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albal smith

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Posts posted by albal smith

  1. thanks so much Dr. Beehner. Very nicely put. I have one more question. Since all of these terminology is not ususally explained, and I am sure there are many others like me that are confused it would be nice for the coalation doctors to come up with an agreeable terminology so patients know what tey are getting. As to the number of grafts vs. number of incisions, is it possible for some doctors to make two single hair Fu and place in one incision and charge for two grafts?

  2. ok I have a question about the number of grafts per session. I looked it up and I know it has been discussed many times before, but I am still curious...when I was reseaching for a doctor a couple said I needed about 1800 to 2000 follicular unit grafts, one doctor told me he could do 5000 follicular unit grafts. how is it that one can do 5000 and the others can't. Are they counting the grafts differently or is one counting by number of hair? can Bill answer....does follicular unit mean one hair or one hair graft.. when a graft has two hairs is it two follicular units and it counts as two grafts or is it one graft. when two seperate hairs are placed in one site is it one graft or two graft...please if anyone knows explain to me.....I am actually trying to have fal answer because he seems to know his stuff...thanx

  3. ok I have a question about the number of grafts per session. I looked it up and I know it has been discussed many times before, but I am still curious...when I was reseaching for a doctor a couple said I needed about 1800 to 2000 follicular unit grafts, one doctor told me he could do 5000 follicular unit grafts. how is it that one can do 5000 and the others can't. Are they counting the grafts differently or is one counting by number of hair? can Bill answer....does follicular unit mean one hair or one hair graft.. when a graft has two hairs is it two follicular units and it counts as two grafts or is it one graft. when two seperate hairs are placed in one site is it one graft or two graft...please if anyone knows explain to me.....I am actually trying to have fal answer because he seems to know his stuff...thanx

  4. Hi guys,

    About traveling if you find a fine doctor inyour area you should go to him but traveling should not be the only factor in making your decision. To xerexses, if you have seen first hand Dr. Meshkins work I don'tget whatkeeps you from seeing him for your transplant. and regarding megasessions, not everyone has enough donor density, size and the same scalp elasticity to do 8000 Fu that some doctors claim they can do on everyone. If a doctor claims to be able to do megasession(5000 or more) on everyone he is lieing and be aware they only want your money. Dr. meshkin examined my donor for a long time before the procedure and took a big piece ear to ear to get the maximum number of grafts. My scalp was tight for a long time and I dont know how any other dr. could have taken more and eventhough I kept pushing hm for mor fu he was honest enough to tell me that my scalp was tight and if he took more I would have a bigger scar and lose hair in the donor area. Also, i bet those megasession dotors do only one hair fu to get more money since the amount of donor hair taken is basically the same. What ever technique he used I got more density and better natural result then some of my friends who spent alot more money on their procedure and had it done some where else. He spent quite a long time designing my hair line and was on hand during the whole procedure. They dinot comprimise on anything or I wouldnot go back. And while some doctors may not have staff to do 2 surgeris he has alot of experienced people working there and when I went for consults back in june all the doctors were doing 2 or more a day. and fal. I will have him take some pictures during the procedure so I can post before during and after.

  5. hi Hk

    sorry, I ve been busy at work and holidays and about the price structure its 3.50 per FU I am doing my second session by the end of Dec. I will update you guys when I get a chance..... how some of the guys get the time to be on this forum all the time is beyond me, do they get paid by the doctors to promote them? I wonder...hummm.... by the way I am very happy and recommend him highly,

  6. I had 2000 Fu done with Dr. Meshkin in June of this year and I recommend him highly. He is very experienced and his price is half of the other doctors on this network you may want to check him out. I don't know what these people are thinking when they say to pay 16000 and flyup to some other country to have this done . they are out of their mind. htere is plently of real good doctors in s. Cal and you dont need to fly up to anywhere. try dr. Mesh he is very good.

  7. Hello HK500,

    I joined the network a few months ago and asked several members about Dr. Meshkin and a few others in so. cal. I ended up having my surgery with him a few months back and since everyone is so interested to know about him I feel it is good to give some feed back. The consultation was very personable, he seemed very professional and knew what he was doing. From the pictures I sawand all the articles he had written and the certificates(0n the walls) I felt comfortable to have the surgery with him(besides the fact that his price was half of the other guys I visited).

    Anyways, the surgery went very smooth I was sleepling during the whole procedure and was very comfortable. I had a little pain the first night but after the second day It was o.k. I had 2000 FU done mostly in the front and some in the back.. its been 5 months my hair is coming out its very excititng to see the hair finally but its here. I have a followup appointment with him in 2 weeks and I may do another session to make it fuller. but my overall experience was very good I recommend him to whoever wants tohave it done. His staff was very helpful and friendly. One thing that impressed me the most was that first night he called me and asked how I was doing and went over all the instructions and medications which I thought was very nice and I don't think I would of got that personal touch from any other so called big shots in this area. Anyways if any of ou guys want to know more about my experience tell me I ll be glad to share it

  8. Hey new hair guy,

    I just had a few consults with some of the doctors in the L.A area. Dr. Meshkin was one of them. There isnt much said about him on this forum, but you seem to be happy. Iam curious about your progress...I am thinking of having it done, he seems professional and very reasonable in price...let me know

  9. Originally posted by newhairguy:

    Heya FR.

    Nope, had mine with Dr Meshkin as I mentioned elsewhere, but i DID consult with Dr Straub more than once. In fact he was the very first I ever went to see (saw Straub, Dr Sword, John Lord, then Dr Meshkin in person, and talked to a handful of others as well)

    I think Dr Straub seemed competent and worth a look. I trusted him. I would have liked him to do my hair but in the end he was not willing to do quite what I wanted, so I simply couldnt justify the cash for soemthing i know, for a fact, i would have virtually resented. Now, maybe he and a zillion other members here are right and i would be sending him christmas baskets full of gratitude 10 years from now, in hindsight, but in any case, I am stubborn and i had a very clear idea of what i wanted from an expensive HT.


    What I am saying is... Straub turned me down on my terms and i turned him down on his. If nothing else, it leaves me with respect for his integrity. Go see him, it can't hurt. He will give you good direction in any case. I like him.

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