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Posts posted by Eyerule

  1. I think I am partially at fault since I should not have keep silent. I was determined not to draw attention to myself. Once he grabbed my head, I should have reacted immediately, but did not, which was a mistake. I stayed there and grimaced as he dug his hands across my head with those latex gloves. Initially, I was concerned about losing grafts but but once his thumbs hit my scar, I became more concerned about bleeding. Luckily, I did not get an infection. I did notice that it appeared that I was missing some grafts at the crown of my head on day 5 or 6 but don't know if was related to the incident or just part of the normal process.


    I suppose the moral of this experience is to take control of what will happen to you as you move through security. Make it clear to the agent that you have had surgery and don't remain silent if they do choose to inspect you. What happened to me could have happened to anyone at any airport in the world but I consider easily worth the risk. Especially if you take the proper precautions.


    Either way, I will be following up with Jotronic and HW on this one.

  2. If I had to do it again and I knew for a fact that I would be selected for security, I would still go through the entire process again. I wouldn't want my dissuade you in any way. It sounds like Leeson and Tos7581 had excellent experiences with covering the head with surgical bandannas/hats so I would go that route if there is a next time.


    Dr. Hasson originally asked me where I would like to keep it long. I countered with "cut wherever you need to make your job as easy as possible". It was a personal decision to cut it short since I had front and back work done.


    1 Session

    4510 grafts -

    1501 1s

    3009 2s

    7519 Hairs


    2500 grafts applied to the front

    2000 grafts applied to the back


    You can check my blog out for better pics :

  3. I Just a completed a HT with Dr. Hasson for 4510 grafts June 19th and the experience was excellent. Got to their office at 7:15 but hung around the front of the building for about 10 minutes since the front door was locked. A nice lady pointed me to a second unlocked entrance which was up the outside stairs on the second floor. From there, I made my way to their office.


    Shortly after intros and paperwork, I was introduced to Dr. Hasson, who does quite well to put one at ease. He drew my hair lines to our liking and proceeded with extracting the donor tissue. I had very good flexibility in my scalp as well as density so he was able to extract 4500 grafts, which was more than the 3000 - 3500 that we were planning on, which was a good thing. It appears that the scalp exercises that I spent the last two months performing paid off.


    Next, I moved face down onto the table for the extraction, which requires shots to the back of the head to numb the donor area. Only one of the injections was moderately painful. The rest were not an issue at all, which was surprising to me. Once Dr. Hasson started to remove the donor tissue, I could hear the cutting of the tissue, which I likened to the sound of chewing on sand. The process only took 45 minutes.

    Afterwards, Dr. Hasson moved to the front of my head to make the incisions for hair placement. I was charged with using a counter device to determine how many hundred cuts were made. After about an hour, we stopped at 2500.


    This is where the scale of the operation was apparent to me. They must have had a team of 10 skilled workers working directly on my procedure. Four were in the room with me separating the hair from the donar tissue and two were planting the hairs in my head. Another unknown number of people were harvesting my hair outside the room, but I don't know how many in total. It was quite impressive. They continued the process until sometime after lunch where Dr. Hasson returned to work on the back of my head. He repeated the process for another 2000 incisions and the planters went back to work. The procedure wrapped up at around 6pm, which gave me time to get some post op photos and head back to the hotel for some much needed rest.

    Sleep was restless since I'm a side sleeper and I needed to lay like the bride of Frankenstein. This was a minor inconvenience and expected so I didn't have a problem.


    The next day, I started out to the Airport departing Canada to the US. I'm a veteran of air travel, spending seven of my last eight years flying every week so I thought I was prepared for everything... Noob me didn't have a neck pillow, which is an easy problem to solve. I walked into an airport store, picked up a pillow, and promptly cut the living hell out of my thumb with the tag. BTW, twelve days later, it's still not healed. I should have recognized this as a foreshadowing of the events to come.


    It was time to move past security, which I have done countless times before. I have my hat on my head, my pillow on my arm, and that's it since I check in my bags. Naturally, I had that evil look to me so they decided to pull me to the side for screening. I was now to the point that I understood that my hat had to come off but I waited for the off chance that the man touching me would not require me to do this??¦ but I was dead wrong.


    He asked me to remove my hat, which I did, after which he promptly took his hands and GRABBLED MY FRIKIN BALD SORE AS HELL JUST OPERATED ON I WILL KILL YOU AND ALL YOUR HATCHLINGS head. It was unbelievable. It was painful and not to mention completely unexpected. I've never had an agent touch my head before, much less manhandle my shiny. To say the least, it took all my zen bodha powers not to break mr brainless's jaw. It was MORE than obvious that I just had an operation. I looked like Bozo the Clown after getting into a fight with a can opener. What was he thinking!?!


    After moving from security, I spend the rest of the afternoon concerned that he messed up the work, especially since my head was hurting. I moved to the restroom to check to see if I was bleeding. I felt I was but after careful inspection, I was not.


    Here is my advice to anyone going through airport security. If you are selected for screening, let the agent know in advance that you have had a procedure. Don't let anyone touch your head! And tell them Bozo sent you!


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