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Posts posted by Badhairdo

  1. Interesting. When I met with Feller he said he shaved all patients with any length of hair.


    Also as hair_me_out said, did you have photos?


    He only shaved the area around the donor so once he closed it up there was only about an inch or so either side that was shaved, the hair above it pretty much covered it once the hair around the scar started to grow.


    Doesn't the link I pasted above show any photos? I added the pics to the gallery and pasted the link.

  2. Looking great! Just curious, didn't you have to shave your head for the initial procedure? Just wondering how you manage for your co-workers not to notice....


    I kept the front portion long enough to comb it forward as per the usual, and the back of my hair was long enough to cover the scar and the hair around it had started to grow anyway so the scar was practivally invisible.


    Hope that helps.

  3. Greetings all fellow hairloss sufferers.



    Well, it has been 9 months since my first HT with DR Feller that involved lowering my hairline and temples, and I must say I am so happy with the results and how natural it all looks that I booked a second session as soon as the hairs had grown out to get my temples filled out more in line with my hairline and perhaps lower the hairline a tad more.


    As the story goes so far, I wasn't happy with my receding hairline and spent a long time researching treatments and ways of having my hairline back. I even tried shaving my head but it didn't suit me and all I can say is that it scared the hell out of a lot of people :/ So anyway, once I realised HT was the only way to go about it I spent some time looking at my options, and that is when I stumbled across the UK forum "Stophairlossnow" where I came across some horror stories about poor UK HT work and that the only option was to look abroad. Most of the patients on the forum had been going to Dr Feller in New York and after researching several forums and websites I realised that there has not been a single complaint about dr Feller's work from any patients and the results all looked natural and pleasing to the eye, which was a must for me as I was looking at hairline work which as you can appreciate is all about a natural look. The fact that Dr Feller is considered the best in his field was very reassuring, and in my experience is no exageration, as there are a lot of people out there who claim to know what they are doing in this business, so the secret to a successful outcome is research, research, and more research. So anyway, I arranged to meet up with Spex who is Dr Feller's representative in the UK and discussing my concerns and requirements, he did all the leg work of getting my photos over to Dr Feller and arranging for the appointment and communications. He even helped with booking flights and provided recommendations on hotels and where to get cheap medication and so on. So I am every grateful for his help.


    So to cut the story short, I flew to NY end of March this year and had my HT during a morning session where I received 1600 grafts. I found Dr Feller to be a very pleasant and down to earth guy, not something that often goes hand in hand with being the best in the field. I discussed my concerns and he listened patiently and based on my needs and a long term strategy he drew up a plan and penciled the new hairline which I was happy with. He was very meticulous and paid a lot of attention to detail, especially when creating the incision to receive the grafts. The whole procedure took around 4 hours after which I was sent home with some painkillers and set of instructions to follow over the following 2 weeks.


    Anyway, I have attached the photos which speak for themselves. Basically, the front 12mm of the hairline and temples is all transplanted hairs, with the key to the natural look and seamless blending with native hairs being use of single grafts, dense packing, and angle of the hairshaft which Dr Feller so carefully created.


    Anyway, I must have the hair greed :D as I am due to have my send HT session tomorrow for another 1500 grafts via strip method to fill up the temples and perhaps lower the hairline a few millimeters if Dr Feller thinks it is feasible.


    Another useful point, I stayed at the Andrew Hotel for my first session which cost about $180 per night. The hotel staff are very pleasant and the place is within walking distance of the clinic. However, as this time round I had to stay 5 nights in NY to get a cheaper flight, I decided to search around for something cheaper and came across Anchor Inn which is 10 mins by taxi from Dr Feller's Clinic and it only cost me $100 per night. It is a great hotel which is not at all bad for the price, and it is situated 5 mins walk from the Bayside station, if you fancy a trip to Manhattan which takes 25 mins on the train. You even get breakfast all included and the staff are very friendly and you get a huge flat screen tele and even a gym!


    I will post some more after the op when I feel up to it and post some more photos when I get a chance.


    Finally, I'd really like to thank Dr Feller and his staff and Spex for all their help and support and for turning my life round. I feel so confident these days that I have started going out again and have even met a lovely girl after such a long break ;). The best thing about it is that I share an office with 200 people and no-one noticed I had anything done, and I was back at the office after only 2 weeks. After 4 months since the op I had to take some time off due to unforeseen illness and when I got back to the office, everyone complemented me for how well and "fresh" I looked and my hair looked amazing. unbeknown to them, my grafts had started to grow and blend with the native hairs...alas, I could comb my hair again! Thank you so much Dr Feller. I'll have more of the same please...:P

  4. thanx for feedback guys. Post op anxiety is always hard to deal with and its nice to get some reassurance.


    I've read good stuff about massaging scars (blood flow, increased vascularity, improved collagen restructuring, reduced sensitivity etc) from some studies, but it's inconclusive - same with ultrasound. It certainly has been well documented for scar management of muscle tissue after injury. Anyone knows more about this stuff? should the scar be massaged or left well alone? If so, when should one begin?

  5. Originally posted by Sparky:

    you wont know until 3 months whether or not the scar will stretch, but its a lot less likely on your first strip.


    Aparently scars are at greatest risk of stretching in the first 3 weeks, but can stretch up to 100% in the first 3 months, and up to 50% from 3-6 mnths after surgery, thereafter streching very little. There is some research material on this I will try to post in relation to studies carried out. this is why many surgeons can leave the staples in for 21 days, and Dr Feller told me when he reworks a scar he keep it stapled for 6 months (of course these have to be replaced from time to time). Be warned though, prolonged retainment of staples can leave permanent "train tracks".

  6. Hey guys, sorry I've had tons to do lately. In relation to strip v FUE, i did a lot of research and also spoke to HDc and Feller consultants, and the general vedict was that unless you want the option of shaving (which i don't any more as i look silly with shaved head) then Fue should not be the first choice due mainly to unpredictable results and lower % yield, and I wanted to ensure good result since i was having my hairline repaired. Also, HT is a lifetime commitment and from what i have been advised, the strip route should always be the first choice until no more grafts can be harverted this way due to scalp laxity and then switch to FUE for crown and scar coverage and touch up work. Of course it all depends on hairloss pattern as well. Also if you go down the fue route first, then you end up with a lot of voids in strips taken later + you no longer have FUE for touch ups and scar repair. 3rd reason was time, Dr Feller never mentioned it as an option as i think he only conducts FUE in small sessions (less than 1000??). Cost was also a factor and since tricho closure is supposed to give excellent results, I felt it was the way to go. I just hope the scar does not stretch as otherwise it would have definitely been the wrong choice. Dr Feller assured me that since this was my first HT and a fairly small session the scar shouldn't stretch. Only time will tell I guess.


    Hey Cure, i will open up another post specific to scar as it is a big subject. Also, i wonder if the moderators are willing to create a separate section for scar results, as I believe this is just as important for those undergoing HT and it is a subjet in its own right...just a thought.

  7. Hi all,

    I am new to this forum, but thought it would be helpful to other fellow hairloss suffers to share my HT experience and monitor my progress as I intend to keep you posted over the coming weeks and months. My HT was carried out by Dr Feller at his Great Neck clinic, and I had arranged this via Spex, his consultant in the UK. Spex has been a very kind and supportive figure throughout the last 2 years, and both he and Dr Feller were very forthcoming and helpful when i had to reschedule the surgery on 2 previous occasions (due to unforseen circumstances).


    I took Virgin to JFK which is the best airport to get to the Andrews hotel from and the taxi trip cost <$40. The hotel was reasonable and room was pretty good with decent bed and facilities; highly recommended for anyone travelling from the UK. I flew out on friday March 26th, and had the surgery following monday and returned Wednesday. This worked out pretty well as I got to see New York over the weekend and had one whole day of rest which is a must ahead of the return home flight, and before swelling had a chance to settle in.


    On the day of surgery I arrived early and Dr Feller was already there to greet me. I found him as I expected, a pleasant softly spoken and a focused individual. He examined my hairline, which was the subject of the day and he initially suggested the temples to be filled out, but as i was more concerned about my high forehead he offered a compromise to both lower the hairline and the temples slightly and we agreed that it was a conservative and sensible approach. After this it all went pretty quickly really. i received the jabs and the incision followed after numbness kicked in. Whilst the nurses were separating the FUs Dr Feller proceeded to make the holes in the recipient area. We did not speak at this point as he needed to focus to ensure good angle and spacing between the holes which is vital for a natural hairline. When he finished, 2 nurses took over and filled the grafts in. It all went very smoothly and the whole ordeal was over by lunch time. I even had a lovely sandwitch and drinks waiting for me when it was all over. Dr feller used 1600 grafts and gave me some pain killers and antibios and i took a cab back to the hotel. I slept for a couple of hours and woke up to a splitting headache. Luckily the pills did the job and by the next day i had come off the painkillers and it was all fine after that. I decided to keep the bandage until I got back home which turned out to be a smart move, as not only it cushioned my head from the seat pressing against the staples, it also helped the swelling from travelling down to my face until i was safely back home.


    Anyway, most of the grafts are still intact, but are slowly falling off as expected. I was reluctant to take the staples out after the 12 days had lapsed (yes i took them out myself !!) becuase i was worried about scar stretching, but got a prompt email from Dr Feller and so they were quickly out after that. I have been keeping a close eye on the scar and have been using silicone gel with Dr Feller's consent as I discovered it can do wonders for scar healing - if anyone needs info on scar management etc, i did a lot of research on this topic, so please let me know and i will provide details.


    I would like to say a special thanks to Spex for making this possible and sticking with me during the last 2 years and exercising patience and providing help throughout this difficult journey.


    Spex, Any chance you can obtain my before / after pics from the clinic pls? Thanks.

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