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Posts posted by New-me

  1. Bill- I am afraid my post came off as too critical. I think sites like this are fantastic for educating prospective transplant patients as well as providing a valuable forum to bounce concerns, thoughts, etc off a worldwide network of people with a vast array of experiences. Please understand that I personally think that is fantastic. I just wanted to stress that hair transplant is done very well by non coalition docs- just a choice for some physicians. I think this sight provides a valuable resource for those interested in one of the fantastic surgeons on this sight. My sureon was not a coalition doc, but he was the right choice for me- however, like you,after looking at Dr Hassons results- I have to admit, he has some great results and may be my 2nd HT guy

  2. Yes, don't be naive- this site promotes coalition docs, of which all are great, but they pay to be listed here. Some docs just don't want to buy into it. It doesn't mean they don't do great work. A website can create 'rules' that a surgeon must follow to be here but it doesn't mean surgeons that aren't here are not good. It just means they didn't meet the specifications for this site. In essence, they are advertising. I remember how not too long ago someone got on a Dr. Pistone for advertising (billboards, etc). What exactly do you think the coalitions docs are doing by posting here- it is advertising. It really is an easy concept. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Just understand that it comes down to business- plain and simple. Even if you are a great business, you still advertise- not doing so would be bad business. I know people may disagree with me, which I respect, however I do firmly believe this to be the truth. For example, every year my city has a magazine that puts out the city's 'top docs' which all other docs know is just political banter. Just the way the world runs.

  3. I understand your argument Lorenzo- Plastic surgery is different- I will give you that. Wouldn't you say though by the Coalition Docs fulfilling the criteria that are set for them to be recommended on this website- they are in fact advertising. They know this is a popular and busy sight for hair transplant. So it makes sense to try to appease to what this sight requires. Just a thought, and playing devil's advocate more or less. I don't feel like arguing this point anymore anyway- question for you- Do Hasson and Wong required a shaved head? That would be impossible for me to do- looking toward the future if need be.

  4. Lorenzo- I believe the doctors on here are world class- no doubt, they have done great work. I am not advertising for Dr Pistone at all- I have no vested interest in him what so ever. All I am saying is that there is good work being done out there by physicians who aren't in 'the coalition'. I just know, as a doctor, that while online forums are great to help people- as this one is, they don't paint the whole picture. Some of the best physicians I know aren't in magazines and newspapers and on tv interviews, etc.

    As far as advertising, hair transplantation is a competitive field for patients- it is only wise business to advertise. Why would you not invest in your business. Cardiology groups have billboards all around here, as well as many other specialties. Why would a cardiologist adverstise? Because, like everything else, its a business- wanting to get the patient base others will get. That doesn't mean your a bad physician. Penn has billboards everywhere- I guess we are saying they are shady- no matter what you believe- this is a business like anything else.

    I am not an expert in hair transplant- Bill knows much more than me- I am just saying trust me when I know patients who are very happy from Dr. Pistone, that is it.

  5. I beg to differ about Dr.Pistone- I know multiple people who have had hair transplants with him who are quite happy. Unfortunately, of course, I cannot post their pictures. He went to Penn, Professor of Derm at Jefferson University Hospital and was just named top plastic surgeon in Philadelphia Magazine. He is also very ethical and very knowledgable. I greatly appreciate all the great information on this site and appreciate Bill for his great work, but just because a doctor doesn't buy into this site doesn't mean he is not good. I am a doctor myself and know some of his patients- his work is good- trust me.

  6. The itchiness is all secondary to dryness- use head and shoulders- among others, and simple white petroleum gel at night (light coating) will significantly help with the itching. Like others have said- the numbness will eventually fade away over time

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