will see H & W in March and I will post their comments then.


    I use a new 12.1 megapixel Nikon COOLPIX P5100 camera.


    Thank you for the kind words all.

  11. Max - I appreciate the compliment, but I'd like to address the graph splitting comment.


    1. I don't have any reason to lie.

    2. I spent over 24 hours at H & W during my 2 HT's.

    3. I studied HT's for 10+ years before ever getting a HT.

    4. I never saw a tech cut a graph or split a graph.

    5. Someone along the way who's HT didn't come out to their liking certainly by now would have come out and said: I saw H & W techs splitting graphs. It has not happened.

    6. H & W techs are right there for the patient to see.


    Accusations without foundation are slanderous and meritless.

  12. My wife tells me from time to time: your hair looks to perfect, (in terms of every hair in place)


    I guess since I have focused on my hair for 14 years, I've found the right combo on hair gels & combing techniques to get it looking as good as possible.


    I am in the gym 5 days out of 7, so I wear a baseball cap as I go right after getting out of bed. At least 3 or 4 times during my workout I lift my cap and scratch my hair or move my cap. I've noticed a few people looking, so I guess that settles the fact that it is real.

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