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Posts posted by platty

  1. As a newbe to the forum and somebody who knows very little about the whole HT business, I decided to ask Spex for a meet to see whether he could provide me with good advice and information.To keep it brief I will say he ticked all the boxes. A very enlightening discussion and a very knowledgable chap.I would encourage anybody thinking of going down the HT road to give him a call. Cheers.

  2. Cheers Spex and to all who have replied.I will drop you an email in the next few days for a meet.I thought about getting in touch with a chap called John Ashcoft reicon_razz.gifroscar. I was reluctant because of my gp's refusal to prescribe and also, I thought, if I was going down the route of a HT then any other prescribed help would be superflous/unnecessary. Am I correct in thinking this.I was under the impression that once hair has been transplanted, then genetically, this hair will not fall out and thus not require the help of proscar/propecia.

    Cheers-it is a relief talking about this subject to like minded people.

  3. Hi. I am new to this site.I am 41 years of age. Currently Norwwod 4.I have approached my GP who refused my request for finasteride/propecia.(I think it is because he is not aware of it!)I have no regime in place but I want to go ahead with a HT.I would like a consultation with Dr Feller-a chat I suppose just to allay ones fears etc and to answer a few questions I would have -given that he is quite a busy man has anybody requestes a pre HT chat. Thanks

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