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Posts posted by Athena

  1. It is very important to chose the right surgeon and technique for each client. Since the donor hair is limited and precious to just blindly chose a clinic or harvesting technique is wrong. Unfortunately many patients are willing to travel to unregulated countries to have their procedure done due to the cost. It is understandable that when a clinic is recommended by sites such as this one, they will get certain credibility. That is why it is important for the moderator to take note and do the proper investigations and action when the recommended doctor does not do what is being claimed to be done. When the site does not take the proper action, the credibility of the site and the credibility of other recommended doctors is also compromised. It is a trust issue and When the credibity is compromised, trust is gone. My recommendation is to do your own research on each and every clinics. When questions arise continuously by former patients, it needs to be noted and considered. Do not just chose a clinic overseas blindly just for the cost. With proper research, You can find something in the state that can meet your expectation and your finances. Here is a blog post about clinics overseas that bear no responsibility towards their clients. Meshkin Medical blogs: Is hair transplant safe in unregulated countries?

  2. @bill @orangehair we only shaved the frontal forelock. It is obvious from the first before photos and all the before shaving photos from the side view, that the temple are clearly bald and there is minimal hair in those areas. We transplanted in the frontal hair line, temples, and the mid scalp areas. We use layering technique to create illusion of more density. It is the combinations of one, two and three hair grafts used properly that gives this excellent result. You can zoom in the before photos to see which areas are shaved and if there was any hair originally present.

    We used the FUT technique for harvesting. with the proper surgical technique, as you can see there is minimal scarring in the back and there is plenty of donor hair available if the patient needs to do another session in the future.


    Thanks guys for all your wonderful comments.

  3. 1000 grafts

    One year post op

    Class III MPHL


    Graft Breakdown:

    1's 300

    2's 300

    3's 500

    We had 100 extra graft No Charge


    Patient had 2 prior hair transplant procedures at 2 other well known clinics. He had about 3000 grafts done with poor results before coming to Dr. Meshkin.


    Dr. Meshkin recommended 1000 grafts to improve density.


    After one year patient is extremely happy with the results.


    Patient stated that one session with Dr. Meshkin gave him a fuller look and a better result than his two previous sessions.














  4. As explain before the post op care is very important and it is one of the essential parts of the procedure specially for the first two weeks. We explain this to the patient both in the morning before the procedure and also review it after wards. We clean the transplanted areas throughly before we put the bandage on for the first night. We provide special post op care package, show the clients how to clean the recipient and the donor site, give them paper instructions and give our nurse and Doctors phone numbers in case they have questions. We also make appointments for the patient to come in for a follow up in one day, 10 days and two weeks to make sure this is done correctly, and if they live at a distance we keep in touch via email, phone calls or Skype. Dr. Meshkin calls all of his patients and reviews the instructions with them personally over the phone and asks them to contact him if they have any questions. However, once the client leaves the office we have no control over the post op care. Again we do not know the identity of this client and he has not contacted us, but if our guess is correct he came in once for a follow up visit two months after the procedure. If the client does not follow up with the doctor, does not show up at the scheduled post op visits and does not call, we have no idea of telling how this post op care was done. We take care of our patients from our end and expect the client to follow instructions and do the same when they leave the office. In this case it seems from the pictures that perhaps it was not done properly.

  5. Hadenough,


    More curiosity than anything.


    I did ask, however, for one important reason: I've seen a few unfortunate cases where the appearance of no or poor growth of the grafts themselves could be explained by loss of the native hairs. Let me explain: say a patient has 500 native follicular units in a certain area of the scalp and undergoes transplantation with another 500 grafts in that region. The patient now has 500 native FUs and 500 transplanted FUGs for a total of 1,000 follicular units. Now, say the patient's androgenic alopecia progresses and he loses those 500 native units during the 12 months after the procedure (and permanent loss of weakened native hair, or "shock loss," can happen after transplantation). Even if all 500 transplanted grafts grew, the patient is left with the following mindset: I went into the procedure with 500 native follicular units, received 500 transplanted units, experienced a generalized shedding during the "ugly duckling" post-transplant phase, and 12 months later found myself with the same 500 units. Ergo, nothing grew and the transplant was a failure. The reality, however, could be that the transplanted grafts grew fine, but the native follicular units permanently shed. This generally doesn't happen with patients utilizing stabilizing medications.


    Am I saying this happened here? Absolutely not. I have no proof and wouldn't try to diminish the OP's situation by claiming "this wouldn't have occurred if you took finasteride." I am curious, however, as this could be a possible explanation.


    I hope this makes sense.


    That is also our suspicion as to what may have happened here. Of coarse there may be other factors involved, however this could very well be one of the contributing factors. That is why it is critical for this patient to be seen from close up to see if the hair that is in the recipient area is the transplanted hair or not and how much more native hair he has lost in the past three years. We always explain to all of our clients during the initial consultation and also on the day of the procedure that they may lose their remaining native hair and their degree of hair loss will progress. They have a choice to go on a medical regiment or expect to do a second procedure when the native hair is lost. The pictures that are produced in this thread does not say when they were taken, they are not clear enough to tell if they are transplanted hair, and also it does not show if his own degree of hair loss has progressed. That is why it is critical to do an in person follow up to examine and evaluate the situation

  6. Hello Everyone,


    At our office, We take care of our patients during the procedure and give instructions as to the post op care. We keep in touch with the patient during the first 10 days to make sure they are following instructions and we see them after two weeks for follow up care to make sure that it is done correctly and every thing is healed properly. If a client is from out of town and can not come in for 2 weeks follow up they send us pictures. Usually after six months and also one year we have them back for a follow up to see the progress of hair growth. We also encourage the patient to keep in touch and call us frequently if there are any questions or concerns.


    In addition, We explain to the patient that hair loss is progressive and they need to stay on a medical regiment to reduce further hair loss or they may need additional treatments in the future specially in the crown area. We also review all the risks that may contribute to poor growth such as health issues. In general with any hair transplant procedure, it takes one year and sometimes even longer for all the hair to grow in. In this case, we are only guessing as to the identity of this client. This client has not contacted us or has never brought up any dissatisfactory comments or emails so we could properly take care of his concerns. He just has not contacted us.


    It is not fair for someone to just come into this forum once a year and leave derogatory comments, without giving a chance for the doctor to properly evaluate the progression or cause of his concerns. It is also not fair to assume that we have not done any thing to satisfy this client, when we do not know what is going. If indeed this is the patient we are guessing he is, The patient was called many times to come in for a follow up with out any response. He did not email us or send us any pictures of his progress or brought up any concerns. We try our utmost to take care of our patients and make them happy. I suggest that he contacts us and or come in for a follow up visit so we can examine and evaluate his situation and take care of his concerns in a proper fashion.

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