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Posts posted by Revivogen/5%Minoxidil

  1. I would like to mention something many people overlook. Alot of people say that it does not work for them, this is true, but you would be surprised at how many people use minoxidil the wrong way.

    I met lots of people who use it for only an hour because they dont like the way it makes their hair look or feel. Or they just dont realize that the longer its on, the better it works. I personally do not wear it over night because your hair needs to breath. Also wearing it at night smears it on your pillow and thus gets on your face as you sleep. You dont want it all over your face, trust me.

    So if you account for all the people who dont use minoxidil as directed, you will find that the success rate is much higher than announced all over the internet.

  2. I have used the Rogaine Foam and would like to say that after extensive experimentation with it, I would not recommend it to anyone. Ofcourse I will tell you why.

    1. It is called foam, but it melts as soon as you put it on your hand, in 2 seconds. Therefor, it is nothing but expensive minoxidil. Stick with the original liquid stuff because essentially, thats all it is.

    2. I dont know why people keep saying its not greasy. No, not when its a foam, but as soon as it melts in your hand, trust me it will very fast, its the same greasy minoxidil you all know.

    3. They tell you to use only half a capful. Ok, take a look at the cap size, this half cap size of foam, when it melts, is not enough for you to even put on one localized area of your scalp, so you will end up using more and more. Meaning 1 month supply will end in 1 week. The makers of Rogaine Foam know this, I know this, and know I hope many of you readers will know this. They will make more money this way.

    4. Furthermore, If you do not beleive me, feel free and spend the cash to buy it, try it, but get if from a pharmacy where you can easily return it because you will kick yourself if you dont. YOU WILL RETURN IT. This I guarantee.


    I am back to the original minoxidil, cause i find it useless to pay for Rogaine Brand Name products as they are just ripping people off. The generic liquid minoxidil is the winner. I encourage responses.


    Im now doing minoxidil twice a day. Once in the morn. for 4 hrs, and once at night for 4 hours. I also use Revivogen topical for 4 hours between. Notice i dont leave it on overnight, because none of these things are worth smearing all over your pillow and thus getting all over your face unknowingly. I Plan to update everyone as time goes, I must say, Im not loosing any hair anymore after 1 week of this.

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