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Posts posted by AlyxisPaige

  1. It's genetic. His dad got it .. both 2 of his older brother got it. They call it a "McDonald Head" where it looks like McDonald sign on their fold head.


    They all started losing their hair at early 20s.


    What I meant as "surprise" is like an appointment with a HP doctor ... something like that. I know I can't just have him show up with a doctor ready to get his head on the busher...lol. He thought about trying Rogain ... I don't know what can I say to make him feel better that I don't think he needs anything. I think he looks handsome and perfectly fine the way he is. But he is very fond with his hair. That is his biggest thing. And how that it's gone ... he's very very self-concious.


    And plus now that he's in military and he has to shave his facial hair off ... that makes him feel worse. But the good thing is I heard that our insurance from the military cover 1 plastic surgery, which HP is considered one.

  2. My husband is 21 years old. He start losing his hair bout a year ago, it isn't severe, but it bothers him a lot. He asked me if he could have a hair transplant, kind of half joking half serious.


    So I was thinking for his birthday --- maybe Christmas, I'll surprise him with a hair transplant. But I don't know if that will make him happy, or that will insult him ... "-_-

  3. My husband is 21 years old. He start losing his hair bout a year ago, it isn't severe, but it bothers him a lot. He asked me if he could have a hair transplant, kind of half joking half serious.


    So I was thinking for his birthday --- maybe Christmas, I'll surprise him with a hair transplant. But I don't know if that will make him happy, or that will insult him ... "-_-

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