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Female HT

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Posts posted by Female HT


    Originally posted by spex:

    I hardly feel this write up from FemaleHT will in anyway harm Dr Fellers hard and long earnt reputation for being an elite surgeon and providing his patients with excellent patient care


    I will also repeat for clarity's sake that I think Dr Fellers work is excellent and I am very happy with the results.


    FemaleHT has selectively chosen to refrain from mentioning the real reasons why she didn't return to Dr Feller. The patient herself commented on the excellent result Dr Feller provided (publicly here and privately via email) which fundamentally should be the main focus here although since this has been bought to my attention i feel it important to give further info to the viewers in order for them to have further info so not completely misinformed and mislead. I think certain facts will enable viewers to form a more informed opinion.


    Yes I would always prefer to go back to a place where I had good results but that was before the experience with Dr Devroye.




    The feel good factor is nice for clinics to provide but FemaleHT didn't return to Dr Feller for a second surgery because of the lack of white towels, scented candles or because he doesn't play Enya or that because his very experienced Techs actually spoke during the surgery - on the contrary - she desperately requested a second HT on numerous occasions very recently with Dr Feller - but Dr Feller denied FemaleHT a second surgery as felt it highly inappropriate for further HT surgery ( Due to limitations caused by the first HT and other unrelated HT surgeries prior to her first HT) to be performed on her and did not want the patient to be put at any potential risk.


    Yes this is the reply I received after two months of lengthy liasing and being told at least 14 times to call back later. I can provide these emails to anybody who might wish to see them or indeed a copy of my phone bill! But what exactly is this relevant to? Again my second experience was more pleasant but I am not saying that everyone should prefer it. Its only my opinion and I am sorry that I can not state it without being told that it is unnecessary.



    I am very happy that Female HT had a nice experience with Dr D and that she was made very comforatable. Although i find it somewhat strange that she would paint Dr Feller (and his very experienced staff) in such a poor light since only recently we were in contact and you were extremely happy with your results (i have all the email correspondence) so much so requested a second procedure with the doc to attempt to advance you situ even further - However as we know he turned you down a second session as he felt it highly inappropriate and risky due to your previous other surgeries (HT and non HT related) Even after Dr Feller denied you another HT you continued to request quite determinedly another session. Dr Feller informed you and advised against more HT surgery as only had your best interest at heart - I truly hope that due to his rejection of a second session due to his opinion on your personal situation that you do not want to take your frustration out on him here publicly as you never once mentioned any of your issues with the doc and his staff when trying to book a second session very recently.


    I think I have made my reasons for my post clear- also in my other replies. I will not create an equally lengthy post but simply say that I am disappointed that Spex can not see the value of someone giving a direct comparison particularly when it has been made quite clear that I am not in any way discussing the quality of Dr Feller's work which for me was excellent.




    Obviously you decided to go against Dr Feller since his refusal of another surgery with him. I am only glad you felt your HT with him was a success as mentioned here and on email correspondence - a shame i suppose you could not share that success with us all here sooner yet instead felt compelled to vent your frustration towards the doc here publicly for others to view but without all the facts.


    I think your comments are unfair as I have not said anything about the Doctor.




    Dr D i assume felt you were still eligible and was prepared to perform on you at short notice and i hope everything works out ok for you nevertheless.


    Also to clear up other misleading info - Dr Feller does NOT use an "automatic gun" to administer the local anaesthetic and i have never heard of such a thing - You have falsely informed readers here. Also he is the only one who administers the anaesthetic as is the only Doctor at Feller medical. - pain thresholds can vary from patient to patient as is commonly known. I can assure you the doc doesn't intentionally inflict pain on administering the anaesthetic shots.


    And I cant see why any doctor would intentionally inflict pain. Again this is what MY PERSONAL experience was. And in your lengthy post you do not care to elaborate on what method is used to administer the shots? It is definitely not the same method as Dr Devroye's - am I not entitled to talk about this?




    All the best with your recent surgery and i hope that it turns out as well as the first for you but just felt it important to give readers all the information


  2. Originally posted by prezident:

    Female HT,

    Im curious. If you are not dissatisfied with Dr. Feller's results, why did you feel the need to post comments that question both the integrity and competency of his staff? My procedure lasted 14 hours and nobody said a word. To be quite honest, I would have gladly welcomed a comment about the score of the superbowl. To me,It would have at least confirmed that the staff were not robots and, indeed, human! Dr. Feller is a recommended HT surgeon on this site. Unless you have a complaint about your 'results', I believe it is disingenuous to post comments that can, in many instances, confuse and mislead others!



    Prezident, I would not post anything if it was misleading- on the contrary if I were an objective reader (ie. not an ex-patient of Dr Fellers or Dr Devroyes) I would read this and think hhhmm..Dr Feller is ofcourse outstanding, Dr Devroyes results are still in the making but this person clearly preferred the overall experience of Dr Devroye's team/ office. But I think your reaction to my post will indeed confuse others. There are people out there to whom this information will be relevant. If you re-read it as an OBJECTIVE person you will find there is very little to mislead in it, thanks.

  3. Originally posted by kydd3:

    A bit on the defensive side. So she liked Dr. D's fluffy towels and music better, so what? I'm a Dr. F patient myself, and after a few recent threads, I hope I don't have a complaint because I'd be afraid that I would have to take some heat for it. Thankfully I'm happy with my results. Anyway, no need to be so defensive. You can't please everybody all the time. I would accept that more graciously. It reflects more better.


    I guess the thing is that its not as much about being gracious as about telling it as it is which I believe I tried to do. I will say again that Dr Feller's results were excellent but I am talking about the experience I had whilst he was not there. And I will categorically say that I do think Dr Devroyes team was superior in treatment, handling, and etiquette too since we are on the topic!

  4. Originally posted by qpwoei:

    Thanks for the post FemaleHT!


    I am new at this. I just joined the forum so forgive me if this question is naive.


    I didn't know it was POSSIBLE to have a HT without shaving the recipient area! This has been one of the biggest reasons I have for not having the HT yet. I just can't imagine being at work with part or all of my head shaved. I wear a suit and tie to work so wearing some kind of hat isn't possible.


    So what's the bottom line on having an HT without shaving the recipient area?


    Hi qpwoei. I guess the bottom line is that you may sacrifice a little of the perfection that Docs who PREFER TO SHAVE say comes with placing hairs in a shaved and therefore more exposed area- ie. so you can see exactly the direction/ angle of the grafts which I guess would be more important for men since you wear your hair short. BUT if youare using these magnification lenses then it should not really make as much difference but since this is a technical one you are better off asking your doctor why they prefer to use the method they do.

  5. Originally posted by Bill - Associate Publisher:

    For starters, I think it's ok that FemaleHT offered a compare and contrast of her procedures with two different surgeons. Detail aside, it's obvious she simply felt more relaxed at Dr. Devroye's clinic.


    However, in case anyone's confused, nothing in the above experience condemns Dr. Feller, his technicians, or his practice - even though some of it may have made her a little uncomfortable. Some technicians are talkers and others aren't. Some doctors are more hands on and others aren't. The important thing remains that all team players (physician and technicians) are careful in the harvesting/closing the donor and handling of the grafts. Since FemaleHT's results with Dr. Feller were optimal, clearly everything met his usual (and our) high standards.


    Both Coalition physicians (Dr. Feller and Dr. Devroye) are reputable surgeons recommended by this community and have an excellent track record of producing quality results. I'm glad FemaleHT had great results with both doctors and it's ok that she felt more comfortable in Dr. Devroye's chair. After all, we all have our personal preferences right?


    FemaleHT, I'm sure I speak for everyone when I say we'd love to see some before and after photos so we can truly appreciate your transformation. If you are concerned about showing your face, you can always use image editing sofware to block it. If you need help, let me know.


    Best wishes,




    Thank you Bill. I am glad you take a more rational view of my opinions- afterall this forum is not a showcase for Dr's reps but a place where new patients can update the readers on the most recent experiences out there. I dont want to annoy or offend and if that is the result then I would happily post elsewhere. Re: photos for the hair- I have some for my eyebrows. Not for my scalp. I am currently wearing extensions but hope to take and post my 3 month views in January when the extensions come out- especially if there are further requests for my particular case.

  6. Originally posted by thanatopsis_awry:

    Very detailed write-up, though fairly damning to Dr. Feller from a more emotive, subjective standpoint. How did you happen up Dr. Feller and then to Dr. Devroye -- do you live close to either clinic?


    Hi thanatopsis_awry. I am not sure that my post is damning to Dr Feller. It is not intended to be. Its just an honest summary of what I experienced. Possibly countless others feel differently but not all are women (which I think makesa difference to your pain threshold) and not all have been to Dr Devroye so who can they compare to... BTW if you are interested in more information on the magnification lenses then it would be worthwhile to email Dr Devroyes office since they usually get back to you within 24 hours.

  7. I am a female who has had two HTs, the first in 2007 with Dr Feller (2200 grafts) and the 2nd in 2009 with Dr Devroye (2285 grafts). The first was with excellent results in terms of hair growth. The second was done in September so its early days regarding what will happen..watch this space as I will post every month or so to update. I have also had an eyebrow transplant. In context of the shaping of the brow the results are apparent now. If you would like photos please pm me and I can send to you as they develop. However regarding the overall experience from start to finish my second HT with Dr Devroye was far more attentive, caring and gentle in every manner I can think of. Both Drs have excellent reputations but in terms of the experience of the whole process I personally found that Dr Devroyes office/ team was by far the better one, certainly for me but also I think for females in general and those people who appreciate extra care in how they are handled both before during and after the procedure. For example some obvious differences: the anaesthetic at Dr Devroye(Dr D)'s clinic is administered by two persons using syringes and not the automatic gun/ shot procedure at Dr Feller's. This halves the pain as the needle is gently insterted and then halves it again because it also halves the time with two people doing it. Lots of fluffy warm towels, a quietly diligent team who dont talk about what the latest score of the superbowl is whilst hovering inches from your head (yes sorry but this was Dr F's team!), soft music playing, and incredibly comfortable couches were what made my second HT completely different from the first. Whilst Dr Feller (Dr F ) is 1st rate at what he does, much of the procedure is performed by the Dr's team so its equally important to know what theyre like. Dr D's team use high magnification lenses to implant the grafts. This makes the work far more precise and the result is thus better (or at least one hopes!. Dr F's team did not use these when implanting the grafts... The other great thing about the procedure with Dr D was that he did not shave my head. Now (apart from my eyebrows) no one will know Ive had an HT since aftera week I will be able to wear my hair as normal. At present I am wearing the long hair away from the grafts so as not to interfere. Im happy to answer any queries anyone may have about either of my experiences.

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