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The Von

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Posts posted by The Von

  1. When you shed did you shed alot. I can rub my head over the sink and 50 hairs will come out, not to mention tons on my hands when shampooing and i see at least ten every time i comb my hair. Also did you hair become noticably thinner when you were shedding? And last but not least has the shed hair started to come back, or has hair quality improved any? Soory for all the questions, but im almost at the point of shaving my head.

    Thanks a ton.

  2. Has anyone had a major shed after using propecia/proscar for over 10-12 monthes? It has been working well for me for the last 10 monthes, then over the last 3-4 weeks i am losing hair like crazy, big dark hairs. I have read tons of times that people get big sheds and that is a sign of good things to come, but could it happen this late in treatment? My fingers are crossed and im trying to be positive, and not freak out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


  3. Has anyone had a major shed after using propecia/proscar for over 10-12 monthes? It has been working well for me for the last 10 monthes, then over the last 3-4 weeks i am losing hair like crazy, big dark hairs. I have read tons of times that people get big sheds and that is a sign of good things to come, but could it happen this late in treatment? My fingers are crossed and im trying to be positive, and not freak out. Any insight would be greatly appreciated.


  4. I was just reading another post and it made me think. It said that inflammed scalp and shedding occur when one stops using propecia..do you think it is possible that i got a bad batch of propecia? I got it from a hair transplant surgeon locally. Has anyone evr got or heard of a lose dosed or "bad" batch. Im just racking my brain trying to figure out what the heck is going on.


  5. I intitially had the sexual side effects, loss of libido and so forth. However in my case they went away pretty quickly, id say after about a month everything was back to normal. I still have days where I have no sex drive, and some days I am as horny as a goat...I guess thats normal though. I wouldnt let the fear of side effect stop you from taking propecia. It works very well for some people, even though I seem to be the oddball that has developed a tolerance to it in less than a year...just my luck.

  6. I have been on propecia for about a year now with decent results. Initially I had a shed, but after that my hair got thicker and basically stayed that way ever since. I have had a slight, and very slow, recession of my hairline mostly on one side, but overall my hair has been better. My question is, in the last 2 weeks i have lost a ton of hair, the quality of my hair in general has become much worst and my hairline has thinned out alot. I also have noticed my body/beard hair growth has increased and i got a slight rash under my arm, just like i did when i first started on propecia. Is it possible that i have developed a tolerance to propecia allready, it hasnt even been a year. Could it be that I am going through some sort of cycle, like the drug is re-taking effect, like at the beggining...if that makes sense. I am at a loss, ive got a script for dut. and I may be filling it soon. Any info or insight would be appreciated.


  7. I have been on propecia for about a year now with decent results. Initially I had a shed, but after that my hair got thicker and basically stayed that way ever since. I have had a slight, and very slow, recession of my hairline mostly on one side, but overall my hair has been better. My question is, in the last 2 weeks i have lost a ton of hair, the quality of my hair in general has become much worst and my hairline has thinned out alot. I also have noticed my body/beard hair growth has increased and i got a slight rash under my arm, just like i did when i first started on propecia. Is it possible that i have developed a tolerance to propecia allready, it hasnt even been a year. Could it be that I am going through some sort of cycle, like the drug is re-taking effect, like at the beggining...if that makes sense. I am at a loss, ive got a script for dut. and I may be filling it soon. Any info or insight would be appreciated.


  8. Yeah thats funny that you mentioned the thing about girls in the bars...If you read some of the posts on that site, by the men AND women, it seems that a ton of women have a sort of fetish for shaved heads...I know they are not the majority, but its nice to know they are out there.

  9. I have been reading some of the forums on the other sites and I have read that many people are having amazing results with avodart. I havent read anything new about it on this site in a while and I was wondering if anyone is using, or knows anything about it. It seems that most of the posters on this site are more informed and basically more mature than many of the guys on the other site (far less "your an idiot" posts icon_rolleyes.gif). So any information or opinions that you all could provide would be greatly appreciated. At this point I am considering giving it a try. Thanks.

  10. I have been reading some of the forums on the other sites and I have read that many people are having amazing results with avodart. I havent read anything new about it on this site in a while and I was wondering if anyone is using, or knows anything about it. It seems that most of the posters on this site are more informed and basically more mature than many of the guys on the other site (far less "your an idiot" posts icon_rolleyes.gif). So any information or opinions that you all could provide would be greatly appreciated. At this point I am considering giving it a try. Thanks.

  11. Well I finally measured my hairline. I measured from the highest part of my eyebrow in the center. I came up with just under 5 cm. Now I know I have a big cranium. But I think its more of a long (front to back) head than a wide head. If that makes senses. I am losing most of the hair at the temples (left one in particular) and slight thinning all over. I really want to get up the guts to shave my head but I am afraid that my head is wierd shaped. It seems that my jaw is wider than the top of my head, I think i might look like a cone head! O well we will know soon enough since the propecia doesnt seem to be doing much anymore. Doh!

  12. Exploring...you have met with a doctor, did he mention if there was any way to tell how extensive you baldnes my become. I have heard to look at your father, but I really look nothing like my dad, got most of my looks from my mom...but i cant look at her dads loss because he died young. Also im on propecia so my loss my be different from his...anyway, I would really love to get transplant but I am also affraid of future loss...I doubt that there is a way to totally predict, basically Im just letting you and everyone else in my boat that I hate this crap...grow back dammit...o well, that didnt work.

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