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Posts posted by guit1980

  1. oh god i am not the only one who thinks this way.. after 8 years of hair loss I know hair matters for me. On 3 separate occasions i have had oppertunities with women who didnt even know i was bald. The first horrid experiance I was about 22, me and this girl were dating and as far as she knew i had hair, well 1 day she wanted to take off my hat to see what my hair looked like ( because the last time she actually saw it i had it) and it was never the same. Now alot of that has to do with self confidence because it really hit me hard at first. The other stories were similar. But 8 years later my hairloss as seemed to atleast slowdown i am around a 3-4 not sure but I am going to get consulted this friday about getting a hair transplant. I am 28 years old and single again after 3 years. So now i wanna get this done so i dont have to hear that little voice in my head saying you look ridiculous wear a hat! I have actaully not been wearing hats lately i dont care if people stare at it.. it just looks kinda outa place i look like a 21 year old with my hat on and a little out of place with out it on.. i think it strikes people as a little odd or something i dont know but it seems everyone my age has a full head of hair.

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