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Not Sure

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Posts posted by Not Sure

  1. Following up on a reply to my earlier thread - I was wondering for objective answers to the following:


    I work in a profession in which I go to my office every day and I meet with existing and new clients on a regular basis. If I had a HT and waited two weeks before going to work, would it be noticeable that I had a HT. Will my scalp still be red? Will I have a lot of peach fuzz still? I simply can't be out of the office more than 2 weeks -- not with my job.



  2. Wylie - thanks for the response. I was on Rogaine several years ago and after a while developed a bad irritation. I then became allergic to one of the ingredients in it. Sounds as if I don't use some kind of medicine that I can expect a lot of shockloss which is not good for me since I work in a profession in which I go to work in an office building and can't wear a hat.


    Hair Loss Cure -- I'm 43 and am NW5 (I think).

  3. OK -- I've been looking into getting a HT for the past several years. I had decided about 6 years ago to get one with Dr. Bernstein and he prescribed Propecia. Well, it wasn't too long after beginning use that I had the dreaded side effect. So, I abandoned the HT procedure.


    Over these past years I've seen my hair continue to thin and my the bald spot on my crown grow.


    It's gotten to the point where I have to either fish or cut bait.


    I've heard conflicting opinions on whether it makes sense to have a HT without combining with Propecia. From my standpoint, I won't take the medicine again because the side effect is worse than being bald.


    Any objective thoughts would be much appreciated.

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