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Posts posted by Thierry0001

  1. Hi


    I have a few questions that I hope someone can help me with and maybe some valuable insights in to current hair loss treatments. I've been taking propecia on and off for 4 years. For the last six months that I've taken the drug everyone commented at work how pale and ill I looked. I also towards the end of the course started to get a lot of heart palpitations, a big sinking feeling at times, incredible headaches and in general felt very ill and tired. Has anyone else experienced these symptoms?

    The drug incase anyone is interested definitely helps with hair loss although there are a few other side affects that are well commented on.


    My hair loss after stopping propecia for the last six months is very noticeable again, I have large amounts of hair falling out, I've tried taking the pills since and the symptoms I have described have increased to the point that I've been in an immense amount of pain and pretty scared on a few occasions with my heart starting and stopping! One thing is for sure after all this your health is more important than your hair.


    Sorry to be boring anyone with this, I also have used regain/minoxidil on and off for 8 years. I've found when I apply it now it irritates my scalp so much that I can no longer use it. Has anyone else experienced this? It seems my body has had enough!

    I've tried just about every herbal pill on the net to no effect. I have also been using the laser comb for over 6 months and to be totally honest it again has done nothing. I'm also not aware of it actually helping anyone other than those trying to sell it.


    It helps when you feel like you are combating hair loss but I now feel I've just about exhausted all my options. Does any know of any other solutions?


    One more question, has anyone used the hair pieces that some of the top sport stars advertise? Are they a real hassle having them glued on every three weeks? Should I just shave my head soon and save myself a lot of money!?


    I hope this may save some people some money and if I can help any one with questions on what I've used I will.

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