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Posts posted by Hair_Tomorrow

  1. I just did my first...folica.


    I have been thinking about it for 10 years. I built it up inside my head, and now that it's over and done, it was something of a non-event.


    I had very little swelling, the staples came out easy, and I had very little pain or discomfort.


    Hopefully that helps, either way, keep us posted

  2. Could not agree with you more, Janna.


    Freedom of choice, free will. No one is above questioning. If I thought knowing my counts would provide a better transplant, and I interviewed a doctor that didn't give them, I'd go somewhere else.


    There is not one thread of clinical data that even hints that me knowing my exact counts provides a better transplant....it's a matter of personal preference, a matter of choice, a matter of what my priorities are, as the consumer.


    So we have two sets of personal opinions, both lacking any medical data to suggest one is better than the other. One side says you should demand that you know your exact count, one says they would rather rely on the experience and result of the doctor.


    In a case of personal preference, there should never be any "demanding" "forcing" and especially censorship.


    We should just be helping each other, not censoring or making demands of each other....those words are contradictory to what I believe this board is all about.

  3. hey LaGrange,


    I'm 15 days out from my surgery, and I could not be happier. My wife took the staples out last night and could not believe how clean the incision looked...I had very little bleeding, and very little swelling. I know every patient is different, but I followed Dr. Hasson's pre-surgery checklist like a pilot follows his pre-flight check list. No drinking, do drugs, and plenty of laxity exercises.


    You're in good hands....as crazy as it sounds, you might even enjoy the experience!



  4. The result is the end result. Experience, technique, patient satisfaction, artistry...these are much more important than quantity.


    In fact, if quantity is your most important criteria for a good transplant, you shouldn't be having a transplant. MHOicon_smile.gif



    The crusade to force hair transplant doctors to tell you how many singles they used strikes me as an odd battle to wage. There are sooooo many bad doctors out there, so many scams and frauds...so many better ways to spend your time, so many more real battles to wage than this silly childrens crusade.


    Any educated adult male with even a fraction of common sense has the power to choose which ever doctor they want.


    There is no medical data that supports knowing your exact hair count makes for a better transplant.


    Some bad doctors provide exact hair counts; some good doctors provide exact hair counts.


    Some bad doctors provide FU's.

    Some good doctors provide FU's.


    As a consumer, if your number 1 goal is counts, by all means, go to a bean counter and get a transplant. If results are your most important criteria, go to a doctor with great results.


    When I hear words like "forcing" and "demanding" it makes me think there is more to the debate than we're hearing. I don't know the history, but it seems to me there is some bad blood between Pat and the folks at Hasson and Wong, and this "crusade" is a thinly veiled attempt to discredit one of the best transplant facilities in North America. Of course, this is just the way it seems to me, and I'm sure I could be mis-reading the real intent behind this crusade...


    Just really seems like we should be supporting each other, and not asking members to censor our experiences. There are so many more "less silly" crusades to wage. Time to move on, time to let it go, time to end the Shapiro Vs. Hasson/Wong fight. They're both great doctors.

  5. B-spot, it's a shame you have edited your posts.


    You have every right to express your opinions - Your passionate anger with Hasson and Wong could very well stop a newbie from making the FU mistake.


    I think you should re-post what you took down. if you believe in it, leave it!!icon_smile.gif

  6. the resolution is simple.


    Use your head, you have free will, if bean counting hair is more important then quality of work, use your freedom of choice. That's your opinion, and your right.


    Unless you have data to support that counting hair makes for a better result, live and let live, and don't demand or censor anyone.


    So to recap - without data supporting your personal opinion, just make everyone feel supported.


    How is that for a resolution?

  7. As a consumer, we have the right and the power to choose whoever we want to do your HT.


    If, in your opinion, you get better results knowing the exact hair count...then you are empowered to choose a doctor who gives exact hair counts. But your choice isn't a priority for all of us...your choice is based on your personal opinion...not medical data.


    So instead of making "demands" and dictating that going forward our fellow-follically-challenged-breathen MUST post the exact hair count...why can't we just agree that we all have our own opinions, and that, regardless of exact hair count, we're all in this together, we should all just help and support each other as much as we can?


    Isn't getting along and helping each other much nicer than stuffing a personal opinion down someone's throat, and making them feel unwelcomed?

  8. You are right, B-spot...I should have said "In my opionion" when I said Dr. Hasson was the best.


    What we have are two schools of thought on the "Exact Hair Count" Vs. the "Follicular Units" debate.


    The EHC crowd believes that ever Dr. is obligated to tell his or her patient the Exact number of Hair in each Unit. The FU folks believe that results are all that matters.


    There is no evidence that knowing the exact hair count provides a better hair transplant. There is no evidence that not knowing provides a better hair transplant.


    So what we have is a matter of opinion ??“ which everyone is entitled to. I take issue with being told not to post my FU unless I know my exact hair count. That is censorship ??“ plain and simple.


    And that isn't what we want here, is it? Telling people they can't share their FU's because your opinion on EHC's is different??? Is that the true spirit of men helping men? It's not...it's hating, and that's my opinion.

  9. I can understand how you feel, its-only-hair. Saying you can't post your FU's, and can only post exact hair counts seems like a terrible form of censorship. Of course the implication is, your didn't receive a good HT unless you know the exact hair count - and everyone here agrees, that's just nonsense.


    Everywhere you go in life, they'll be haters. If you buy a Porsche 911, a small group of haters will chime in and say you bought a piece of junk...if you bought a Corvette, another group of haters will chime in with some other nonsense.


    I didn't choose Dr. Hasson because he was going to give me exact hair counts. I choose him because he has the best results.


    Let the haters have at it...enjoy your new hair.

  10. What a shame...I did not see your pics.


    Really too bad the Shapiro Vs. Hasson debate has this kind of effect on someone who just wants to share his experience.


    Good luck its-only-hair...I'm two weeks out from my surgery with Dr. Hasson, and with everyday I get more excited...big day tomorrow, staples come out!

  11. thanks for the info, Mikeman.


    Its-only, Dr. Hasson told me wait til day 14...and I can hold off til then.


    I found a product at my local pharmacy that I think will help with prevention of my donor scar from stretching. Curad make a "spray" bandage...




    I've been using it for two days. It's almost like invisible glue. I like the fact that the spray keeps the area clean, and hopefully it'll hold things together after the staples come out.


    Stings a little, but's it's very firm...I'll take some pics when the staples come out.


    Thanks again for the info!

  12. mikeman, thank you so much for posting your pics.


    I'm 3 days away from removing my staples. Few questions for you (and anyone else who might know).


    for starters, are you still numb in any areas? I know it's normal at this stage (11 days out)...but I'm wondering when the feeling comes back.


    How did your staple removal go? did you soak your head? any advice?


    Lastly - shock loss. Did you have it, and if yes, when did it happen?


    Thanks again for the pics...I was VERY curious what my head would look like right after the staples came out.




  13. I had mine done with Dr. Hasson 8 days ago. Feeling really good. My wife is amazed at how "clean" the staples are...none of the skin is pulling or bunching up.


    No shock loss yet...I've got my fingers crossed.


    The towel under the head idea is a good one. Thanks for the photos, and best wishes to you!

  14. have 4700 hairs or grafts? Looks like grafts............let us know


    Yup, grafts.


    I'll take some more pics. Today is day 4, and I'm starting to feel really good.


    My wife told me if it wasn't for the staples, I could shave my head and you wouldn't even know anything had been done.


    Through it all, I've had very, very little pain, and almost no swelling. Every now and again I feel a little tingle from one of the staples - but nothing dramatic.

  15. Thanks Bill.


    That old boy is a 12year old Great Dane...He never had his ears cropped. Ridgeback and dane do look very much alike.


    Three days post op, and no problems to report (knock on wood). Little tight around the staples, but no pain or discomfort to speak of.

  16. Thanks Guys, just got home (1am in Atlanta).






    4700 hairs total.


    What a day yesterday was. For starters...I couldn't believe I was has having a transplant. I felt very, very little pain or discomfort. It was nothing worse than getting a cavity filled..the first needle is the worse, then you don't feel much of any thing.


    Dr. Hasson is an old pro, and his technicians kept things light and upbeat. I even shared a few laughs with Jodi - Jodi, if you're out there, I never would have thought I'd write this, but you made the transplant fun. Everyone in Dr. Hasson's office was nice.


    Pretty much watched TV and looked at the incredible view of Vancouver...I was totally relaxed the whole time. When it was finished (about 6ish) Jodi took me through my post-op instructions. One piece of advice she gave me that is really worth sharing, don't wait til you're feeling pain before you start taking the tylenol#3...I just started to feel it yesterday at about 7pm, started taking the Tylenol, and I haven't felt an ounce of pain in more than 24 hours.


    Few other random thoughts/advice. The Grandville Hotels location is great. Not the fanciest hotel, but it's right on the water, and it's right in the middle of a bunch of great restaurants, art galleries, theater and the public market. Christina suggested the public market for food, it was a good choice. Basically, you can get anything from fresh sushi, to organic fruits, to pizza. The market has an overlook of the harbor, so you can eat, and enjoy the yachts cruising by.


    The only regret I have is that I didn't spend more time in Vancouver. The city is so nice; I'm planning a vacation with my wife for this summer.


    Dr. Hasson, Christina, Jodi, Doug, everyone at Hasson & Wong, thanks for taking such good care of me...it made all the difference in the world.


    Your Friend,


    Mark (aka "Flatch")

  17. well, I had my pre-op visit today with Dr. Hasson.


    Long flight from Atlanta with a lay over in Salt Lake...I was pretty tired when I got to the office. Christina met me with a very friendly "Welcome".


    I was a little nervous before I met him, but his confidence is contagious. Dr. Hasson said I had good laxity, and a good donor area. Surgery is tomorrow.


    I'm overdue for pictures..I'll post my before and afters when I get home.

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