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Posts posted by Larasa

  1. Bill, how do you apply the foam? My hair looks pretty much the same as yours in lenght. I recently switched from liquid to foam and I find it hard to get the foam on to the scalp. Most of it ends up on the actual hair! I find myself using alot of the foam just to make sure some of it actually sinks through to the scalp. Can you offer any advice?

  2. Does anyone have experience with Dr. Pathomvanich from thailand suggested by Tom A? Im trying to find your blog but not having any luck..can you forward the link so I can check it out. Thanks


    P.s. I Just been checking out Bill blog, what a result! also can relate to your story Bill. You must be really proud of the results, it looks awesome.

  3. I was completly unaware that all it takes to be a member of the IAHRS is a degree and a check. Thanks for pointing this out guys. I have looked at the doctors in the Coalition and many of them also appears to be IAHRS members.


    I have researched most of the Coalition members & their websites and found that most american doctors tend to charge the same sort of prices. As soon as your outside the US, the prices tend vary quite drastically..has anyone else noticed this?


    I know that when considering an HT, the least thing you should think about are costs and distance to travel & focus primarily on the results. But if the doctors your considering are Coalition members, this should not present a problem...


    I will be consulting with Dr.Tykocinski (Coalition member) from Brazil and I have also found a doctor in Belgium which also looks very good, also a Coalition member. When Looking at their pricing, the brazilian doctor seems to charge around half the price of a US doctor and the European doctor is also significantly cheaper compared to US prices.


    From the doctors I have researched, i am favorable towards:


    -Dr Epstein

    -Dr Feller

    -Dr Konior (as recommended by Burt1973)

    -Hasson & Wong

  4. Thanks very much for your input guys! Its been very helpfull. From whats been suggested, it looks as if the quotes I have received so far are reasonable. They vary between $8000-$10000 for the 2000-2500 grafts. I guess the figure I had in my head was way off!


    The next step is who to go with. Initially I was very inclined to go with either Dr.Feller or Dr.Epstein as they constantly seem to deliver good results from what ive seen. However, After reading through the forums, Im pretty lost as many names are coming up very often such as Dr.True and Dr.Shapiro


    So, I have decided to go through the list of Listed doctors/ members of the IAHRS (NOT THE ISHRS, AS PREVIOUSLY POSTED) and see what they recommend. I am UK based and I am travelling to the U.S for the procedure, so im def doing my homework on this...

  5. Hi Everyone,


    This is my first post on this forum. I have decided to go ahead with a transplant and I am currently working my way through the list of doctors listed on the ISHRS website for recommendations and prices. My hair loss is between 2 and 3 on the norwood scale and I need work done to my hairline and temporal area. The general recommendation seems to be around 2000-2500 grafts. The prices being quotes seem very high and on my last quote, I nearlly fell off my chair! What sort of prices should I expect to pay for 2000-2500 grafts. Please email if you rather be private and not post on the forum.



  6. Hi Everyone,


    This is my first post on this forum. I have decided to go ahead with a transplant and I am currently working my way through the list of doctors listed on the ISHRS website for recommendations and prices. My hair loss is between 2 and 3 on the norwood scale and I need work done to my hairline and temporal area. The general recommendation seems to be around 2000-2500 grafts. The prices being quotes seem very high and on my last quote, I nearlly fell off my chair! What sort of prices should I expect to pay for 2000-2500 grafts. Please email if you rather be private and not post on the forum.



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