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Sparky The Clown

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Posts posted by Sparky The Clown

  1. wow guys, i'm totally shocked by the amount of feedback that I'm getting on this topic, I can't thank you enough. Of course, everyone is entilted to their own opnion, but like other have previously stated, I ought to start with the meds first. My condidtion and my unpredictablity at this age is kinda why i started this topic, and the more that I look into it and research it, the more it seems like my hair is just going to keep falling out, reguardless of the transplant. Unfourtinate, but probably true icon_frown.gif


    However, there is a slight upside of going bald early: By the time I'm 50, I have one less thing to worry about. Been there, done that lol

  2. Hi everyone, I'm new here if you can't tell, and I just have a couple of questions about getting a transplant. All of this is new to me, so I'm slowly starting to learn about it all, and finding out if it's right for me. I'm currently 18 years old, and I already have the whole "horse shoe" thing going on, if you know what I mean. To be honest, I've reached the point where I need to do something about it. I'm tired of people judging me and assuming that I look like I'm 30. I'm starting to get paranoid and such about what people think of me and lately I've been wearing hats, which I never did to begin with. This is normally not like me, but seeing as how it's starting to affect my socal life, I'm starting to look at my options a little more closely. This seems like a cool and knowlegabe place to talk with everyone about my problem, so I figured this ought to be the first step in the right direction.


    Anyways, on with the questions:


    1)Seeing as how I am 18, am I too young to be getting a transplant? I'm really tired of shaving my head all the time, and would like some sort of hair style on my dome. I didn't know if there was a age restriction for transplants, or if it's safe/recomended or not.


    2)I know about the other options that are on the market. Propecia scares me with it's ability to mess up my "cash and prizes" (if you know what I mean), and it's something that I would like to stay away from unfourtinatly, even though I know it could help. Although the chances of the side effects is pretty low, knowing me, I'll be that one poor guy that's affected by it for the rest of his life. Rogane didnt really do too much for me either (I did try it for a bit), and seeing as how I don't have much hair in the region that I applied it too, I just decided that it wasn't worth it. I figured that transplanting would be the way to go, and that my hair was kinda beyond the point of no return when it came to drugs and applicants.


    3)Any ideas for me to make mad cash to pay for this? It's not easy being in college, working full time, and having bills to pay. I've kinda calculated it out, and it's going to put a good sized hole in my pocket. I dont know if I have this kinda money to shell out for this. I'm ready to commit money towards looking and feeling better, but I don't really know what a good value is if it hit me in the face.


    4)How do I know what type of hairloss I have? I keep reading these threads and people keep saying all these fantsy names and such, and not only do I know what I have, I don't know what they have either. Is there somewhere where I can look this up at all? I don't want to go into a counciltation like a total idiot if I do decide on doing this.


    5)Is this something that I can cover up easily as my new hair beings to grow back in? I can obviously wear a hat and such when I'm going to school, but I can't at my job. I don't know what the after effects are going to look like after the graph, and I don't want people freaking out over the way I look, especially if the back of my head looks like it's been in a train wreck. Some pictures of this would be nice to see, but I haven't found any. I suppose I can always just take off work, but no work = no money.


    Hopefully these pictures are visible to anyone that would like to see them. Hopefully it'll offer a little bit of insight.


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