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Posts posted by outhere

  1. Hi,


    I stumbled across a website while searching for 'Hair Multiplication'. While it isn't what I was originally searching for (which was Intercytex's Hair Multiplication/Cloning technique, that is currently being developed) - I found something else, also called 'Hair Multiplication'.


    Here is what the website said:




    <Company Name>, the longest-established plastic surgery 'holiday' company in the UK, is offering a new breakthrough treatment for men who, like Elton John, are suffering male pattern baldness - Hair transplant. It involves multiplying your own hair follicles and it even applies to balding women too!


    The unique treatment, called Hair transplant - Follicular Hair Multiplication (FHM) technique, was developed in the Netherlands. It works by multiplying living hair follicles and transplanting them, without scarring, into the scalp. It's being taken up so rapidly that FHM is set to shortly become the No.1 cosmetic surgical procedure for men.

    Scar free hair transplant


    With normal hair follicle transplant technology you lose the hair you possess in your 'good' area to replace hair in your bald area. The new Hair transplant system, by contrast, is a real breakthrough. It involves taking a small portion of tissue from a growing hair follicle.


    There are two areas in the hair follicle that contain stem cells and both of these can promote hair growth. If a small part of the hair follicle is left behind in the donor area, a new hair can grow from it and the part that has been removed will also produce hair if replanted in the recipient area.


    One hair follicle can therefore produce two or more hairs. Thus the fundamental difference from this and traditional hair transplant, is that you can have as much hair as you want-or are prepared to pay for. Instead of desperately attempting to redistribute perhaps the little you have left, by hair transplanting, you can with this technique, add as much as you want.


    In the hair transplant procedure, part follicles are taken from areas of the body immune to the effects of the male sex hormones (androgens) which are responsible for male pattern baldness - in other words from areas where men, or women, don't go bald. The part follicular cells are then carefully implanted, follicle by follicle, into the bald areas, leaving no visible scarring. Result? A full head of natural hair growing where you thought you'd lost it forever.


    The Hair Multiplication Procedure is achieved by:


    (Hey guys, check out the attached image)




    What do you think?


    Too good to be true?


  2. Hi,


    I apologize if this has already been posted on the forum, but I just stumbled across this website which discusses the Phase II trial results of Intercytex's ICS-TRC, which were only announced late September 2007 (1 month ago).


    You can view the website here: http://tressless.com/blog/2007/09/25/intercytex-phase-i...ation-trial-results/


    But I'll also cut/paste the contents incase you can't be bothered clicking the link icon_smile.gif Here goes:




    ICX-TRC consists of a suspension of autologous dermal papilla (DP) cells. These cells are able to stimulate the generation of new hairs when injected into the scalp in close proximity to the epithelial cells which generate the hair. The purpose of the ongoing Phase II study being conducted by Dr Bessam Farjo in Manchester is to optimise the delivery of the DP cells. In this study, hair counts are obtained by shaving and photographing a small section of scalp, injecting it and then applying a specialised image analysis system to provide a total hair count. Two sub-groups were each injected with autologous DP cells using different delivery techniques. The first group focussed on delivery of the hair inductive DP cells, and in the second group resident hair producing (epithelial) cells were also stimulated at the time of delivery. Although it is too early to determine fully the differences between the sub-groups, the preliminary data are encouraging. In the first sub-group 2 patients out of 5 showed substantial increases in hair count (21 & 55%) at 24 weeks. In the second sub-group (5 patients in total) injected more recently, all patients showed substantial and visible increased hair counts at 6 and/or 12 weeks (13-105%). We believe this increased hair production is attributable to the interaction between the injected DP cells and the stimulated resident hair producing cells. A further 8 subjects will be treated with variations in delivery technique. The full data set on all subjects at 24 weeks will be available in the middle of 2008. This detailed analysis will form the basis of further Phase II or Phase III trials as appropriate. At the end of the trial photographic data will be analysed from a much larger area of treated scalp on all subjects at 12 months. Currently 2 patients have been lost to follow up.


    What this means:


    * There was a large variation in result quality, coinciding with Intercytex refining their technique.

    * Everyone that completed the trial grew hair.

    * Some patients doubled their hair count in the test area (105%). Other patients, not so much (13%).

    * A new trial with 8 patients will begin soon, the delivery technique will be further refined.

    * New results will be released in 24 weeks (mid 2008), with images.

    * There may or may not be more Phase II or Phase III testing after this.


    What we still don't know:


    * The quality of the new hair

    * If repeat injections in the same area would yield continual improvement

    * What "pre-stimulation" means, which by their account improves efficacy and is the basis of the second leg of their Phase II trial.

    * If this new hair is definitely DHT resistant and cycles normally (Likely, but not proven).


    So when will this thing come to market?


    Depends on how the next leg of the trials go, but Intercytex already has a market-released cosmetic product called ICX-RHY which was greenlit by MHRA, the medical regulatory agency in the UK. It's quite possible that our beloved hair multiplication technology will receive the same push to market after Phase II.


    That said, ICX-RHY may have only made it to market because it's a new technology that isn't adequately regulated. There's a big party-crashing cloud coming in the form of new European legislation called Advanced Therapies Medicinal Products Regulation (ATMP) , which may become law in 2008. This could be seen as either an extra hurdle or as incentive for Intercytex to get to market fast, as any existing approvals will not face the new regulation. (source)


    Regardless of any setbacks, when the doors do finally open to a renewable source of hair, you can count on a stampede of bald man-mastodons rattling windows and flattening all life in a mad dash to the lab, wherever that may be. I'll be the third formerly wooly mammoth from the front.



  3. Hi guys,


    Well after nearly 3 years of putting up with the concealer GLH, I finally decided to try Toppik. And I have to say I am amazed with the results! My only regret is that I didn't buy this product earlier.


    I just had a few questions regarding this product that I was hoping a few of you out there may be able to help me with.


    1) I bought the fibrehold spray that seals the Toppik into your hair, which works very well. However, my question is ... can I keep re-applying Toppik each day to my hair, even though the previous day I used the Fibrehold Spray, or do you have to re-wash your hair each time you re-apply the Toppik and Fibrehold spray? I'm curious as if applying Toppik on top of Fibrehold Spray (after it had dried of course) would cause any problems making the new layer of Toppik stick to your hair.


    2) Do you think it's worth buying the Toppek Shampoo, Toppek Conditioner and the new Toppek Hair Fattener?


    3) Has anyone ever worked out that out that you used it in your hair?


    4) It claims to last in heavy rain and wind, could anyone verify this? When it did rain or when it was windy, did your hair still look natural afterwards?


    5) I know that Toppik isn't designed for swimming/showering, but does anyone know of any other product that is similar to Toppik that is completely water proof?


    Thanks for your time guys.

  4. Hi guys,


    Well after nearly 3 years of putting up with the concealer GLH, I finally decided to try Toppik. And I have to say I am amazed with the results! My only regret is that I didn't buy this product earlier.


    I just had a few questions regarding this product that I was hoping a few of you out there may be able to help me with.


    1) I bought the fibrehold spray that seals the Toppik into your hair, which works very well. However, my question is ... can I keep re-applying Toppik each day to my hair, even though the previous day I used the Fibrehold Spray, or do you have to re-wash your hair each time you re-apply the Toppik and Fibrehold spray? I'm curious as if applying Toppik on top of Fibrehold Spray (after it had dried of course) would cause any problems making the new layer of Toppik stick to your hair.


    2) Do you think it's worth buying the Toppek Shampoo, Toppek Conditioner and the new Toppek Hair Fattener?


    3) Has anyone ever worked out that out that you used it in your hair?


    4) It claims to last in heavy rain and wind, could anyone verify this? When it did rain or when it was windy, did your hair still look natural afterwards?


    5) I know that Toppik isn't designed for swimming/showering, but does anyone know of any other product that is similar to Toppik that is completely water proof?


    Thanks for your time guys.

  5. Hi guys,


    I know there is a lot of hype about hair follicle cloning about when it could become available and it's potential etc, because of it's 'unlimited' donar area.


    My question is: Assuming that hair follicle cloning did commercially become available in the future, and money was no object for the patient involved:


    Would it be possible to restore the full head of hair of the patient? That includes the entire 'desired' area, as well as the density of the hairs... or would it still have it's limitations?



  6. Hi guys,


    I know there is a lot of hype about hair follicle cloning about when it could become available and it's potential etc, because of it's 'unlimited' donar area.


    My question is: Assuming that hair follicle cloning did commercially become available in the future, and money was no object for the patient involved:


    Would it be possible to restore the full head of hair of the patient? That includes the entire 'desired' area, as well as the density of the hairs... or would it still have it's limitations?



  7. Hi guys,


    It's been a couple of months since I've last posted on this forum and things don't seem to have gotten any better.


    I'm 21 years old and 5 and a half months ago I started taking 1.25 mg Proscar daily. I went from thinning around the crown and vertex (a Norwood 2 with some loss around the crown) to a Norwood 3 in the space of about 3 months.


    I understand that the drug is supposed to ??shed' hair and it is a good sign that the drug is working, and it is likely to grow back. I'm yet to see any results at all, but I have read that it can take up to 8 months to see any results so I plan to stick with it. At the moment I have been covering the shedding up well with GLH concealer.


    However, it's my hairline and temples that is still stressing me out! I no longer have a thick distinctive hairline like I used to even 6 months ago and my temples have receeded so far back it has become very noticeable, especially seeing as though I have quite a big forehead already. I am at a real lost and don't know what to do. Is there any chance that some of the loss around the temples & hairline can regrow or is that just wishful thinking?


    I have bought 2% normal strength rogaine which was going to be for my hairline but I'm too afraid to use it from the horror stories that I've read on this and other forums.


    Is there anything I can do to halt any further loss in my temples/hairline or to possibly regrow any lost hair? Please help!


    Thanks in advance

  8. Hi guys,


    It's been a couple of months since I've last posted on this forum and things don't seem to have gotten any better.


    I'm 21 years old and 5 and a half months ago I started taking 1.25 mg Proscar daily. I went from thinning around the crown and vertex (a Norwood 2 with some loss around the crown) to a Norwood 3 in the space of about 3 months.


    I understand that the drug is supposed to ??shed' hair and it is a good sign that the drug is working, and it is likely to grow back. I'm yet to see any results at all, but I have read that it can take up to 8 months to see any results so I plan to stick with it. At the moment I have been covering the shedding up well with GLH concealer.


    However, it's my hairline and temples that is still stressing me out! I no longer have a thick distinctive hairline like I used to even 6 months ago and my temples have receeded so far back it has become very noticeable, especially seeing as though I have quite a big forehead already. I am at a real lost and don't know what to do. Is there any chance that some of the loss around the temples & hairline can regrow or is that just wishful thinking?


    I have bought 2% normal strength rogaine which was going to be for my hairline but I'm too afraid to use it from the horror stories that I've read on this and other forums.


    Is there anything I can do to halt any further loss in my temples/hairline or to possibly regrow any lost hair? Please help!


    Thanks in advance

  9. Hey guys,


    I would really like some advice on what you think I should do! I'm 21 years old and I started taking one quarter Proscar daily nearly 4 months ago after I was showing some hair loss around the crown and the vertex area. Since taking the drug, I have gone through a massive shed all over. I went from no noticeable hair loss around the hairline to a very obvious temple loss on both sides and a lot of the hair around the hairline is no longer thick like it used to be. I also use the concealer ??GLH' as well as Nizoral 2% twice per week.


    I am aware that the shedding is normal and is a sign that the drug is working and to be patient. But my extreme concern is for my hairline, as many of you would relate to. They say that the shedded hair will no doubt grow back if you give the drug enough time to do its work. My big question is: will the hair that I've suddenly lost around the temples & hairline in the past 2 months grow back?


    Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  10. Hey guys,


    I would really like some advice on what you think I should do! I'm 21 years old and I started taking one quarter Proscar daily nearly 4 months ago after I was showing some hair loss around the crown and the vertex area. Since taking the drug, I have gone through a massive shed all over. I went from no noticeable hair loss around the hairline to a very obvious temple loss on both sides and a lot of the hair around the hairline is no longer thick like it used to be. I also use the concealer ??GLH' as well as Nizoral 2% twice per week.


    I am aware that the shedding is normal and is a sign that the drug is working and to be patient. But my extreme concern is for my hairline, as many of you would relate to. They say that the shedded hair will no doubt grow back if you give the drug enough time to do its work. My big question is: will the hair that I've suddenly lost around the temples & hairline in the past 2 months grow back?


    Any thoughts or experiences would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

  11. Hi guys,


    I have been using Finasteride for about 2 and a half months and up until 2 weeks ago I haven't seem to be experiencing any of the unwanted sexual side effects. Though over the past fortnight I have noticed a decrease in libido. Like most 21 year olds, I used to have sex on the mind for most of the day but have recently found myself a little uninterested. I found this a bit of shock as I was under the impression that Finasteride side effects would be noticeable within the first 2 to 4 weeks, if they were going to occur.


    I currently take one quarter Proscar tablet (1.25mg) instead of the Propecia to save on the costs associated with using the drug. Since noticing these undesirable effects, I have started cutting the tablet into fifths. My first question is: are the side effects directly proportional to the dosage taken every day?


    For those of you who have or who do experience these side effects, did they begin to not become as prominent as your treatment continued?


    Also, have any of you guys had any success with any over the counter supplements to counter-act the effects?


    Thanks in advance for any input!

  12. Hi guys,


    I have been using Finasteride for about 2 and a half months and up until 2 weeks ago I haven't seem to be experiencing any of the unwanted sexual side effects. Though over the past fortnight I have noticed a decrease in libido. Like most 21 year olds, I used to have sex on the mind for most of the day but have recently found myself a little uninterested. I found this a bit of shock as I was under the impression that Finasteride side effects would be noticeable within the first 2 to 4 weeks, if they were going to occur.


    I currently take one quarter Proscar tablet (1.25mg) instead of the Propecia to save on the costs associated with using the drug. Since noticing these undesirable effects, I have started cutting the tablet into fifths. My first question is: are the side effects directly proportional to the dosage taken every day?


    For those of you who have or who do experience these side effects, did they begin to not become as prominent as your treatment continued?


    Also, have any of you guys had any success with any over the counter supplements to counter-act the effects?


    Thanks in advance for any input!

  13. Sorry, let me just fix a few things from my previous post:


    The web addy for Toppik is [promotional link removed] and you can buy GLH via [promotional link removed] or [promotional link removed] .


    Also, I just wanted to add that you should definately NOT consider a hair transplant until you are at least 25. Your best bet is to use combination treatment (Propecia, Nizoral & possibly Rogaine/Minoxidil) to obtain results in between now and then. If you are really keen you could buy a laser hair comb which does claim to help around the temple area [promotional link removed] but there are a lot of mixed opinions about how well they work.

  14. w_teflon we seem to have a bit in common.


    I'm also 21 and experiencing hair loss around the crown area, and now around the temple is also starting to become very noticable for someone my age. I also don't have the option of shaving my head because like you, I have a awkward size head and would look stupid if I shaved it.


    I do feel for you because I am in the same situation. Yes it is depressing and frustrating. The best thing you can do is get on Propecia (1 mg Finasteride tablets) right away. Check out Propecia.com [promotional link removed by forum moderator - Robert]. If you are concerned about the costs, ask your doctor if you can get a prescription for Proscar (5 mg Finasteride tablets) and cut the Proscar tablets into quarters (1.25 mg each).


    I am also experiencing a lot of shedding, but it only lasts a few months and you may be able to conceal it with one of the many external concealers available to suit your hair colour (eg: Toppik [promotional link removed] or GLH [promotional link removed] ).


    I also use Nizoral 2% with the Propecia/Proscar tablets. If you are really concerned about the hairline at the temples you may wish to CONSIDER something like Rogaine 2% just for the hairline & temple area. But you will have to consider using it for the rest of your life, or you will lose everything your've gained (and a bit more!)


    Good luck

  15. Hi guys,


    I'm 21 years old and I'm about 2 and a bit months into my Finasteride treatment (70 days I believe) and I'm experiencing massive shedding and it seems to be affecting my front hair line & temples as well as the normal crown & vertex. From what I've been told this is normal. I currently take one quarter of a Proscar tablet (1.25 mg) daily instead of Propecia, which I have never taken.


    My reason for concern is that I've just read through a couple of horror stories on the internet about users who used Propecia for a substantial amount of time with success and then switched to Proscar to save money and suddenly noticed bad results, mainly very heavy shedding! Just to ease my mind.... is one-fifth Proscar EXACTLY the same as taking one propecia tablet? Are there any other known side affects of using Proscar over Propecia? Any feedback or experiences would be greatly appreciated!


    Thanks in advance

  16. Hi guys,


    I'm 21, and I've been using Propecia for just over 2 months now and have started to notice my hair shedding. I've read that this is normal for most guys and it is a good sign that your hair is responding to the treatment. I was curious in knowing, for those of you who have successfully used Propecia - how long did the initial shedding last for you and when did you start to notice the shedded hair begin to grow back? I know they all say 3 - 6 months but I was keen to find out your personal experiences or thoughts.


    Before I began using Propecia, I had a definate widows peak but since I've been using the treatment I seem to be losing hair around the temples rapidly. Do you think this is due to the Propecia treatment? I had planned to start Min/Rogaine only after 9 months of using Propecia so I could see the individual effects of each but now I'm unsure. If I do start Min/Rogaine, I understand that it's lifelong and I can't keep stop starting so I want to be absolutely sure before I start.


    I've also read that Propecia does not assist in receeding temples, which makes me think I should begin using Rogaine around the front to hopefully keep the hair around the temples I have. Do you guys think I should be using Rogaine?



  17. Hi guys,


    Just wanted to firstly say thanks for all your help so far and pointing me in the right direction! I have now already begun using Propecia for the past 2 months.


    I posted this because I had some general questions about using Minoxidil which I thought you may be able to help me with and give me some unbiased information.


    I am very keen to begin using Minoxidil, but I firstly wanted to know what brand you guys used? I've seen a lot of ??value pack' brands advertised alongside Rogaine and other more popular brands and I wanted to make sure that I chose the best possible product. What would you guys recommend?


    Secondly, I am interested in what strength Minoxidil I should be using. I am 21, and I have a thinning crown and I can see my hair starting to thin over the top and temples. I would classify my hair loss as mild but it is definitely getting thinner every month. I've read that you need more and more Minoxidil each day over your lifetime to produce the same effects so is it better for me to stay at a lower dosage for the next few years?


    I understand that Propecia does nothing to assist in hair loss around the temples, and that Minoxidil does not encourage growth around the temples but does aid in keeping any existing hair you may have around the temples. Could anyone confirm this?



    And lastly, I've also been told when I had my hair consultation that using Minoxidil twice per day as opposed to just once has no real benefit so I'm better off saving my time and my money and just using it once per day. Is this true?


    Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate you taking the time!

  18. Hi guys,


    Just wanted to firstly say thanks for all your help so far and pointing me in the right direction! I have now already begun using Propecia for the past 2 months.


    I posted this because I had some general questions about using Minoxidil which I thought you may be able to help me with and give me some unbiased information.


    I am very keen to begin using Minoxidil, but I firstly wanted to know what brand you guys used? I've seen a lot of ??value pack' brands advertised alongside Rogaine and other more popular brands and I wanted to make sure that I chose the best possible product. What would you guys recommend?


    Secondly, I am interested in what strength Minoxidil I should be using. I am 21, and I have a thinning crown and I can see my hair starting to thin over the top and temples. I would classify my hair loss as mild but it is definitely getting thinner every month. I've read that you need more and more Minoxidil each day over your lifetime to produce the same effects so is it better for me to stay at a lower dosage for the next few years?


    I understand that Propecia does nothing to assist in hair loss around the temples, and that Minoxidil does not encourage growth around the temples but does aid in keeping any existing hair you may have around the temples. Could anyone confirm this?



    And lastly, I've also been told when I had my hair consultation that using Minoxidil twice per day as opposed to just once has no real benefit so I'm better off saving my time and my money and just using it once per day. Is this true?


    Thanks a lot guys, I appreciate you taking the time!

  19. Hi guys,


    A couple of months ago I went for my free consultation with a hair transplant clinic. I was told I was too young to get a transplant (I'm 21) and that the best thing I could do was to get on Propecia and Minoxodil and also consider buying a laser comb if I was really serious. I was also told that I had very flaky hair and that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go and see a dermatologist.


    So I went to see my family doctor about my thinning hair, and to obtain a prescription for Propecia. Without him even looking at my hair, I was told "guys your age don't lose their hair; it's a treatable scalp problem". After some friendly arguing over the subject, he referred me to a dermatologist, saying that it was no doubt just a temporary scalp problem. I ended up going to another doctor who happily gave me the prescription I needed. Though I didn't (& still haven't) started using Minoxodil because I wanted to see what the dermatologist said.


    After a long wait, I saw the dermatologist this week. After looking at my hair for 20 seconds I was told "you have early signs of MPB" and that "you have a bit of dandruff but nothing to be worried about". He told me that I should continue using the Propecia and start using Minoxodil/Rogaine if I wanted to. But then he began to warn me against using other methods such as laser combs and shampoos. Not simply saying that they were ??unproven' but that they without a doubt 100% did NOT work whatsoever and I shouldn't waste my money on anything like that. From my understanding they are unproven, but for him to declare that he knew they had no positive implications was a bit hard to swallow. It began to make my question how accurate (or inaccurate) he was in diagnosing my hair problem was and how educated he really was in the area.


    So now I'm unsure what to do next as the consultant, my family doctor and the dermatologist all offered me different advice. I understand that once I begin Minoxodil treatment I can't stop so I really want to make sure it's what I should be doing. I have only been using Propecia for 6 weeks and I think I'm already beginning to notice a little more hair around my crown which is promising. What would you guys suggest I should do? Go and see another dermatologist? Also in regards to Minoxodil treatment, if I'm having some success with Propecia is it best to delay using it as long as possible so I can delay my hair relying on it? Or am I better to start early and keep using it? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  20. Hi guys,


    A couple of months ago I went for my free consultation with a hair transplant clinic. I was told I was too young to get a transplant (I'm 21) and that the best thing I could do was to get on Propecia and Minoxodil and also consider buying a laser comb if I was really serious. I was also told that I had very flaky hair and that it wouldn't be such a bad idea to go and see a dermatologist.


    So I went to see my family doctor about my thinning hair, and to obtain a prescription for Propecia. Without him even looking at my hair, I was told "guys your age don't lose their hair; it's a treatable scalp problem". After some friendly arguing over the subject, he referred me to a dermatologist, saying that it was no doubt just a temporary scalp problem. I ended up going to another doctor who happily gave me the prescription I needed. Though I didn't (& still haven't) started using Minoxodil because I wanted to see what the dermatologist said.


    After a long wait, I saw the dermatologist this week. After looking at my hair for 20 seconds I was told "you have early signs of MPB" and that "you have a bit of dandruff but nothing to be worried about". He told me that I should continue using the Propecia and start using Minoxodil/Rogaine if I wanted to. But then he began to warn me against using other methods such as laser combs and shampoos. Not simply saying that they were ??unproven' but that they without a doubt 100% did NOT work whatsoever and I shouldn't waste my money on anything like that. From my understanding they are unproven, but for him to declare that he knew they had no positive implications was a bit hard to swallow. It began to make my question how accurate (or inaccurate) he was in diagnosing my hair problem was and how educated he really was in the area.


    So now I'm unsure what to do next as the consultant, my family doctor and the dermatologist all offered me different advice. I understand that once I begin Minoxodil treatment I can't stop so I really want to make sure it's what I should be doing. I have only been using Propecia for 6 weeks and I think I'm already beginning to notice a little more hair around my crown which is promising. What would you guys suggest I should do? Go and see another dermatologist? Also in regards to Minoxodil treatment, if I'm having some success with Propecia is it best to delay using it as long as possible so I can delay my hair relying on it? Or am I better to start early and keep using it? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  21. Hi there,


    I'm 21 and I've recently been told that I would not be suitable to have a hair transplant until I was at least 26 for my own well-being. I am already on Prop & Min combination.


    I constantly see laser hair therapy advertised on tv and was curious about it's effectiveness and costs associated with it but I can't seem to find any un-bias information on it. What are your thoughts on it? Does it actually work or is it all a lot of commercial hype? Thanks icon_smile.gif

  22. Hi there,


    I'm 21 and I've recently been told that I would not be suitable to have a hair transplant until I was at least 26 for my own well-being. I am already on Prop & Min combination.


    I constantly see laser hair therapy advertised on tv and was curious about it's effectiveness and costs associated with it but I can't seem to find any un-bias information on it. What are your thoughts on it? Does it actually work or is it all a lot of commercial hype? Thanks icon_smile.gif

  23. Thanks for your insights & experiences guys icon_smile.gif


    So it seems to moral of the story is doctors don't know everything and you should always head for a second or even third opinion.


    I wish I could say my hair-loss/thinning was skin related & could be treatable. I've always had fine hair and I have always had a problem with a flakey scalp which in the past I've only tried basic anti-dandruff shampoos to aid. When I went to see the consultant, he actually told me it would be worth while to see a dermatologist. Sounds hopeful I suppose, but MPB seems to run in the family (both of my grandparents). Plus my diet isn't entirely shocking but it's not the best either, but I've already made changes to that so there's nothing more I can do there.


    My overall gut feeling is that it's a mix of all three of the above (MPB, skin related problem & average diet)


    I am now curious to know if it is skin-related ... what would be the outcome of my hair loss considering MPB is in the family? If it was currently primarily skin-related... is it treatable & to what extent? Also does anyone have any idea if it would be likely to be skin related from what I've mentioned above, or is this maybe a one in a hundred off chance? Of course I'll find all of this out when I go to dermatologist but I'd also love to hear some opinions of people like you! Thanks again for giving me the time!

  24. Hi guys,


    I finally found a good (recommended) hair transplant doctor and recently had my free consultation. The consultant had a look at my hair and gave me some practical advice. I was told that I would not be able to have a hair transplant for at least 5 years (I'm 21 now) because of my young age. Whilst a bit frustrated at first I was glad that I had found a group which was actually concerned about my welfare rather than my money.


    I was also informed that the best thing I could do now was get on Propecia/Proscar now and start using Rogaine or something similar, and that I should go and see my doctor about getting a prescription. So I went to go and see my family doctor, whom I have been seeing for nearly 20 years and asked for a prescription for Propecia. Without even looking at my hair, he firstly said

    "You have plenty of hair, don't worry about it".


    After explaining that I knew my hair was thinning rapidly he said that he would refer me to a dermatologist which I am seeing next month. He then said:

    "The dermatologist will tell you what the problem is, it's no doubt just a scalp problem causing the loss, and it can be fixed and your hair will grow back. Guys your age don't lose their hair. Relax."


    After a friendly debate over weather or not I needed the Propecia prescription or not he concluded:

    "Look at Bruce Willis, he lost his hair and everyone still thinks he's sexy. I don't want to prescribe a hormonal drug to a young man of your age"


    At this point I knew he wasn't going to give me the prescription so I pretended to agree with him and off I went. I was so furious that he wouldn't even listen to my concerns, firstly saying that I wasn't losing hair and then saying that it didn't matter if I did. I drove down the road and found a young doctor whom I had never seen before and got the prescription in 5 minutes.


    Of course I am seeing the dermatologist still in one month because I'd like as many opinions as possible. I understand that my original doctor was concerned about my physical well-being but what about the emotional effect of losing your hair?


    Any feedback would be an interesting read! Thanks

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