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Posts posted by BAL

  1. I just noticed that the former England Rugby Union international whose on that ITV show, Dancing On Ice has had a HT with Farjo:


    Kyran's Pics


    Theres also pics of Shaun Williamson (aka Barry from Eastenders) there:


    Shaun's Pics


    The results are positive but it appears thin zoomed in and Kyran looks balder in that show. Shaun's in Fame Acadamy (not a particularly good show) and it looks like he's got a fair bit of concealer in there:

    Fame Acadamy


    What do you think?

  2. Originally posted by BAL:
    Originally posted by Jotronic:

    Glad to know it, Bal. It's good to know that it's working out. Would you mind sharing how wide it was before revision and what you gather the current width is? If you would prefer to chat privately just email me at joe@hassonandwong.com. I'm anxious to know more I just don't want to push the issue if you are not comfortable with it yet. Thanks either way.


    Jotronic - my scar was 2.5 cm in width and is currently 4-5 mm. If you want to know more, holla back, though I'm sure Dr Feller will tell you all the ins and outs.


    Bill - I did make an initial post on it across the boards and it was my intention to post regular updates but any results at this stage are immaterial seeing that my scar could just stretch normally when the staples are removed. I will make a post in a few months when the results are clear.


    Originally posted by Bill:

    I do have to say, however, even if it works wonders, I just HOPE that doctors come up with a BETTER and less painful way icon_wink.gif


    Yeah this isn't for everyone, like the thread starter, Justme051 suggests. Generally, us butchered patients are a tougher breed icon_smile.gif

  3. Originally posted by Jotronic:



    How's that working out for you so far?


    It's been a pain in the <STRIKE>ass</STRIKE>, or should I say head but I'm coping alrite. Some days are better than others. Sleeping has been the biggest expense for me. My donor does feel like a bomb has hit it... but it'll all be worth it if the experiment works as the scarring I have is just unbearable.


    The scar so for is looking promising in that it's 5 or 6 times narrower than before. However, I will have to wait after the staples are removed to know if it'll stay like that. Heres hopin icon_smile.gif

  4. I'm sorry justme051, but I couldn't help chuckling to myself when I read your post. Trust me if you think what you have had to endure is inhumane, think about me! I'm a patient of Dr Feller's whose the first ever person to undergo the revolutionary staple-cycle technique. Basically, after surgery, I have my staples replaced every two weeks with those nasty local anaesthetic injections. And oh yeah I have to do this for 9 months straight! I'm 3 months into it now and believe me, be thankful for just having to remove your staples once after 8 days icon_smile.gif.

  5. Originally posted by irish homer:

    going to Dr Feller for second pass, too hard to get to Miami at this time of year and am so impressed with Dr Fellers results.


    hope your experimently work goes will. i'm sure you'll get that extra bit of care and concideration as so many will be watching for a good outcome.


    Thanks so do I. I had surgery with Dr Feller a year a go and I'm v.pleased with how things went. I'm sure he'll have no problems accomplishing your goals. I'm having my surgery slightly before you so heres to a hairy xmas'07 icon_smile.gif

  6. Thanks for the support Irish Homer, I'm having scar revision/staple cycle experiment done with Dr Feller and then Dr Rogers. Details can be found here.


    I'm going to be the first ever patient to have this performed on so I'm a little anxious about it.


    How about yourself.. are you going back to Dr Epstein? I'm glad your first HT with him went well and I'm sure your second session will be just as successfull. Good luck mate icon_smile.gif

  7. Thanks for sharing that Bill, MSM is good for healing the body but my only concern was that it would rush too much blood to the recipient area (hence greater chance for grafts popping out or blood oozing). This is unlikely I know.


    In patient instructions, theres only talk of not taking vitamins/supplements before each procedure so I guess after that it's acceptable

  8. Hi guys I've searched for the answer to this in the forum boards but haven't found an answer.


    Basically I want to know whether it is safe to start taking MSM/Vit C straight after the op or whether I should leave it a few days.


    I'm trying to decide whether or not to take some MSM with me for my next op in the states. I know there are a lot of MSM users here so I was wondering what you guys think..

  9. Hi guys I've searched for the answer to this in the forum boards but haven't found an answer.


    Basically I want to know whether it is safe to start taking MSM/Vit C straight after the op or whether I should leave it a few days.


    I'm trying to decide whether or not to take some MSM with me for my next op in the states. I know there are a lot of MSM users here so I was wondering what you guys think..

  10. Hi guys, just a quick question. I am having an Scar Revision/staple-cycle Experiment with Dr Feller. The grafts from the the scar revision will go to my hairline as it's not as thick as how I and Dr Feller want it.


    I had my last 2100 graft FUT into front/hairline in late Nov'05. I'm looking at dates and theres an opening at exactly 12 months post op (late Nov'06). Is this an OK period to have more hairline work or should I wait to see if I get more growth?





  11. Hey Landen,


    Thank you for your concerns mate but don't worry theres no chance any UK surgeon will be revising my severe scarring. Unfortunately I have learned the hard way how disasterous "some" UK surgeon's work can be. I've been suffering ever since.


    I have had consultations with most of the top UK surgeons before meeting Dr Feller and none of them wanted to know anyway.


    I rang Dr Feller yesterday with my concerns with his last post and he told me that he is willing to perform the scar revision himself. Dr Feller also assured me that a UK surgeon would only be needed for stapling once I'm back.

  12. Originally posted by Dr. Alan Feller:

    You should indeed do a standard scar revision using STAPLES, and then every two weeks every other staple should be removed and then replaced 2 weeks later. This cycling should go on for 4-6 months and then the scar watched.


    Hello Dr Feller,


    Thank you for taking the time to post in my thread. I like the theory you emailed me and I am willing to try it. In fact, as I live in isolation, I am prepared to keep the staple cycle going for 9+ months and so I could be an extreme test subject.


    Will the tightness pain subside eventually? Eitherway, I think I will cope as I know it could help me long term.


    One thing though, do you intend to revise as much of my scars as possible or just a single scar? I really want to get most (if not all) of the scars revised in my next surgery and hopefully we can also get my frontal zone tweaked.

  13. I sense that Dr Feller is somewhat reluctant to perform scar revision on me due to the elasicity of my skin. He initially suggested FUE into the scars rather than scar revision, which I don't think is the right plan.


    After seeing my 8 month post op pics and he said that its thinner than expected and that he recommends focusing on the frontal zone again and then dealing with my scars afterwards. I can't afford to wait another year on dealing with my scars as they are really inhibiting.


    I'll rather hit the scars and the frontal zone together with scar revision. I've explained this to Dr Feller and I'll have to see what he says. I'm going to call him about scar revision and whether he is comfortable doing it.


    Like I said I am pleased with my growth but my hair is sparser than the flashed photographs suggests. My RHS is a lot sparser than the LHS. The non-flashed pics give a more accurate picture. I'll have to wait a few months and see how my growth progresses but I think Dr Feller is right in that I will need to touch up my front and so scar revision is really my best bet.

  14. Hi Guys, as some of you know, I have had four terribles surgeries done in the UK at just 21. I'm now 24 and have four thick scars. I had a 5th procedure on Nov'05 with Dr Feller, who extended my topmost scar and got me 2100 grafts which were placed in my front.


    So far the growth from Dr Feller's procedure has been pleasing but Dr Feller says that its thin for 8 months post op and that I would probably need to touch it up in my next procedure.


    I am now looking for advice on who to consult with for my scar revision. Dr Feller obviously knows my case better than others and is my strongest candidate so far but as I have such severe scarring, I need to go to the BEST and so I am looking for some unbiased advice on who to go for and why.


    I have very lax skin for someone who has had 5 surgeries but Dr Feller feels my skin is rather elastic and so theres a chance my scar could stretch back. I therefore need to go to someone who uses proven techniques to eliminate that chance. What do you think?


    As I will probably be touching up my hairline, I would need a surgeon who produces high yields in terms of growth.


    There should be photos of my scarring in my photo album if your interested. It would be great to hear from scar revision patients.





  15. Hi Guys, as some of you know, I have had four terribles surgeries done in the UK at just 21. I'm now 24 and have four thick scars. I had a 5th procedure on Nov'05 with Dr Feller, who extended my topmost scar and got me 2100 grafts which were placed in my front.


    So far the growth from Dr Feller's procedure has been pleasing but Dr Feller says that its thin for 8 months post op and that I would probably need to touch it up in my next procedure.


    I am now looking for advice on who to consult with for my scar revision. Dr Feller obviously knows my case better than others and is my strongest candidate so far but as I have such severe scarring, I need to go to the BEST and so I am looking for some unbiased advice on who to go for and why.


    I have very lax skin for someone who has had 5 surgeries but Dr Feller feels my skin is rather elastic and so theres a chance my scar could stretch back. I therefore need to go to someone who uses proven techniques to eliminate that chance. What do you think?


    As I will probably be touching up my hairline, I would need a surgeon who produces high yields in terms of growth.


    There should be photos of my scarring in my photo album if your interested. It would be great to hear from scar revision patients.





  16. Hi Brianf, who did you have your recent HT (scar repair) with? I am considering scar repair by transplanting grafts there to dilute my 4 scars. How did you cope with your post-op regime (washing, resting etc)? I'm worried that I could dislodge grafts by resting my head against a pillow etc. Was it difficult to care/treat the scars? I imagine applying Minoxidil to the back of the head would be rather difficult.

  17. Hi, like many victims of bad HTs, I am planning to go the FUE into scar route in an attempt to resolve my heavy scarring problem. I have 4 thick scars and although I have a very lax donor area (which I have heard is good for scar revision), Dr Feller thinks it would most likely stretch back due to the elasticity of my skin. The more I think about it the more FUE into my scars sounds the best method. However, I have some questions regarding placing grafts in scar tissue. These questions are mostly directed at Doctors or patients of FUE into scars:


    1) Firstly would the grafts placed in the scars, grow before shedding like they do in the scalp?


    2) Would the transplanted hair grow slower and if so how much slower.


    3) What is the standard/average yield that one would expect from FUE into scars? I've read in some boards that its only 30-50% which is abt the same as BHT! icon_confused.gif


    4) I have risen scars (i.e. slightly "bumpy") so would that affect graft growth/survival or my suitability for FUE into scar?


    5)I have read that vascular scars are ideal for being transplanted on. Is there any way of knowing how vascular your scars are going to be prior surgery? Also is there anyway of making your scars more vascularised?


    6) Also how do patients of FUE into the scar cope with their post-op regime (washing, resting etc)? I'm worried that I could dislodge grafts by resting my head on the flight home. Should I book a longer trip?


    I'll appreciate some helpful suggestions. Thanks



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