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Posts posted by TomTom33

  1. Hello,

    I am interested in receiving feedback specifically from Dr. Cooley's patients. I read an article where Dr. Cooley states that many of his patients consume finasteride on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule to offset potential side effects. Can you please provide feedback on how this has worked out for you?

    -Have any of you gone from a daily 1mg dosage to the above mentioned dosage while entirely removing sides?

    -Any feedback at all would be great!!

    Thank you!


  2. Hello,

    I am interested in receiving feedback specifically from Dr. Cooley's patients. I read an article where Dr. Cooley states that many of his patients consume finasteride on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule to offset potential side effects. Can you please provide feedback on how this has worked out for you?

    -Have any of you gone from a daily 1mg dosage to the above mentioned dosage while entirely removing sides?

    -Any feedback at all would be great!!

    Thank you!


  3. Hello,

    I am interested in receiving feedback specifically from Dr. Cooley's patients. I read an article where Dr. Cooley states that many of his patients consume finasteride on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule to offset potential side effects. Can you please provide feedback on how this has worked out for you?

    -Have any of you gone from a daily 1mg dosage to the above mentioned dosage while entirely removing sides?

    -Any feedback at all would be great!!

    Thank you!


  4. Originally posted by Jupiter:

    Hi guys took propecia for 6 months but then quit, after i shaved my head when i got off it for a bout a month it was considerably worse. So now guys since im only 19 and propecia statisically works for the young guys such as myself, im taking pictures of day 1 on propecia and then following them up with 3 month, 6 month, 9 month, and 12 month photos. This way you all can honestly see from a NON-merchant, non-biased, completely and utterly true pictures from a 19 year old pothead who is trying to keep his hair lol. take it easy i thought itd be intresting becasue all the propecia pics that i see that are succesful come straight out of Mercks asshole.


    Jupiter: Can you please tell us exactly where you apply the minoxidil and what kind you use? I understand the crown has thickened up nicely but has the minox caused the front to thicken up? Are you only applying the minox on the temples and crown. Thanks!-Tim

  5. Originally posted by HT55:

    Yes I am on Finasteride. You can see my results in the thread below (I'm the 2nd guy with only 2 pics) the first pic is August 2007 and the 2nd pic is Dec 2007. I will be getting updated pics with the same lighting done soon.


    I was aloso worried about a shed so I wasn't using foam in my hairline until 2 months ago so the after pic is just using foam in the middle and crown.


    Any questions feel free to ask




    Ok Ht55!

    Your hair looks pretty darn good! So you got these results with or without a hair transplant? My thinning is kind of similiar to how yours was. There is more concentrated thinning right behind the hairline yet an over all thinning on complete top area and down the middle. Man, I don't know what to do. I feel like I really need to keep my hair as I have pretty damn big pointy ears and a rather big nose. For me, hair makes a big difference in my appearance! Many can pull off the shaved look and evan sport it well, but I can't pull it off. And I can't tolerate Finasteride which really sucks! I've tried it many times but my body simply can't take it! I feel like i'm shit out of luck! Tim

  6. HT55, i'm sorry I can't answer your foam question but i'm really hoping you can help me out? I am interested in using the foam all over the top but i've heard many horror stories. Is there any chance what so ever you could show me before/after pics so I can compare my loss to yours and what to expect? Man, you have no idea how helpful this would be!! If your able to, my email is timallen45@hotmail.com Thanks so much!-Tim

    ps are you on any other treatments such as Finasteride?

  7. Hi Janna,

    Thanks for helping us guys out! You seem like a concerned, caring individual. Questions please: could you please tell us what kind of minox product this gentleman has used with such great success? And I have thinning all over the top of my head (just like the pic you posted). I can't use Propecia as I have tried it many times with horrible side effects. Could you please tell me if you think using minox alone would keep my hair or better the situation. Do most people with thinning just like the picture (all over top, including front) have better success with the liquid or foam?

    I would hate to be one of those guys that gets on minox without Propecia, sheds most of his hair, then never gets half of it back. Thanks so much. Most appreciated!-Tim

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