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Posts posted by TEAG95

  1. I have heard of many different ways to treat the donor scar area.


    I visited NHI recently, and understand they use sutures that dissolve on their own.


    Another method is staples that have to be pulled out by a medical team.


    Lastly, I know that some doctors use basic stitches, which also have to be pulled out be a medical team.


    Does anybody know the pros and cons of each one of these procedures?



  2. I have heard of many different ways to treat the donor scar area.


    I visited NHI recently, and understand they use sutures that dissolve on their own.


    Another method is staples that have to be pulled out by a medical team.


    Lastly, I know that some doctors use basic stitches, which also have to be pulled out be a medical team.


    Does anybody know the pros and cons of each one of these procedures?



  3. Probably not the answer you want to hear, but if I could do it all over again, I would not. I'd probably just shave it all off as that appears to be a very socially acceptable appearance. If somebody would have told me that seven years ago, however, I would have ignored them and continued researching hair transplants. With that said, if you do decide to have transplants, do your due diligence on what doctor you choose and meet as many patients of his as possible so that you are fully aware of what a successful procedure looks like. I am happy with my results and would definitely recommend my doctor if you do wish to proceed. I think that the internet can provide you with plenty of information to make an informed decision. My hair is sandy blond and fine. The lack of contrast between my skin and hair have helped my appearance a great deal. I do not have any pictures at this time. I hope that helps you o

  4. I am 29 years old and had a transplant procedure done by NHI (Bill Rassman) when I was 22. I am very happy with the work he performed and am thinking about having another procedure done.


    I am a 6 on the Norwood scale. I hope that I stay a 6 and do not turn into a 7. I've been losing my hair since I was 17. Is there a certain number of years that one can lose his hair before he has a good degree of certainty that it will not progress any further? Does losing one's hair for 12 years give any assurance that it will not progress a considerable amount further? My fear is that I'll have another done and then I'll lose more hair and not have enough donor hair to bridge the gap between the transplanted and natural hair. Is 29 a good age to go for the second procedure? Would you recommend that I wait?


    I currently use Propecia, which appears to have slowed down the hairloss, and have tried Rogaine in the past with no success.


    Any help would very much be appreciated.



  5. I am 29 years old and had a transplant procedure done by NHI (Bill Rassman) when I was 22. I am very happy with the work he performed and am thinking about having another procedure done.


    I am a 6 on the Norwood scale. I hope that I stay a 6 and do not turn into a 7. I've been losing my hair since I was 17. Is there a certain number of years that one can lose his hair before he has a good degree of certainty that it will not progress any further? Does losing one's hair for 12 years give any assurance that it will not progress a considerable amount further? My fear is that I'll have another done and then I'll lose more hair and not have enough donor hair to bridge the gap between the transplanted and natural hair. Is 29 a good age to go for the second procedure? Would you recommend that I wait?


    I currently use Propecia, which appears to have slowed down the hairloss, and have tried Rogaine in the past with no success.


    Any help would very much be appreciated.



  6. I had hair transplants ("HT's") (1 session, approx. 1,500 micros) 7 years ago when I was 23. I thank my lucky stars that they have turned out as well as they have. However, the density is lacking and I'm doing some research into another procedure (the FU's sound like the only way to go, agree?). I am a class 6 so density will always be an issue due to limited donor hair although I have average to above average density in my donor hair. My question is if now is a good time to move forward, or should I wait for break-throughs in cloning or other treatments? I think that the HT looks fine and I am in no hurry to move forward if there will be some ground-breaking technology develop in the field in the next 5 years or so. However, I would really like to focus on getting as much info as possible on HT at this time.


    Also, I am treating this as if I am going into the procedure for the first time and am looking at all the "recommended drs.". Is there one that stands above the rest assuming that time, money, and location (I wish!) are not issues?


    I appreciate any and all responses. This has definitely been the most informative sight that I've found.



  7. I had hair transplants ("HT's") (1 session, approx. 1,500 micros) 7 years ago when I was 23. I thank my lucky stars that they have turned out as well as they have. However, the density is lacking and I'm doing some research into another procedure (the FU's sound like the only way to go, agree?). I am a class 6 so density will always be an issue due to limited donor hair although I have average to above average density in my donor hair. My question is if now is a good time to move forward, or should I wait for break-throughs in cloning or other treatments? I think that the HT looks fine and I am in no hurry to move forward if there will be some ground-breaking technology develop in the field in the next 5 years or so. However, I would really like to focus on getting as much info as possible on HT at this time.


    Also, I am treating this as if I am going into the procedure for the first time and am looking at all the "recommended drs.". Is there one that stands above the rest assuming that time, money, and location (I wish!) are not issues?


    I appreciate any and all responses. This has definitely been the most informative sight that I've found.



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