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Posts posted by kal-el1975

  1. I WISH I had this problem. Been on Propecia for about 8 years. My body hair (chest, shoulders, arms, legs, crotch, some back etc.) is as thick as its always been. My girlfriend's nickname for me is of course, bear. Facial hair is the same as well, grows like it always did (i can have a short beard in like 4 days). Figures huh, we lose the hair on the head where we WANT it and it stays just as crazy everywhere else on the body. Cruel or maybe ironic joke :0)

  2. Thanks HT55, thinking of adding Rogaine Foam as well to give it a shot. Might get more growth again for a few years.


    Curious_George - the "curve" theory you posted is interesting. I guess because I

    1) started taking Propecia young when the thinning only started

    2) had very little side efects

    3) had really good results for many years

    I thought I might have halted the process and it would stay that way if I stayed on the drug religiously. But our bodies do adapt very well to stuff including drugs and I find it possible that my body has gotten used to/adapted past its effectiveness.


    One point I was thinking of though was the fact that if I understand Hair Loss correctly it is caused by the DHT in the scalp killing/choking the hairs. DHT is a product of the body converting testosterone. You would think that if the drug worked all through my 20's and into my early 30's, then it would continue working as it was or have an easier time working as testosterone decreases past 30 in men. It would seem to me the drug would have less DHT conversion to block and therefore work as good or better. Just my own incoherent thoughts.. :0)

  3. Thanks for the thoughts everyone. I would like to try Advodart as I had very little side effects from Propecia. However, being that I live in the US, Advodart (DUT) is still not approved for hair loss, so I don't think my derm would give me that. I will go talk to her and see what she says. Yes, I will consider a HT in the near future. Also any more thoughts on Minox? Is it worth it to add at this point? What really sucks is that if I was balding in the crown or from the front to back I might be able to live with it. It sucks to have a strong hairline, but this patch of thinning behind it. Looks like a damn hole there in the center of my hair.

  4. I've been taking Propecia (1 mg daily) for about 7 or 8 years. I started losing my hair behind the hairline and further back around the age of 23-24. It was thinning drastically. Got on Propecia and after about 1 year I had significant regrowth and thickening back up of my hair. Recently i am thinning again (I'm now 32) and at times feel I am getting back to as bad or worse than I was before. I am considering adding Rogaine to the regimen and already added Saw Palmetto (figured couldn't hurt). I am going to go back to my derm and discuss options. Guess I should be happy for the 7-8 years I got on Propecia, but no one ever said "Oh by the way, it will stop working or lose its effectiveness after some period of years and you will be back to where you were years ago but have dumped this drug in your system the whole time." Who knows would I have even started? Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated.

  5. I've been taking Propecia (1 mg daily) for about 7 or 8 years. I started losing my hair behind the hairline and further back around the age of 23-24. It was thinning drastically. Got on Propecia and after about 1 year I had significant regrowth and thickening back up of my hair. Recently i am thinning again (I'm now 32) and at times feel I am getting back to as bad or worse than I was before. I am considering adding Rogaine to the regimen and already added Saw Palmetto (figured couldn't hurt). I am going to go back to my derm and discuss options. Guess I should be happy for the 7-8 years I got on Propecia, but no one ever said "Oh by the way, it will stop working or lose its effectiveness after some period of years and you will be back to where you were years ago but have dumped this drug in your system the whole time." Who knows would I have even started? Anyway, any thoughts would be appreciated.

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