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Posts posted by ben

  1. hello pat,

    yes i heard abour Transmed in Turkey and they have good fare for FUE. but the issue is if the result is bad i could complain against the surgeon because it is fat away from Paris.


    In paris there are 3 ou 4 good surgeon but it is more expensive.


    Maybe i will star my marquet study int north america.


    Imagine to what extent we can spend money for our hair. asian people don't loss their hair so much.


    about hait transplant i think sometimes the result is quite good and satisfied people don't come to this forum anymore. Only unsatisfied people come here an this is normal.


    I save 5000 euros for my HT and i pray for a good result.


    We are all interested in seducing ladies isn'it?




    did you met you wife in "bretagne"? ;-)

  2. Thanks guys for your advice.


    Maybe i will travel to new york for my hair transplant. the only issue is if the scar is too big i could complain easylly.


    Do you know that the propose good fares in tunisa or turkia. it is half price for FUE etc.


    I have a shame of losing my hair..Only 26 year old...aie aie.


    i have taken proscar ( finasteride) for 8 month and the lose has been reduced but still goes on.


    Sometimes i can see good results for hair transplant but sometimes the result is quite bad.


    ps : to answer to markcia


    "DONT FORGET, IF IT WERE NOT FOR THE AMERICANS YOU WOULD ALL BE SPEAKING GERMAN." i know that and thank you again. i was in normandy with my girld friend last week

  3. hello everybody,


    i am french in paris and i am only 26. i would like to have an hair transplant. but in

    Paris it is extremly expensive.


    About 4000 euros ( 5000 dollars ) for 1000 impants ( classic hair transplant with scar )


    What about the fare we can find in USA?


    thank you

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