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Posts posted by Johnnywalker81

  1. I had a PRP procedure with Dr. Feller today. Nice guy and good experience. I had a consult first, then grabbed lunch, and came back to have the procedure. The procedure itself only took 15-20 minutes and it was painless. Just a quick blood draw and then a couple of pokes.


    I've had a couple of hairtransplant procedures in the past, and my purpose for the PRP was just as a way to strenghten the hairs behind my transplanted hairs.


    The science behind this procedure was compelling. I've worked in the medical field for the last several years and like many of you I scour the available info for any signs of promising future techniques to combat hairloss.


    Activated plasma has been shown to be a great growth factor. The blood supply is obviously important to hair follicles. So it stands to reason that this procedure should help maintain and thicken current hairs.


    I look forward to seeing the results play out for this new application of PRP, and my next procedure in 6 months or so.



  2. Well I've finally had my hair transplant!!!!!


    This link is to my web blog where you can find photos and further updates.




    Here are the details. I drove to Ottawa Canada on Wednesday December 17th, 2008 and booked a room at the Adams Airport Inn. I will be staying for 2 weeks and departing on Friday January 2nd, 2009 after my sutures are removed.


    I went in for my preop on Thursday December 18th, 2008 at 3:15 pm but got there a little early. After filling out some paperwork I spoke with Adrian and Dr. Rahal. It was great to finally meet them because I've had to reschedule this transplant twice over the course of close to 2 years. Since that time I have had plenty of correspondence with Adrian and Dr. Rahal (most of which was through Adrian). All I can say is they were great!


    During my consult we discussed my desire to refine my hairline and add density behind the hairline to an area previously transplanted at about 50 or so grafts per cm bumping it up to 80. Also the temple points that were previously transplanted had a slight gap between where they were transplanted and the native hairs were. Another goal was to transplant to the midscalp where some native hairs were miniaturizing. The final goal was to create a slight jagged widow's peak much like the one actor Christian Bale posesses.


    I had two previous donor scars. One from a local physician in the area I used to live. This scar was smaller and lower on the scalp and the surgery produced little to no yield. The second was higher and longer (a good clean scar though) from a very successful procedure with Dr. Hasson.


    Dr. Rahal listened very well and was very insightful with his way of describing how we could best achieve the results I was looking for. We listed graft yield as my primary objective with the state of the future scar being the secondary.


    On the day of the surgery I arrived at the clinic at 6:30 am and Dr. Rahal and I talked again about my goals. He mentioned that after giving my case considerable thought the night before that he believed it was best to wait on transplanting into my midscalp and fight that battle another day as the density there was still pretty good. We could transplant there and lose some native hairs and be right back where we started. His reasoning was good and I agreed that we should focus on my other objectives and fight that fight another day.


    So we decided on roughly 2500 grafts. After taking the strip my density was great and we instead yielded 3149!!!! He worked with my 2nd scar in the area that Dr. Hasson harvested from and said that my laxity was good and I should have a nice clean scar.


    The surgery went well and I was back in the hotel by 6:00 pm. I did get fidgety sitting for so long but the girls were great as was Dr. Rahal. I really appreciated their patience. Dr. Rahal said that my skin and hair charactersitics made it easy to extract and place the grafts, I'm sure his skill level didn't hurt either!!!!


    I will be in Ottawa for 2 weeks during the healing process.


    Surgery Details: 3149 Grafts, 725 Single Hairs, 1713 Double Hairs, 711 Triple Hairs, Strip was 22.78 cm

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