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Posts posted by foreheadgump

  1. Really appreciate your input. I was on minoxidil for almost a year and switched to rogaine foam about 5 months ago. Maybe it has slowed down the recession at d sides towards the back as they don't seen to have moved much but the front is certainly receding back towards meeting where the sides are.


    Now i just need to grow a pair and book my date :-D

  2. Thanks thehairupthere


    I am planning an FUE session of about 1000 to the hairline!! As I am fair skinned m hoping to keep my hair behind the hairline long enough to be able to conceal after 2wks, but definitely over the holiday!!!


    It's so frustrating thinking of what to do as if I don't gt the ht then il be shaving it bald anyway :-\ but the thoughts of looking odd with the growing hairs and pinkness is putting me off the ht!!


    I'm 25 and have been receding since I was 19. It started at sides but now also receding at the front middle of the hairline. I look very similar to my dad and have same shaped head so I assume il follow his baldness. He is probably a 6/7 wit small amount of coverage on top!!


    I am on rogaine foam 5% but it doesn't seem to working. I am not going to try fin as I'm afraid of the sides, taking that chance is not worth it to me!!


    I am going conservative and know that if I follow my dad I will need at least another 1or 2 hts

  3. Hey all,


    Got a list of dates from Dr feriduni, was initially hopin to go in october but he's all booked for that month. I'm now lookin at last week in November as it will suit me taking 2weeks off work!! That would be about 4 wks prior to Xmas ant I'm wondering would I have healed and my buzzed hair have grown back enough to conceal the ht for the Xmas period??


    I wear my hair on back and side at 10mm(grade3) and on top at 25mm(grade 8). His secretary said that recipient area buzzed to grade 3 would look fine after 2-3 weeks!! Would her idea of grade 3 be the same as mine?? If so I would shave grade 3 around the hairline and leave it at a grade 5 or 6 behind it if it was possible. That way with 4 weeks growth it would grow almost 1cm and help cover it up!!


    I will b out of work for 2 weeks and try to avoid the girlfriend for that period too :-\ its bad I know but I don't think I can say it to her!! She is away in college then so we will only see each oyjer at weekends!! will have sum excuse those weekends that I'm visiting friends??!!


    Anyway can I have your opinions on this and am I being realistic?? Thanks

  4. Love this thread, I have always been wondering this myself!! I would really like to see some results tho as the idea of chasing my hairloss all the way back is scaring me!!!


    I have been researching for the last 3-4 years now and had a consult with Feriduni in Belgium 18 months ago. I think its almost time to either go for HT or not.


    Thinking of taking 2 weeks off work in October and getting it done but having to hide it from co workers and my girlfriend is gonna be difficult!! Just last week she was joking with me how Im gonna look like my dad as she has noticed my receeding hairline. It still worries me that if the time comes and I have to shave it all off if she'd still fancy me :-\ I suppose take her word for it but i think most balding guys have this issue?


    Even so for myself I would love to have a decent hairline.


    On that note, Feriduni requires all his patients shave the receipient area. I'm worried about having the shaved head for 2 months until my native hair grows out to cover my receeding hair line so I was wondering if anyone has shave the donor aread on the sides and back, and then if the receipient area is in the hairline, just shave about 1cm back along the hairline so hair behind it can grow down over it, covering the transplants???

  5. Hi guys,


    I am coming closer and closer to deciding to take the plunge and have a FUE HT with Dr. Feriduni in Belgium.

    My main worry which I assume many of you also have the same opinion, is the healing process and returning to work.

    I was wondering what grade on a razor does the donor and recipient need to be shaved to??

    I am reluctant to shave the whole head to I am hoping that I can shave the sides and back of my head to the lowest required level, and also around the hairline where I plan the transplant. In doing this, is it possible to shave back a very small amount along the hairline rather than the whole frontal third? As in to follow the razor just along the edge of the hairline to just shave back less than a centimeter?


    The rest of my hair then I would just trim short enough to keep some sort of style and that after 2 weeks there will be some bit of growth to help cover some of the receipient area.

  6. hey, i got a contact email on his website and his secretary got bak to me pretty quick. i went to belgium for a face to face consult also in december and was really impressed. i have had trouble trying to get proscar here in ireland so havin started any medication yet. looking to get minoxidil even but i dont want packages coming in the door labelled with minoxidil or hair loss written on it so i havent ordered online yet

  7. Hi guys,


    Big question,, how do websites package their deliveries such as minoxidil? I would not like to have my housemates see what I have ordered such as a supply of minoxidil or hair loss written on the packaging. Also would a 3month supply be small enough to fit into a letter box also??


    Really appreciate some info.

  8. Hi spex thanks for your opinion. Ive seen your results and they are very impressive.


    Just another question but it seems very important. I would hope to begin playing and training about 3-4 weeks after the HT. But as it is the summer my head would be exposed to the sun for periods of an hour to 2 hours when playing/training. Even if I wore the head gear there are gaps in it that the sun could get through. Is a HT for active people out of the question for the summer months?

    Also I was hoping to go on a sun holiday in august, this would be a little over 2 months after when I hope to have a HT. this would mean drinking and being out in the sun for very long periods too. icon_biggrin.gif Any opinions?


    Thanks again for your replies.

    I am stil trying to get on proscar as the pharmacies I tried here in Ireland are quoting me ridiculous prices and QHI wont accept my visa card icon_mad.gif

  9. thanks youngsuccess and Dr Glenn.

    really appreciate your feedback.

    I have a window of 2-3 weeks where i may miss no games. it would mean I would probably have a game on the 3rd week. if i go ahead with the HT hopefully I could get lucky and get to the 4th week without playing.


    I would appreciate more info from anuone else that reads this discussion.



  10. I see a few forums about sport and exercise after HT but they seem to be mainly people talking about strip.

    My question is does anyone know how long you should wait before doing full contact sport after FUE? In the sport I play it is a requirement to wear a protective helmet and it is very physical. Games are weekly come the summer and thats when i am thinkin of gettin a HT. I dont want to miss too many games. Anyone got an opinion?

  11. Guys Ive just been dealt a blow in my fight against hairloss. I got a prescription for propecia almost a month ago from a foreign doc whom im interested in having my procedure done. Finally got the courage to go into the pharmacy and ask for my prescription. I was quoted 240euros per month because it will need to be specially ordered as it is not commonly sold in ireland. any irish guys out their with this problem. where do i go now?

  12. thanks youngsuccess. il make sure to check with my doctor before i make a decision. iv just come back from thr pharmacy. i live in ireland and my prescription is from a foreign doc. the lady working in the paharmacy said propecia will cost me 240euros per month because its not normally sold in ireland. this is a huge blow to me. i need to find somewhere else to source it now

  13. Hi guys


    I just got thinking. I was told I would need around 1000s grafts to the hairlin/temples.also that I have alot of 2/3 hair donar grafts. but they would be placed in singles. does this mean that 1000 hairs will be extracted, or will 1000 grafts be extracted and then i will have over 1000 hairs transplanted?? it just has me very curious as to what i would expect to receive?? basically the question is, do you pay for grafts extracted or the number of transplanted hairs as you might extract 1000 grafts and receive 1400 hairs transplanted for example.

  14. hi guys its been a while since ive been on. i had my consultation with dr Feriduni and luckily i wasnt snowed into brussels for the xmas.

    it went great. he recommended i get about a 1000 grafts to fill in the widows peak but not to lower the hairline because of my age. im starting propecia this week and hopefully that will save what i have. i may decide to go ahead with the procedure in the coming months if the meds go well.

  15. thanks raphael. ya ive changed my booking to 4.30 pm. but i checked the flights and the prices have rocketed up. I have one booked for friday anyway but im going to try get back for the thursday flight and see can i get any spare seats just before take off. do you know if airlines offer discounts right before takeoff to fill seats? maybe il get one cheap!! :P

  16. Just querying anyone who may fly regularly. I have booked a flight for friday morning but I now would prefer to take one thursay evening. Its with Aer Lingus, but the price has risen from 100 to 270. I am just wondering if seats are still available just before take off do airlines offer cheap seats and what kind of discounts could you expect? The flight is from Brussles to Dublin. I have a consultation with Dr. Feriduni on thursday and Im really excited about it.


  17. Hi Guys. Im just wondering if any of you could tell me how long your consultation with Dr Feriduni lasted. I have one booked for next week. The reason im asking is i am looking to get a flight back home at 9.15pm from brussels airport. My consultation is at 6pm in hasselt. Is it achievable to make it back for this flight? I can book one for the following morning but this will mean a lot of waiting around and booking accomodation. I cant wait to meet him though and hopefully he will provide me with some useful info.


  18. Guys im considering having a HT in the near future but i think i should go on meds to see can it halt/slow down my hair loss. Im about a norwood 3 at the minutebut I cover it up ok. The only problem is I just started seeing a girl and am worried that the meds may screw up my sex drive. That would be fairly horrifying to have but at the same time I dont want to be going increasingly bald. Any1 have the same dilemma as me??

  19. Guys im considering having a HT in the near future but i think i should go on meds to see can it halt/slow down my hair loss. Im about a norwood 3 at the minutebut I cover it up ok. The only problem is I just started seeing a girl and am worried that the meds may screw up my sex drive. That would be fairly horrifying to have but at the same time I dont want to be going increasingly bald. Any1 have the same dilemma as me??

  20. I had a consult with DHI last year. All seemed very good up there but thank god i found this site, DHI gave me names of 2 patients i could contact and ask qs. I emailed one of them but got one reply and heard nothing since.It didnt seem right I saw no first hand pictures. My naievity lost me 2k in the Body clinic ireland a few years ago with laser. I stuck it out tho and got a hefty refund although it has stopped my crown thinning(or maybe just slowed it down)

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