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Posts posted by Lenny

  1. Again I appreciate everyone taking time to respond to this thread. And I'm glad I've given a few of you a laugh with naive testing approach.


    However, I still don't get it.


    I don't see this as open heart surgery.


    I see this as closer to having a root canal.


    Now if a dentist told me that I need 6 root canals to get my mouth back to where it was when I was 20, I'd do one first, not all 6 at the same time.


    My "test" is just to see how I take to the procedure. What if I develop scarring and find out that this is not right for me. How will I know, even if I'm at the best clinic, unless I test it out. I'm in no rush to restore my hairline. I've lived with a receding hairline for over 20 years.


    I'll try to post some pictures. But here's a better idea. I don't know how your hair loss scale works yet, but I have a large amount of donor hair. I have lots of thick wavy brown hair on top and at the back of my head. I'm just looking to fill in my hairline a little bit with all of this. And I don't want to do something stupid. I don't mind trying it out and seeing if my head takes to the procedure well and then waiting a year to decide if I want to do the big graft.


    So I just don't get the all or nothing approach that is being advocated here. If it really is heart surgery, please let me know. But I think root canal is a better analogy based on what I understand so far.


    Thanks again.


    I look forward seeing your replies



  2. I'd like to thank everyone for their responses so far.


    I have a few more issues I'd like to explore.


    Let's assume I go out of town to find a good surgeon. I still would like to "test out" getting hair transplants.


    I still have a lot of hair on the top of my head, and I still don't see why a test of 400 grafts wouldn't have even a minimal improvement while I evaluate whether hair transplants are something I want to make a major investment in.


    If I go with the FUE will I avoid the big scar of the strip?


    And if I went with the strip, wouldn't a strip for 400 grafts be pretty small anyway?


    I'm just unclear about why I would jump in and do a lot of grafts without doing a little test first, even with the right surgeon.


    I'm also unclear about what are the potential disasters of the wrong surgeon. If the doctor has been doing this for 18 years, provides me references I can meet, and says they are doing micro follicular units, what else should I be concerned about?


    Thanks again



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