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Posts posted by Carol

  1. Here are my photos 7 mos. after my first transplant. I had 1560 grafts with Dr. Charles mainly in the frontal area, behind my hairline. I had my second transplant done a few days ago (1600 grafts) along my part, crown and some more towards the front left side where I always see scalp. I have very thin hair as well as it thinning on top.


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  2. Here are my photos 7 mos. after my first transplant. I had 1560 grafts with Dr. Charles mainly in the frontal area, behind my hairline. I had my second transplant done a few days ago (1600 grafts) along my part, crown and some more towards the front left side where I always see scalp. I have very thin hair as well as it thinning on top.


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  3. I'm sorry, I didn't mention I am female. I posted after my first transplant back in July '06. I tried to add some pictures but the file size was too large and they got rejected. I'm not sure how to downsize them. I don't have good photos before my first implant because my head was shaved from wearing the hair system so they really wouldn't have been an accurate representation of my thinning top. I do have some 7 months after my first ht which I would post if I can figure out how to downsize them.

  4. I had my second transplant with Dr. Charles yesterday. It's been 8 months since my first one (1560 grafts) which he placed mainly in the frontal area of my head. I had been wearing a hair system prior to that so when I stopped wearing it after 6 months, I realized that my hair was still pretty thin on top and in my crown area. When consulting with Dr. Charles, we both agreed that I could use some more grafts along my part and in the crown area. He didn't try to push me to get too many since he was worried about shock and didn't want me to pay for a lot of grafts and only have a small percentage take. The final amount placed was 1601. The procedure was a breeze and the only pain was the injection of the anesthetic. I even fell asleep during the second half of the procedure. Today, the donor area is sore but nothing that a couple of Tylenol doesn't help. It took about 6 months to see a real result last time so I'm expecting the same this time.

  5. I had my second transplant with Dr. Charles yesterday. It's been 8 months since my first one (1560 grafts) which he placed mainly in the frontal area of my head. I had been wearing a hair system prior to that so when I stopped wearing it after 6 months, I realized that my hair was still pretty thin on top and in my crown area. When consulting with Dr. Charles, we both agreed that I could use some more grafts along my part and in the crown area. He didn't try to push me to get too many since he was worried about shock and didn't want me to pay for a lot of grafts and only have a small percentage take. The final amount placed was 1601. The procedure was a breeze and the only pain was the injection of the anesthetic. I even fell asleep during the second half of the procedure. Today, the donor area is sore but nothing that a couple of Tylenol doesn't help. It took about 6 months to see a real result last time so I'm expecting the same this time.

  6. Angel, thanks for your concern. I specifically discussed this with Dr. Charles on my initial consultation and following the procedure. I had clips placed in the hair piece so that it attaches gently to my existing hair and I remove it in the evening. Since I was a hair club member, they had shaved my hair to adhere the hair piece. I only have what has regrown since my decision to have a hair transplant - about 2 months worth. I am a working professional and couldn't possibly go to work without wearing it. This was a critical issue for me. I am being very careful with placing it and taking it off whenever possible. Dr. Charles agreed that this shouldn't be a problem. I hope he's right. He has had other patients that have had similar issues.

  7. I am a 47 year old female with a family history (older sister and mother) of thinning hair. I have been wearing a hair club system for the past year. I decided it would be less expensive to have a hair transplant than to be paying them indefinitely. I did some research and could not find a surgeon on the west coast of Florida where I live. I decided to go with Dr. Charles in Boca Raton. I emailed him my photos and he called me that same evening. He answered all my questions and explained all the possible results.

    On the day of the procedure, Dr. Charles sat down with me and we discussed what exactly I wanted to achieve and how many grafts he felt could do it. He did not try to oversell me and I decided on his recommendation of 1500 grafts. I have a decent hair line so I just needed an overall filling in.

    Dr. Charles had given me some valium to relax me and by the time the procedure began I was ready to take a nap. They also had me choose some movies to watch during the procedure.

    The procedure began about 10:30 and by 12:30, Dr. Charles had taken the donor tissue, sutured the donor area, placed the graft incisions and his staff had finished preparing the grafts. It was time for lunch.

    At 1 PM the staff began placing the grafts and by 3 PM, they were done. The only thing I felt was some pin pricks at the start of the procedure when Dr. Charles administered the numbing medication.

    Following the procedure, Dr. Charles explained the post surgical care as well as giving me the instructions in writing. He told me everything to expect over the next few days and they have all been accurate. I had some soreness around the donor site, and some numbness on the graft site (should diminish over time).

    I had the procedure done on a Thursday so that I would have the weekend to recuperate (definitely recommend that). I went back to work on Monday, wearing my hair club hair piece (I had been wearing a hat up until then).

    Now I have to just wait. Dr. Charles and his staff were highly competent, professional and friendly. I look forward to good results but won't really know for a few months. I will continue to post as things progress.

  8. I am a 47 year old female with a family history (older sister and mother) of thinning hair. I have been wearing a hair club system for the past year. I decided it would be less expensive to have a hair transplant than to be paying them indefinitely. I did some research and could not find a surgeon on the west coast of Florida where I live. I decided to go with Dr. Charles in Boca Raton. I emailed him my photos and he called me that same evening. He answered all my questions and explained all the possible results.

    On the day of the procedure, Dr. Charles sat down with me and we discussed what exactly I wanted to achieve and how many grafts he felt could do it. He did not try to oversell me and I decided on his recommendation of 1500 grafts. I have a decent hair line so I just needed an overall filling in.

    Dr. Charles had given me some valium to relax me and by the time the procedure began I was ready to take a nap. They also had me choose some movies to watch during the procedure.

    The procedure began about 10:30 and by 12:30, Dr. Charles had taken the donor tissue, sutured the donor area, placed the graft incisions and his staff had finished preparing the grafts. It was time for lunch.

    At 1 PM the staff began placing the grafts and by 3 PM, they were done. The only thing I felt was some pin pricks at the start of the procedure when Dr. Charles administered the numbing medication.

    Following the procedure, Dr. Charles explained the post surgical care as well as giving me the instructions in writing. He told me everything to expect over the next few days and they have all been accurate. I had some soreness around the donor site, and some numbness on the graft site (should diminish over time).

    I had the procedure done on a Thursday so that I would have the weekend to recuperate (definitely recommend that). I went back to work on Monday, wearing my hair club hair piece (I had been wearing a hat up until then).

    Now I have to just wait. Dr. Charles and his staff were highly competent, professional and friendly. I look forward to good results but won't really know for a few months. I will continue to post as things progress.

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