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Posts posted by Pwralleys

  1. Secret -


    I've had an HT w/Dr. Rose @ SMG (my 2nd) and agree it was a better experience than my first. I have pics posted just search on pwralleys. I'm only @ 3 months so I'm withholding final judgement. I think pics would add credibility to your story - especially the part about the wife not knowing. I know folks on HLH.com are throwing rocks at your post suggesting it is a plant.


    Guillermo - any input since you work for Dr. Rose?

  2. T -


    Do you have pre-HT, grown-out, and current HT pictures so we can see what you are talking about? Also, do you have pics of the donor area - like to see where the fus were extracted from. Have you consulted the dr that did the work? Does he agree the transplanted fus are falling out? If so, has he given any possible explanantion - illness, donor extracted from MPB prone area etc.

  3. Dr. R -


    Don't be to hard on G-man. We consider him an informed, straight shooter. If I had the Kidney stone he had - I would be speaking in tongues!!


    BTW - Speaking for myself and probably others,

    I think of you, Dr Shapiro, and Dr. Keene as being similar in philosphy, ability, and judgment. I know I wouldn't risk my good name working closely with anyone that wasn't on the same wavelength as me.




  4. MG - are you saying the scar is visible or there a weight line across the back of your head because the hair does not lay evenly or has has not grown in from where it was buzzed down for the donor extraction. Pics would help. I'm two weeks post op from 2125 FUs with Rose and I have this weight line - he's definitely not a hair stylist. I will post donor scar pics in my original thread. Take a look.

  5. Tropic-


    You're a smart guy reflected by your choice of Shapiro. Dr S coming on here and stating he will get you where you want to be if safe and possible speaks volumes about his credibility and integrity. This is the kind of guy you want helping you make decisions about how you look the REST of your life.

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