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Posts posted by mankind

  1. L'Anonyme, I did not mean to offend you in any way. I think your results turned out very nicely after your second procedure. The reason why I'm scared of a mediocre result is that I won't be able to have a second procedure for quite some time. Please accept my apologies if you felt attacked in any way. Would you mind answering the questions I posed in the message I sent you? I.e. was the scar noticeable (how big exactly?) and did you think you looked better or worse after your first procedure and did the results look natural or unnatural? Did True and Dorin charge you for your second procedure or did they at least give you a significant discount?

    Again, I don't mean to "bitch" or complain about any particular doctor. I'm just scared of the possibility of looking worse after HT surgery without being able to remedy the situation and without being able to shave my head because of visible scarring. Please be understanding.

  2. Thanks for the answers.


    Bill, why did you choose Hasson & Wong instead of T/D for your hair transplant following the one you had done by T/D?

    And how do I find patients to talk to?


    Jobi, why did you have three procedures?

    Remember that one of my concerns is lackluster density that would force me to come back for a second procedure...


    Can anyone tell me whether 35FUs/cm2 is enough density?


    And what are the odds of the same thing that happened to L'Anonyme happening to me? (i.e. that many grafts don't grow and that the result is mediocre at best)

  3. I am considering a hair transplant with Dr. Dorin of True and Dorin for my receding hairline (by the way, it only says "Dorin, D.O." on their forms, does that mean he's not a certified doctor or certified by the ABHRS, like Dr. True?). I really do want the transplant, but it's just such a major decision that it's pretty scary (I'm spending a lot of time stressing out about it). Dr. Dorin said that the transplanted density would be about 35/cm2, which he said is only one third of natural density. Will that still look good? I saw L'Anonyme's pictures and after his first transplant the recipient area looked pretty thin. L'Anonyme also said that the scar didn't heal properly and that many grafts didn't grow... I'm really scared that I might get the surgery, waste a lot of money, and won't really get much in return except for a scar and an unnatural and/or bad-looking hairline... Any thoughts/comments will be much appreciated. Thank you.

  4. I am considering a hair transplant with Dr. Dorin of True and Dorin for my receding hairline (by the way, it only says "Dorin, D.O." on their forms, does that mean he's not a certified doctor or certified by the ABHRS, like Dr. True?). I really do want the transplant, but it's just such a major decision that it's pretty scary (I'm spending a lot of time stressing out about it). Dr. Dorin said that the transplanted density would be about 35/cm2, which he said is only one third of natural density. Will that still look good? I saw L'Anonyme's pictures and after his first transplant the recipient area looked pretty thin. L'Anonyme also said that the scar didn't heal properly and that many grafts didn't grow... I'm really scared that I might get the surgery, waste a lot of money, and won't really get much in return except for a scar and an unnatural and/or bad-looking hairline... Any thoughts/comments will be much appreciated. Thank you.

  5. Hi Bill,


    Thanks for your reply. I am prepared to have more procedures in the future, the problem is that it will take a couple of years until I will be able to pay for them.

    As I said, I am already on Propecia (=finasteride). Basically I would like to know what my odds are that it would take at least 5 or so years before I would have to have a second hair transplant, assuming that the first one will be enough to make me completely happy with the way I look right now (which, if properly done, it would).

  6. Thanks for your reply! I'm thinning a little bit behind the tuft (as I believe it's called). I would eventually, without finasteride, probably look like Letterman, but I'm hoping that finasteride will stop or has already stopped the thinning (or that it has stopped on its own and won't progress thanks to the finasteride), since that's the "anterior mid-scalp" that finasteride is supposed to work for, right? I was told that hair shouldn't be transplanted into that region because it's still thick enough and too thick to transplant efficiently without damaging existing hair.

    Btw, do you know whether there are any pictures anywhere online of what it looks like when your hair recedes further after a hairline transplant?

    I found this book on google that said you should always work the hairline into the sides of the head, but at least 2cm behind the most forward point, but one surgeon I talked to said that he'd just work it into the hair on top... I don't know which one's supposed to be better.

  7. Hi everybody,


    I'm 24 and really want a hair transplant to fill in my receding hairline. However, I'll very likely still be in school for a few years and therefore won't be able to afford any other HT's in the near future (the first one would deplete my savings). I've been on finasteride for 3 months now. I'm really scared of the possibility of my hairline receding further, creating an awkward gap between my natural and my transplanted hair. Are there any estimates (or do any of you guys have personal experiences with this) about how many years you have before you might need a second HT? Like, what would be the average and what would be the worst case scenario (with finasteride).



  8. Hi everybody,


    I'm 24 and really want a hair transplant to fill in my receding hairline. However, I'll very likely still be in school for a few years and therefore won't be able to afford any other HT's in the near future (the first one would deplete my savings). I've been on finasteride for 3 months now. I'm really scared of the possibility of my hairline receding further, creating an awkward gap between my natural and my transplanted hair. Are there any estimates (or do any of you guys have personal experiences with this) about how many years you have before you might need a second HT? Like, what would be the average and what would be the worst case scenario (with finasteride).



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