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joe blogs

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Posts posted by joe blogs

  1. Started losing hair at the age of 17/18. I eventually got myself on 1mg a day of propecia and its coming up to a year since i first started the treatment. Im 19 at the moment by the way.


    Unfortunatly my sides have continued to recede and my top hairline has also receded slightly. My crown area is still just as thick, overall im a (quite advanced) 2 on the norwood scale.


    Now im well aware that there are a a lot of treatment options out there. Because my hairline is STILL receding at a steady pace i was wondering whether its time to alter my routine slightly. Maybe get on regaine, or try out some supplements, or switch to avodart...


    I was on regaine for a short period and i found it a real pain in the ass, i hated applying the stuff 2 times a day. Also obviously cost is something i need to consider so i dont really want to increase my hair budget if the effects are going to be minimal at best. So currently im just on 1 mg Daily of Propecia- does this need to change is the question.


    Any advice would be really appreciated. Hair loss really does suck! And this stupid HM gets pushed further into the future, although from what ive read i would imagine that it will be out within 10 years (maybe im being too optimistic!)


    All the best guys


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