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Posts posted by Brandi

  1. Hi,


    I know it's hard not to worry, but at this point you are truely worring over nothing!! What you are explaining sounds completely normal. These hairs are probably in the dormat phase. It will not hurt for them to sit there, they are likes "seeds". It usually is between 3-5 months when the hairs start growing. Please let me know if there is anything we can do for you.


    Keep in touch!

  2. I've worked side by side with Dr. Cooley for ten years and appreciate all the positive feedback from our patients. I've also had the chance to meet Dr. Wong, and actually assist him in a live surgery workshop in New York City in 2003. He and Dr. Cooley are friends and were recently together at a conference/vacation in Brazil.


    Both are perfectionists who love what they do. If a prospective patient asks us who else besides us they should consider for their transplant, we always mention Dr. Wong's name.


    Dr. Cooley is a little bit of a control freak and likes to do alot of the graft placement himself. He also likes to be in the OR to monitor how all the graft cutting is going and whether any little problems are occurring. We stay so busy that we have little free time to post more photos on the internet, although we're hoping to do more in the future.


    Feel free to email me if you have any other questions.

  3. Hi Dewayne,


    It's always fun to see the post-op pics. Everything is looking great so far! Keep in mind you are only 6.5 months out, sometimes we don't see as much growth at this stage as we already can with you. Those wiry or misbehaving hairs are going through a phase, they have to mature and will turn into well behaving hairs soon. I know its easy for me to say, since I am not the one waiting, but be patient!

  4. Different clinics have different philosophies when it comes to how involved the doctor should be in placing grafts. In our clinic, I place a large percentage of the grafts and have almost ten years experience.But Dr. Cooley likes to place a lot of the grafts himself. He is a little bit of a control freak and wants to know that the grafts are being put exactly where he wants them. Our patients seem to feel more comfortable knowing he is in the room involved with the procedure and monitoring the whole process. But it all comes down to the skill and experience of the placers. In some of the best clinics, the placers are so experienced that they do a better job than the doctor would and they get excellent results. So it really depends on the clinic and the experience of the person doing the placing. This is a good question for people to ask: how involved is the doctor during the procedure?

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