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Posts posted by jessie

  1. Hey guys...before I ask, let me first apologize if this sounds really stupid - I don't know much about hair systems. I am in my late 20s, and I suffer from traction alopecia. I used to style my hair in a tight ponytail back when I was younger. Anyways, it resulted in my hairline being receded by about 2-3cm, and maybe a little more in my temples. I have always been self conscious about it, and have considered hair transplant - but I don't feel I am at that point yet. Anyways, I am engaged, and my wedding is coming up shortly. I am really nervous about seeing old friends/relatives because of my hairline. I know I should just suck it up and stop worrying about it (which is what i probably will do.) But I keep thinking that if i could somehow conceal my receding hairline for the "big day," or at least fill in my temples a little bit - it would make me feel so much less anxious. Anyways, i keep reading about front lace hair systems, etc...but I don't know if any of them could help out or not. i don't have any experience with hair systems. Is there any type of short term solution that you guys can think of to help me out (I am not all considering hair systems as a long term solution, just something to get me through the short term...i know this sounds retarded btw). I have been to one website called "gayerhair", where they talk about "cut away" hair that can be used to fill in balding areas - I don't know if this is complete garbage, or is it something that could be useful to me. Anyways, I'd appreciate any advice - even if it is that i should just suck it up. Thanks alot


  2. Hey guys, thanks for looking at my post. I am 28 and suffering from a receding hairline - which I have always been self conscious about (see attached pic). My hair loss is not genetic - its actually from traction alopecia due to my hairstyling as a child. Anyways, I have pretty thick dense hair except for my hairline, which as you can see is quite receded. I have always kept my hair long (usually wear it in a pony-tail) since I wasn't sure what else can be done. I am considering a HT, but not sure if I am up for the whole process just yet. I was just wondering if any of you had some general advice...I even wonder if I should try to a new haircut to maybe mask my hairline a little (w/o getting a complete combover that is.) Any suggestions on that too would be helpful - especially if you know a hairstylist in the NYC area that could help me out. Thanks so much for taking the time,


  3. Hey guys, thanks for looking at my post. I am 28 and suffering from a receding hairline - which I have always been self conscious about (see attached pic). My hair loss is not genetic - its actually from traction alopecia due to my hairstyling as a child. Anyways, I have pretty thick dense hair except for my hairline, which as you can see is quite receded. I have always kept my hair long (usually wear it in a pony-tail) since I wasn't sure what else can be done. I am considering a HT, but not sure if I am up for the whole process just yet. I was just wondering if any of you had some general advice...I even wonder if I should try to a new haircut to maybe mask my hairline a little (w/o getting a complete combover that is.) Any suggestions on that too would be helpful - especially if you know a hairstylist in the NYC area that could help me out. Thanks so much for taking the time,



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