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Posts posted by BitingMyNails

  1. Ok... I've been on Propecia for a couple of years and I have noticed a significant decrease in sex drive with less frequent and weaker erections. For what its worth, I just turned 39 so that could be a factor as well. There was a period of time that I was taking Effexor (an anti anxiety anti depression med)... While weaning myself off of the Effexor I always noticed the erection issues.... I am no longer depressed but I am tempted to get back on the Effexor so I can gett good wood again... I really don't want to do this so I had my dr. prescribe a testosterone cream. I am noticing a lot of shed in the two weeks that i have been taking the cream.... I was under the thought process that the dht would be blocked by the propecia.... any thoughts on my conundrum would be appreciated.

  2. Hey guys, sorry for the delay on the pics.... my camera broke right after my HT. I just updated my profile here with 6 week and 12 week pics. Unfortunately, I had to use my phone to get the pics. Tomorrow I'll be getting a new camera and will post some 7 month pics that should look much better. HONEST appraisals only. You can't hurt my feelings!

  3. Originally posted by Dr. Alan Feller:

    What you are describing is expected at the 7 month stage and you will begin to see the hairs "normalizing" over the next few months.


    You can look at each individual follicle like a flower vase where the inside of the vase is lined with cells. Each of these cells secretes "liquid hair" into the center of the vase where enzymes work on this material to form and extrude a new hair.


    The reason you see fine hair is because the cells are not secreting as much liquid "pre-hair" as they ultimately will.


    The reason you see the kinky hair is because some cells wake up and start producing liquid hair before other cells do. The distribution is such that there is an uneven contribution to the final hair which means one side of the hair shaft will be thicker than the other side. The result is a bend or "kink" in the hair.


    As the cells in the follicle wake up a more even distribution is re-established and the hair goes back to looking as it once did in the donor area.


    This is what happens in the overwhelming majority of patients. HOWEVER, variations do occur. In some patients the kink may become reduced, but never go away.


    In other patients the hair may never come out of the "fine" stage. That is, only a few of the cells in the follicle ever wake up and come online again.


    If the surgeon in whose patient this occurs has a good and consistent track record, then it's a safe bet to say that when this occurs in the rare patient it is due to unpredictable physiological limitations.


    Dr. Feller


    Thanks Dr. Feller!


    Let me ask you this.... I am pretty pleased with the result thus far... I'm wondering how much more hair should be expected over months 7-12... 10% more.... 20% more....30% more???


    I'd appreciate any input!

  4. Originally posted by Jotronic:

    "Normal" is subjective as each patient will have their results mature at different times. The growing and sprouting phase is different from patient to patient as well.


    I had the same issue, some hairs were thicker coming in while others were finer like baby hair. Everything turned out fine in the end so just give it more time and all should be well.


    Did your kinky hair ever relax and straighten out?

  5. I had my HT 7 months ago and I am very pleased with the results so far. I was a diffuse thinner. I have noticed a few kinky (thicker too) , almost pubic like hairs in my hairline. I also see smaller, much finer hairs coming in along the hairline.


    I new that the kinky thing happens and it is my understanding that this will subside over time. I've also read that the new hairs are fine, baby hairs that thicken as they mature over time. Which is it? Fine? Kinky? Or a combination of both? What is normal at the 7 month phase?

  6. I had my HT 7 months ago and I am very pleased with the results so far. I was a diffuse thinner. I have noticed a few kinky (thicker too) , almost pubic like hairs in my hairline. I also see smaller, much finer hairs coming in along the hairline.


    I new that the kinky thing happens and it is my understanding that this will subside over time. I've also read that the new hairs are fine, baby hairs that thicken as they mature over time. Which is it? Fine? Kinky? Or a combination of both? What is normal at the 7 month phase?

  7. Originally posted by Bill:



    It's quite possible that you could be experiencing sexual side effects with Propecia but I think they can often be exaggerated when our mind is set on believing it will, does that make sense?


    If we believe Propecia will negatively impact our libido, we start to experience anxiety, and anxiety in itself can negatively impact libido.




    Bill: Problem has been more than the lack of performance the other night.... I just have not been getting errections at all..... not in the morning... not when I see porn... pretty much never. When I have coaxed it up... it has been letrhargic and weak.... you'd think I'd be able to shampoo a buffalo with so little activity over the last year, wouldn't you?

  8. Sorry for the double post.... I also posted this in the drugs section.... I am in CRISIS mode:


    I have been on finnesteridae for about a year now. I take a half of a pill every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I had a HT 6 months ago and my hair is really looking a lot better these days. Let me be blunt....


    I will be 37 next month. For about a year I have not had a girlfriend or been sexually active. I haven't had a whole lot of intrest lately....... various reasons.... went through a divorce 2 years ago..... had a HT.... been a bit cynical towards women in general.


    Any ways, I had a impromptu date with this really hot chick last night. She really had it going on... There was a a connection.... definately seemed to be a lot of mutual sexual energy going on. I took her home and things continued to heat up. When the moment of truth came.... I LAID A BIG FAT EGG....I pulled a Bob Dole and could not get it up...... I was MORTIFIED..... and this girl has got to think I am either gay or not attracted to her..... and neither could be farther from the truth.


    I have noticed over the last 6 months or so that I have masterbated less than before. Additionally, when I have, I have had a semi-flacid weak errection. Until last night I just shrugged it off to the "I'm getting close to 40" self talk...... truth is I am in better physiucal shape now than ever before in my life.... low body fat percentge.... exercise 3-4 times per week.... 4 mile jogs... weights...etc...etc...


    Now, I am scared to death. Do I sacrifice my sexuality for hair? Is this the choice I am facing? Or, Do I sacrifice my hair in order to get my mo-jo back? The choice seems obvious. I'm gonna have to give up the fin. Now I am worried that my hair will look funny in a couple of years if I quit the fin.


    I Googled the side effects of Propecia and the first websight that pops up (http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/) scare the living &%#! out of me! Could this be permanent impotence?


    Any advice or suggestion would be very much appreciated.

  9. Sorry for the double post.... I also posted this in the drugs section.... I am in CRISIS mode:


    I have been on finnesteridae for about a year now. I take a half of a pill every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I had a HT 6 months ago and my hair is really looking a lot better these days. Let me be blunt....


    I will be 37 next month. For about a year I have not had a girlfriend or been sexually active. I haven't had a whole lot of intrest lately....... various reasons.... went through a divorce 2 years ago..... had a HT.... been a bit cynical towards women in general.


    Any ways, I had a impromptu date with this really hot chick last night. She really had it going on... There was a a connection.... definately seemed to be a lot of mutual sexual energy going on. I took her home and things continued to heat up. When the moment of truth came.... I LAID A BIG FAT EGG....I pulled a Bob Dole and could not get it up...... I was MORTIFIED..... and this girl has got to think I am either gay or not attracted to her..... and neither could be farther from the truth.


    I have noticed over the last 6 months or so that I have masterbated less than before. Additionally, when I have, I have had a semi-flacid weak errection. Until last night I just shrugged it off to the "I'm getting close to 40" self talk...... truth is I am in better physiucal shape now than ever before in my life.... low body fat percentge.... exercise 3-4 times per week.... 4 mile jogs... weights...etc...etc...


    Now, I am scared to death. Do I sacrifice my sexuality for hair? Is this the choice I am facing? Or, Do I sacrifice my hair in order to get my mo-jo back? The choice seems obvious. I'm gonna have to give up the fin. Now I am worried that my hair will look funny in a couple of years if I quit the fin.


    I Googled the side effects of Propecia and the first websight that pops up (http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/) scare the living &%#! out of me! Could this be permanent impotence?


    Any advice or suggestion would be very much appreciated.

  10. I have been on finnesteridae for about a year now. I take a half of a pill every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I had a HT 6 months ago and my hair is really looking a lot better these days. Let me be blunt....


    I will be 37 next month. For about a year I have not had a girlfriend or been sexually active. I haven't had a whole lot of intrest lately....... various reasons.... went through a divorce 2 years ago..... had a HT.... been a bit cynical towards women in general.


    Any ways, I had a impromptu date with this really hot chick last night. She really had it going on... There was a a connection.... definately seemed to be a lot of mutual sexual energy going on. I took her home and things continued to heat up. When the moment of truth came.... I LAID A BIG FAT EGG....I pulled a Bob Dole and could not get it up...... I was MORTIFIED..... and this girl has got to think I am either gay or not attracted to her..... and neither could be farther from the truth.


    I have noticed over the last 6 months or so that I have masterbated less than before. Additionally, when I have, I have had a semi-flacid weak errection. Until last night I just shrugged it off to the "I'm getting close to 40" self talk...... truth is I am in better physiucal shape now than ever before in my life.... low body fat percentge.... exercise 3-4 times per week.... 4 mile jogs... weights...etc...etc...


    Now, I am scared to death. Do I sacrifice my sexuality for hair? Is this the choice I am facing? Or, Do I sacrifice my hair in order to get my mo-jo back? The choice seems obvious. I'm gonna have to give up the fin. Now I am worried that my hair will look funny in a couple of years if I quit the fin.


    I Googled the side effects of Propecia and the first websight that pops up (http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/) scare the living &%#! out of me! Could this be permanent impotence?


    Any advice or suggestion would be very much appreciated.

  11. I have been on finnesteridae for about a year now. I take a half of a pill every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I had a HT 6 months ago and my hair is really looking a lot better these days. Let me be blunt....


    I will be 37 next month. For about a year I have not had a girlfriend or been sexually active. I haven't had a whole lot of intrest lately....... various reasons.... went through a divorce 2 years ago..... had a HT.... been a bit cynical towards women in general.


    Any ways, I had a impromptu date with this really hot chick last night. She really had it going on... There was a a connection.... definately seemed to be a lot of mutual sexual energy going on. I took her home and things continued to heat up. When the moment of truth came.... I LAID A BIG FAT EGG....I pulled a Bob Dole and could not get it up...... I was MORTIFIED..... and this girl has got to think I am either gay or not attracted to her..... and neither could be farther from the truth.


    I have noticed over the last 6 months or so that I have masterbated less than before. Additionally, when I have, I have had a semi-flacid weak errection. Until last night I just shrugged it off to the "I'm getting close to 40" self talk...... truth is I am in better physiucal shape now than ever before in my life.... low body fat percentge.... exercise 3-4 times per week.... 4 mile jogs... weights...etc...etc...


    Now, I am scared to death. Do I sacrifice my sexuality for hair? Is this the choice I am facing? Or, Do I sacrifice my hair in order to get my mo-jo back? The choice seems obvious. I'm gonna have to give up the fin. Now I am worried that my hair will look funny in a couple of years if I quit the fin.


    I Googled the side effects of Propecia and the first websight that pops up (http://www.propeciasideeffects.com/) scare the living &%#! out of me! Could this be permanent impotence?


    Any advice or suggestion would be very much appreciated.

  12. Originally posted by Bill - Moderator:



    Though I cannot be sure, I would seriously doubt that the transplanted hair would already be growing just after it shed.


    I would guess that some of the transplanted hairs broke and what you are seeing is the remains of the transplanted hair that will also eventually fall out.


    If you had your head shaved, it's possible that what you are seeing is the natural shaved hair growing back.


    But I could be wrong.




    Bill, I know this sounds weird.... I'm a bit surprised myself...... I wasn't shaved down so I know this is not native hair growing in..... I suppose these hairs could have broken in half, but, what about the zits (ingrown hairs) coming in the last few days...... isn't that a sign of the new hairs coming in? It does seem as if everything has gone very smooth for me so far.... scar looks great..... healing seems ahead of schedule.... no noticeable shock loss. I guess I'm wondering which is more plausible.... quick growth or broken hairs? I've been receiving bi-weekly laser treatments at my docs office.... could this be helping? What is the soonest you've heard of new hair coming in?

  13. I am 3 weeks and a day post op. Most grafts were shed by day 10. I've had a couple of ingrown hairs the last few days..... but...... this morning, under close inspection, I noticed quite a few new hairs popping through the scalp. These are not miniaturized hairs. Is it possible for new hairs to be popping through so soon? Has anyone experienced new growth so soon?

  14. I am 3 weeks and a day post op. Most grafts were shed by day 10. I've had a couple of ingrown hairs the last few days..... but...... this morning, under close inspection, I noticed quite a few new hairs popping through the scalp. These are not miniaturized hairs. Is it possible for new hairs to be popping through so soon? Has anyone experienced new growth so soon?

  15. Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:

    so you had the surgery PRIOR to your initial posting, correct?


    what do you mean..."I didn't come out very much on the hairline"...


    As far as sharing who your doc was---if your not comfy with sharing that is cool, but that is one of the main purposes here so we can all see and learn...


    Yes, I had surgery b4 my first post... but I've been lurking here and on other boards researching for about 6 months.


    I'll post some pics in the next few days.... You can't really tell what's going on with out them.

  16. Originally posted by notgoing2gobald:

    can you give us the details of the surgery (i.e. graft count and into what area it was grafted)?

    I had about 3000 grafts... about 65% in the front half and 35% in the back/crown.... I didn't come out very much on the hairline... just reeled in the stragglers and tried to densify my thinning throughout.

  17. I appreciate all the input. Guys, I had the procedure 10 days ago. I'd rather not name names on who the doc is.... I'd like to avoid any bias opinions.



    My frontal work looks as I drew in the picture...


    The pic that everyone is looking at is my most recent pre-op pic. It is very deceiving....My hair was almost identical to this guy:




    I will be posting the pre-op pics that my doc took as soon as I

    receive them I will post.


    My hair loss is definitely not the worst case, but it was enough to bother me.


    My stitches were removed this Friday and the scar is almost not detectable (except for one spot).


    Here are my biggest concerns...


    1) low return to diffuse thinning (attrition of native hair)... I'm worried that my net gain won't be worth the hassle of the lengthy road ahead.


    2) shock loss scares the s**t out of me. hence the handle "BitingMyNails".


    Thanks again!

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