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Posts posted by leonardonw1

  1. I am 25 and have diffuse alopecia(not very noticeable so far but I can see the scalp if my head is wet or oiled). I have been on the big three for a few months now and there hasn’t been a very drastic change. However I am beginning to think that this regimen to starting to become rather troublesome (regardless of the brushing your teeth analogy). For now, I am contemplating shaving my head off and wondering if that look would suit me.


    My Question is will this have any negative impact on hair loss as in accelerate MPB or something like that?......


    (I am still not sure if it would suit me as I believe that I would look less like Jason Statham and more like Timothy Olymphant(hitman))

  2. From my experience I can tell you that it does!.... I would like to reiterate your point that it wouldn't happen unless you were genetically pre-disposed to hair loss (that is having AR gene for hair loss)


    I have always noticed clumps of hair falling the next day after masturbation.... Although funnily enough, not so much so after I have sex and I wonder why.


    Despite what contemporary science states, when you self gratificate it does actually lead to the loss of essential nutrients from your body and also might also affect the prostrate gland. Don't recent studies indicate that men who begin to show symptoms of MPB at an early age run an increased risk of being affected by prostrate cancer...

  3. I have had some hair thinning (diffuse ) while I was 23 and have been on minoxidil for the past 2 years. On the recommendation of my doc, I switched to a 10% minoxidil solution along with finpecia that I have been using for the past one year. The results have been pretty impressive, so far and it has mitigated my problem to a great extent.....The hair looks pretty good and it's almost back to before I had hair thinning.I reckon that the combo has been working really well (Alongwith nizoral of course)


    Now, I have always had great skin and off late I have noticed that it has become a bit puffy or dry. (I am 25 now).


    Is this possibly due to using a higher concentration of minoxidil?...I really don't want to appear as being in my 40's while still being in my 20's as certain studies insinuate that minoxidil hinders the production of collagen.


    If I decide to wean of minoxidil, how must I go about doing it?... Ostensibly I still plan to stay on oral finasteride. For the record I have only been using minoxidil 10% once a day.


    Should I opt for a 5% solution instead and see how it goes?.....I have been taking vitamin c capsules


    Thank you for your feedback

  4. I have had some hair thinning (diffuse ) while I was 23 and have been on minoxidil for the past 2 years. On the recommendation of my doc, I switched to a 10% minoxidil solution as well as finpecia usage for the past one year. The results have been pretty impressive, so to say and it has mitigated my problem to a great extent.....The hair looks pretty good and it's almost back to before I had hair thinning.I reckon that the combo has been working really well (Alongwith nizoral of course)


    Now, I have always had great skin and off late I have noticed that it has become a bit puffy or dry. (I am 25 now).


    Is this possibly due to using a higher concentration of minoxidil?...I really don't want to appear as being in my 40's while still being in my 20's as certain studies insinuate that minoxidil hinders the production of collagen.


    If I decide to wean of minoxidil, how must I go about doing it?... Ostensibly I still plan to stay on oral finasteride. For the record I have only been using minoxidil 10% once a day.


    Should I opt for a 5% solution instead and see how it goes?.....I have been taking vitamin c capsules


    Thank you for your feedback

  5. But then again, is there anybody here that gives a damn if they have a full head of hair in 15 years if they don't between now and then?


    I am not sure how far off we are from getting close to hair cloning(They keep saying its off by another couple of years or so) but I reckon that the only relevant cure we can find would be in some form of gene therapy which I believe would only be plausible by 2050 or something!....but hey you never know anything is possible.Now if only if they could invent time travel and make it available for the common man:P

  6. Originally posted by Bill - Managing Publisher:
    well masturbation by itself is not harmful but doing it excessively does have its consequences and hair loss seems to be of em




    The above is incorrect. No amount of masturbation causes hair loss. Otherwise, all men and a lot of women would be bald :-P.




    I disagree..doing it excessively leads to a rise in testosterone levels and consequently in dht as well.So go easy on the hand pleasure stuff...this much is true for males.

  7. Thanks for your comments....well masturbation by itself is not harmful but doing it excessively does have its consequences and hair loss seems to be of em. In any case my hair has become a lot better in the past few months after I stopped this habbit and since starting minoxidil.It looks almost normal now. I also consulted my first doc and he specifically stated that since I used to suffer from chronic depression finpecia should be avoided...


    I did give finpecia a shot last week and I guess it does not exactly agree with me cause my moods went out straight flat(Almost as if life had lost all its color) and was feeling quite weak.

  8. I have been using the nizoral sokution with 2% ketoconazole for a month now and have not come across any problems. I'd say its tolerated pretty well and you should go for the 1% version only if the usual 2% is too harsh for you.


    I use nizoral twice a week and apart from this use minoxidil 5% with aminexil.I too am contemplating moving to the 10% minox solution as I am not seeing any drastic results with minox 5% which I have been using for almost 9 months.There was no hair loss after using it for4 months but neither was any new hair growth. My doc has recommended using the 10% soln and will do so once my current stock is done with. Have jst moved to zinc tablets so lets see hw it goes for a few months before I do that.Also trying finpecia since today. Lets c how it goes and hope my body tolerates it well.I am still under nw1.

  9. Hi,


    I am a 24 year old male from India and I am in an imbroglio of sorts. Well I do have a couple of queries and before I pose those questions would like to give some background info. A year back I used to be very sexually active and used to masturbate around 4-5 times a day apart from having sex with my partner. Apparently my habbits had some rather drastic effects and 9 months back I noticed that my hair had become rather thin at the crown and the scalp was visible while applying any form of styling gel or oil. Went to a doc (skin specialist) who prescribed hair4u 5 % (minoxidil 5% and aminexidil 2%) and some multivitamin tablets consisting of biotin.Eventually I stopped this masturbation habbit to twice a week and then 3 times a month. Well I did notice that hair loss had stopped to 6-7 hairs a day within a month after changing my habbits and using this topical solution. My doc had diagnosed it as MPB . He's and m.d and v.d (cosmetic surgeon).My hairline is intact so far.


    My dad has this problem(mpb) as well but his hairloss had started in his mid 30's and he's almost bald now at 58 save for some hair on the back of his head and some fizz hair on top. My paternal grandfather and no one from my moms family have this problem.I still have enough hair(a full head) for the average individual to notice and that appears my hair is more thin at the top of the scalp towards the crown and there is no growing bald spot(The coticle appears to be normal). However there has been no new hair growth whatsoever


    Well now for the confusing part. Went to another doc a few months who is a MBBS, DDV. Fellow in dermatoligical laser surgery

    from bangkok and she's also the vice president of the cosmetological association of India. she diagnosed my problem as diffuse alopecia!


    She assured me that my condition would be back to normal within 8-9 months and has prescribed some biotin and zinc tablets alonwith Finpecia. She has also suggested using the minxodil 10% solution as it is more effective(Called tugain 10%in India).


    I am quite confused and do not want to try out finpecia(derviative of generic finasteride 1mg sold in India)due to the severe sexual side effects and have a couple of queries


    1))Is minoxidil 10% safe for the long term?...I belive the body builds up an resistance and I would have severe hair loss once that happens even if there is some hair growth initially.HAs anyone tried it out?


    2)Would finpecia which is akin to propecia sold in the U.S safe and is there any way to test out the waters and avoid side effects?


    3)should I rather go in for a 5% minoxidil solution with alezaic acid called minokem in India rather than try finsateride?


    4)Is this the normal course of treatment for diffuse alopeica?


    5)Could my problem be due to an hormonal imbalance and should I get a hair analysis done?


    Please help me coz I do not want to lose my looks and my gf.I have told her about this situation of mine and she has been quite supportive.She states that my hair looks quite normal and I worry too much but I just need to be on the safer side.Your feedback would be much appreciated to get me outta this particual dillema...thanks!



    Note: Did pose this question to my doc but she assured me that they medicines are quite safe and ed would occur If I suffer from depression.I think I am suffering from depression and I just want my hair back to normal but would not like to be impotent or have man boobs coz of finpecia.I have also been prescribed nizoral btw.

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