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Posts posted by ben12345

  1. Sorry for the dumb question. I tried finding the answer to the question before asking but I couldn't.


    Everywhere I look it says Rogaine and generic brands have the same MAIN ingredient. What about the other ingredients?


    I've been using rogaine with generic propecia for 6 months and I really feel like I'm getting great results. I guess I'm just paranoid about switching to the cheaper Walgreens brand and want to make absolutely positive it will work just as well.



  2. More specifically, the official Rogaine website says...




    *your amount of hair loss is different than that shown on the side of this carton or your hair loss is on the front of the scalp. 5% minoxidil topical solution is not intended for frontal baldness or receding hairline.

  3. Hello, I'm 20 years old and have found that my hair is thinning around the front. I did some online consults with some hair transplant doctors by sending them my pictures and the 2 that replied so far within 12 hours said I should start Propecia and Rogaine.


    Well here are my questions...


    1. Rogaine... I heard this doesn't work after like 3 years because the scalp becomes immune. Also that it is more effective on the crown area. I was told,


    "Your pictures indicate early male pattern hair loss in the frontal recessions."


    and by another doctor I was told,


    "Hi, Ben. Definitely start using that Rogaine. Just once a day in the area you have thinning should be sufficient--sometimes it makes your hair a little sticky so use it at night and wash your hair in the morning if that is the case."


    Should I really be using Rogaine now? What would it do for me? Shouldn't I wait until my crown starts thinning/receding?


    2. One doctor told me that splitting 5mg Proscar into 4 would be fine but I have read in some threads here and other places the rumor of the active drug not being equally distributed throughout the pill. Like maybe the bottom left and bottom right would have 0 of the active drug and it would all be in the top half. Is there any proof to this? Is this a realistic theory?


    3. Do hair transplants ALWAYS/USUALLY work? I was told not to even consider one until 25 but I'm wondering ahead of time. If I get a hair transplant will that hair that is put in that specific place stay and regrow for as long as the donor area would? (I have VERY thick hair around the sides and back. No matter who cuts my hair always mentions it)


    4. Where is the cheapest legit place to buy 90 or 99 Proscar Pills online? Also what are the expiration dates usually? Also, would they be called Proscar??? I've seen some 5mg ProHair or something like that listed as Finasteride Mg and wasn't sure about that.


    5. This is a stupid question.. but how exactly do prescriptions work? I'm only 20 so I've never had to get a prescription or get one filled. One of the doctors said,


    "Propecia probably also will be a good choice. If your regular doctor does not prescribe,I can do a phone consultation since we have your pictures.-let me know if you want to set that up."


    What would be the difference between getting a prescription and buying online? I don't know how that works. Like why don't all of you get a prescription? I notice some of you buy online which is what I'm looking to do.


    6. Is that Toppik stuff really that great? I've seen videos and it looks amazing. They don't show the hair really close up though, does it look real? Would it work at all on the front or does it just cover up bald spots in the back? Also what would happens if it rains?


    I think that's all my questions for now.


    I will add an attachment of my hair so you know what i mean.

  4. Hello, I'm 20 years old and have found that my hair is thinning around the front. I did some online consults with some hair transplant doctors by sending them my pictures and the 2 that replied so far within 12 hours said I should start Propecia and Rogaine.


    Well here are my questions...


    1. Rogaine... I heard this doesn't work after like 3 years because the scalp becomes immune. Also that it is more effective on the crown area. I was told,


    "Your pictures indicate early male pattern hair loss in the frontal recessions."


    and by another doctor I was told,


    "Hi, Ben. Definitely start using that Rogaine. Just once a day in the area you have thinning should be sufficient--sometimes it makes your hair a little sticky so use it at night and wash your hair in the morning if that is the case."


    Should I really be using Rogaine now? What would it do for me? Shouldn't I wait until my crown starts thinning/receding?


    2. One doctor told me that splitting 5mg Proscar into 4 would be fine but I have read in some threads here and other places the rumor of the active drug not being equally distributed throughout the pill. Like maybe the bottom left and bottom right would have 0 of the active drug and it would all be in the top half. Is there any proof to this? Is this a realistic theory?


    3. Do hair transplants ALWAYS/USUALLY work? I was told not to even consider one until 25 but I'm wondering ahead of time. If I get a hair transplant will that hair that is put in that specific place stay and regrow for as long as the donor area would? (I have VERY thick hair around the sides and back. No matter who cuts my hair always mentions it)


    4. Where is the cheapest legit place to buy 90 or 99 Proscar Pills online? Also what are the expiration dates usually? Also, would they be called Proscar??? I've seen some 5mg ProHair or something like that listed as Finasteride Mg and wasn't sure about that.


    5. This is a stupid question.. but how exactly do prescriptions work? I'm only 20 so I've never had to get a prescription or get one filled. One of the doctors said,


    "Propecia probably also will be a good choice. If your regular doctor does not prescribe,I can do a phone consultation since we have your pictures.-let me know if you want to set that up."


    What would be the difference between getting a prescription and buying online? I don't know how that works. Like why don't all of you get a prescription? I notice some of you buy online which is what I'm looking to do.


    6. Is that Toppik stuff really that great? I've seen videos and it looks amazing. They don't show the hair really close up though, does it look real? Would it work at all on the front or does it just cover up bald spots in the back? Also what would happens if it rains?


    I think that's all my questions for now.


    I will add an attachment of my hair so you know what i mean.


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