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marc alvin

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Posts posted by marc alvin

  1. Hey guys - whats up????



    I was just wondering about something and was hoping to get some advice.


    I had my first HT done last October. It's apparent from the results so far that I will need a second procedure. Now the thing is, if I already started with the strip method, why go FUE? I figure I need about another 8 thousand grafts to reach a satisfactory look. Wouldn't FUEs be extremely expensive? and besides a big reason to go FUE would be to avoid the scar, but thats too late. So what would you guys do?


    Is the "realism" of the FUE that significant? couldnt I get by with a very well done regular graft procudure?

  2. Hey guys - whats up????



    I was just wondering about something and was hoping to get some advice.


    I had my first HT done last October. It's apparent from the results so far that I will need a second procedure. Now the thing is, if I already started with the strip method, why go FUE? I figure I need about another 8 thousand grafts to reach a satisfactory look. Wouldn't FUEs be extremely expensive? and besides a big reason to go FUE would be to avoid the scar, but thats too late. So what would you guys do?


    Is the "realism" of the FUE that significant? couldnt I get by with a very well done regular graft procudure?

  3. Something just accured to me. I've seen a couple of cesarian scars in women in my days, and none of them look anything as bad as the donor area scar we so voluntarily opted for. Theirs are really long, possibly longer than ours, but much much thinner. What is the deal? Why is my scar line 3 times thicker?


    Its going on three months post op now for me.

  4. Something just accured to me. I've seen a couple of cesarian scars in women in my days, and none of them look anything as bad as the donor area scar we so voluntarily opted for. Theirs are really long, possibly longer than ours, but much much thinner. What is the deal? Why is my scar line 3 times thicker?


    Its going on three months post op now for me.

  5. Male Top Model 2 NW, PRoseMD


    Thats one I haven't heard of, no vitamin E? Im alittle over two months into post surgery, and I actually applied alittle on my scar(donor area). I was planning on applying it everyday with the hope that it would help to reduce that reddish appearance.


    Also what about picking at the pimples? I couldnt resist draining a few of them. I didn't have to squeeze hard at all. My doctor did mention it would be safe to do so, but I regret doing it only because of the blemishes that stay behind. Hopefully they will go away.





  6. Jotronic - good advice, thanks. My girl kind of said something similar. She said after a couple hours or maybe days of curiosity, the attention(hopefully none) should subside, and they'll get used to it. btw, i thought of the knife fight already lol, but who do you know that can slash someone with that much precision? Unless maybe you happen to run into an ex-hair transplant doctor in a dark alley....yikes


    vocor1 - holy crap, i thought i was the only one.. you dont know how much better i feel. Dude, will I have to buzz for graduation, or can I just let it grow, and then keep it neat? Can you actually make a request as far as the type of cut or style you want? Did you have any bad experiences with drill sergeants poking fun? If they do, how should I respond?


    So they are shipping out your unit? Hows are the vibes over there with all the stuff thats going on in Korea and Iraq?


    take care



  7. Yeah folks, I know it seems crazy. It definitely wasn't planned, but its something that just came about and something I want to do. My only dilemma as you all know and can probably guess, is what to do about that 9"scar on the back of my head. I have already been cleared by the army's doctor as far as the procedure is concerned. They needed to know if there was any complications and stuff. My only complication is dealing with thousands of people looking at me every day and wondering if I had a brain transplant or something. I feel like I jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Through out basic training I will have to sport a crew cut, but afterwards I can add some length to my hair.


    I feel I have all of a sudden become one of those disfigured or burn victims overnight. The funny thing is - it was done voluntarily. Its likes this, I wanted to, w/little regret, to do the HT, and now I want to, and almost have to, join the army. From a psychological stand point, whats the best way to cope with this scar for 9 weeks? Is it a frame of mind thing? a self-esteem issue? Opinions please.... thanx

  8. Yeah folks, I know it seems crazy. It definitely wasn't planned, but its something that just came about and something I want to do. My only dilemma as you all know and can probably guess, is what to do about that 9"scar on the back of my head. I have already been cleared by the army's doctor as far as the procedure is concerned. They needed to know if there was any complications and stuff. My only complication is dealing with thousands of people looking at me every day and wondering if I had a brain transplant or something. I feel like I jumped from the frying pan into the fire. Through out basic training I will have to sport a crew cut, but afterwards I can add some length to my hair.


    I feel I have all of a sudden become one of those disfigured or burn victims overnight. The funny thing is - it was done voluntarily. Its likes this, I wanted to, w/little regret, to do the HT, and now I want to, and almost have to, join the army. From a psychological stand point, whats the best way to cope with this scar for 9 weeks? Is it a frame of mind thing? a self-esteem issue? Opinions please.... thanx

  9. That web site actually led me to this forum. After I read it I think I had a mild anxiety attack. I started looking around for a "relief" site. I'm really glad I found this one, and after reading some of the stories here, I feel much better.


    Guys who just got their ht DONT visit this site, for the veterans, what can you say about some of those stories, or the site in general?



  10. That web site actually led me to this forum. After I read it I think I had a mild anxiety attack. I started looking around for a "relief" site. I'm really glad I found this one, and after reading some of the stories here, I feel much better.


    Guys who just got their ht DONT visit this site, for the veterans, what can you say about some of those stories, or the site in general?



  11. skinnyvi, I've used that stuff in the past - the spray you see late at night in those infomercials, I never noticed additional hair loss because of it. Although I always washed that crap off as soon as I got home. Besides, it kills your pillow cases...

  12. no bmt07 they didnt bleed. The only time they bled was when the lady was shampooing my head the next day of the op. It really started to pour out. So Im guessing now that a graph possibly did pop out or something, that sucks. I think she went alittle too rough on me that morning, but thats okay because the only way I'll return to that place is if Im really really happy with the over all results.

  13. like i posted in a different thread...


    The tech that shampooed my hair the following day of the procedure instructed me that it would be safe to gently rub my hands over my scabs in a couple of weeks if i wanted to get rid of them faster. She said the bulbs/graphs in the skin would remain unharmed. Now I regret doing it. I hope to god I didn't mess things up. When I did rub my scalp, the scabs flew out by the dozens. Can anyone shed some light on this? did i screw things up? I had the HT about 2 months ago.

  14. The tech that shampooed my hair the following day of the procedure, instructed me that it would be safe to gently rub my hands over my scabs in a couple of weeks if they bothered me. She said the bulbs in the skin would remain unharmed. Now I regret doing it. I hope to god I didn't mess things up. When I did rub my scalp, the scabs flew out by the dozens. Can anyone shed some light on this? (no pun intended)



  15. The tech that shampooed my hair the following day of the procedure, instructed me that it would be safe to gently rub my hands over my scabs in a couple of weeks if they bothered me. She said the bulbs in the skin would remain unharmed. Now I regret doing it. I hope to god I didn't mess things up. When I did rub my scalp, the scabs flew out by the dozens. Can anyone shed some light on this? (no pun intended)



  16. Just recently had a HT done with him. He is located in Dickson City, PA. Has anyone ever heard of him? He charged me about $2.80 per graft and now that I think about it is rather cheap. His web site is http://www.medhaircenter.com/


    So far so good, but its too soon to tell, only a couple of months. I was very hasting in choosing him, I only went with my gut feeling. I didn't do any reseach at all into his background - stupid I know.. Eventually I have a feeling I will need more sessions.


    Any feedback would really be appreciated.

  17. Just recently had a HT done with him. He is located in Dickson City, PA. Has anyone ever heard of him? He charged me about $2.80 per graft and now that I think about it is rather cheap. His web site is http://www.medhaircenter.com/


    So far so good, but its too soon to tell, only a couple of months. I was very hasting in choosing him, I only went with my gut feeling. I didn't do any reseach at all into his background - stupid I know.. Eventually I have a feeling I will need more sessions.


    Any feedback would really be appreciated.

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